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Asiya's Diary

Asiya's Diary



Asiya Zayyad: A talented fashion designer, naive, shy, and innocent sixteen-year-old girl that went through hard circumstances to get what she wants and on the other hand she is a boss lady, nobody knows she is the billionaire behind the mask, not even her real family Ahmad Rashad: He is every bit intimidating, handsome, hot, rich, and has a soft spot for everyone close to him, he found his missing piece after being broken-hearted. He sets to protect Asiya from his dangerous friend, Salim, but he didn't realize that in the process of protecting her, he fell in love with her.

Chapter 1 PROLOGUE


She walked inside the old building that looked like it hadn't been entered in a decade, only the sound of her heels was heard while she walked majestically, her face covered, as usual.

Dressed in black from head to toe with her shades on and her red lipstick perfectly coated on her lips, the bodyguards trailing behind her, she got to an old room at the far end of the building.

One of her guards opened it for her while she entered, and there was the man who almost ruined her life, he lay almost lifeless on the cold, tiled floor. An evil smirk formed on her lips, knowing she hasn't finished with him yet, he needs to learn his lesson and tell her what she needs to hear.

"Hey sniper or whatever you call yourself," she spat with disgust and rage evident in her voice, he raised his head, finding it hard to speak but did so in between hiccups.

"Who are you, please? Am I seeing the boss lady the one that covers Forbes magazine every year? The richest and most successful fashion designer in the world? The woman with no identity?" He questioned all in one breath, not having a clue she was the the same naive girl whose life was almost ruined by him.

No answer was heard as she went to pick up a sharp knife from the old vanity table, she walked in the direction of the man, and one of the guards placed a chair for her to sit down on, she sat with her legs crossed then used the hand gesture to inform the guards to make the man sit down on the chair.

After that, she ordered all of them to leave before removing her mask. "Asiya!" Sniper yelled, the shock evident in his voice while she smirked as she kept playing with the knife in her hands.

"Yes, it's me, the same girl whose life was ruined by you four years ago, remember? But now, the only difference is that I am not the same naive girl anymore and I know you do your business on contracts so tell me who hired you to do this to me or I will chop off your hands," Asiya threatened.

"No, I won't tell you even if you kill me, it's better if I die because I will never regret what I did to you, and yes! I did it because of money. The person that hired me is very close to you," The man said, leaving Asiya perplexed with his last statement.

Asiya smirked, knowing what she'll do next will make the man confess. She used the knife to scrape his back, just like a carpenter scrapes wood.

"Even if I keep doing this?" she smirked and continued scraping the knife on his bareback.

"Ouch! Please let me live, I will tell you, I don't want to die, please," Sniper wailed. She smirked while waiting for him to answer her question. "The person that hired me to do that was none other than your best friend, Latifa," She dropped the knife out of shock, tears wanted to fall but she blinked them back, how could her only best friend do this to her, why?

"She was in love with your fiance, Ahmad Rashad, and was jealous of you, she said he was hers and only hers. And so, she thought that ruining your life and removing you from the image was the best option for her. That was why she hired me and I did my job," By the time he finished speaking, all that was on her mind was Latifa, of all people, Latifa.

Her best friend, her soul sister, the one who knew her in and out was the person that betrayed her.

She saw the man picking up the knife that she dropped on the floor, he was trying to stab her so she quickly grabbed the knife and slit it down his throat out of anger.

"He's not dead, take him to the hospital before they come to get him later," Asiya spoke to the men who were quick to nod.

She washed her hands in the old, tattered bathroom, and one of the guards opened the door for her to go out. She went outside and as usual, the guard opened the door to her rented Rolls Royce Phantom.

She entered and the convoy drove off to Transcorp Hilton. On her way, only two emotions were on her mind.

Hurt and Rage.


She trudged inside the hotel with her head held high, entered the room, and lolocked the door, she removed her mask and tossed it aside, undressed, and changed into a maroon robe.

She sat down on the bed and cried her eyes out silently, she was beyond hurt. All the people she put her trust in disappointed her.

All her life, a person she considered family, a best friend, and everything but only for that trusted friend that she opened up to, to betray her trust because of a man!

She cried till there were no tears left. She then stood up and strutted to the bathroom, showered and performed ablution then came back and dressed in an umbrella gown.

She battled into her hijab and spread out the prayer mat then prayed, prolonging her prostrations. She uttered a salam then went on yet another prostration.

Asiya cried her eyes out to Him, for Him to forgive her for her sins, for Him to protect her and help her out of the situation because He is omniscient.

She prayed for everything and her family, she prayed for Ahmad and everyone that she cares about before getting up and folding the prayer mat. By the time she finished, it was already 10:30 a.m.

"Omg! Mother must be wondering why I took so long," She gasped and quickly grabbed her bag and phone, put on her mask and picked up the key to her new BMW series 5, ran to the car, and zoomed off, nothing like the billionairess one would say.

She arrived at Rashad's mansion home, removed her mask, and entered, as though she wasn't the one who finished crying less than three hours ago.

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