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You Are My Mate, Ever

You Are My Mate, Ever



Beta Black had clarified that he would never take a mate, but following his beliefs was becoming increasingly difficult because Wolf could not resist their mutual attraction. Once he touched and tasted the beautiful Aileen, the wolf couldn't help but want her his mate. Can one night give two people what they so desperately want, or will the reality of who they are tear them apart?

Chapter 1 Pack Wolves

Aileen realized she was in complete shit. She urgently needed to recover from several cocktails in which she had drowned her sadness all evening in a werewolf bar. A glass crashed into the wall next to her, beer splashed on her skin, and she shifted in her chair, trying to be as inconspicuous as possible.

Someone's body fell near the feet. The fallen wolf growled from the strong impact on the floor and tried to get to his feet. She stood up quickly, knocking over her chair.

She didn't want to be part of the fight, but it seemed like she was given no choice. Drunk idiots were doing their best to beat the crap out of each other. She found herself squeezed into the far corner of the bar, and the only way out would be to fight her way through the press of struggling bodies.

"Oh shit," she muttered.

From her high position, Aileen assessed the situation and was convinced that the trap had slammed shut. Two wolves got into a fight over a football game, and it soon turned into a brawl that engulfed the entire bar. At least forty wolves were involved. Several she-wolves managed to run out into the street, and she was jealous of them since she had no opportunity to follow their example.

At this moment, she bitterly regretted that she had not stayed home. She just wanted to spend the evening, angry at the blows of the bitch fate and trying to forget Mark and his so-called love with a couple of glasses of alcohol.

The two wolves grappled and wrestled, still standing. They crashed into the wall near her and tripped over a man who was still trying to lift his drunken body from the wreckage of the table. Both fell on top of him. She looked around the room desperately again, hoping that everyone would just stop fighting.

The doors remained open and she saw several unusually tall men enter the bar. They all wore the same black uniform and police riot gear. Their black helmets, body armor on their torsos, and shield-covered faces were what she had longed to see. Help has already arrived, these guys know their stuff and will quickly take control of the situation. She felt joy and relief.

She wasn't the only one who noticed the police. Several drunks, fearful of possible arrest, straightened up in the path of the entering men, and she screamed as someone fell again near her table, which could not withstand another blow and overturned. The girl tried to grab onto something - anything - but she ended up falling to the floor on her butt.

Pain shot through her spine, leaving her frozen in shock, but when someone almost stepped on her toes, she immediately came to her senses and tried to tighten her arms and knees. She desperately crawled to another table to hide under it, because, as practice had shown, being on top was not a good idea. But she never made it there.

Something large and hard landed on her back, flattening her on the floor, and knocking the air out of her lungs. It was a man, he was incredibly heavy and had no intention of getting up. Soon another body landed on top of the first, pinning her to the hard surface of the floor. Their weight was enough to make her choke.

Someone swore loudly, stumbled, slammed his heel into the girl's thigh, and fell with all his weight on her legs. She moaned in pain. But the situation became even more desperate when other men also began to stumble and fall on her.

Life was slipping away, everything around her was fading into darkness, and she had no choice but to accept her fate.

Black the Beta of the Pack was angry he just visited the bar. He looked with irritation at the men he had managed to gather in such a short time. "Don't hurt stupid drunk people. Let's just separate them and get out of here!"

None of his pack wolves wanted to be here. They would prefer to carry out their duties in the pack. Contact with people never promised anything good. The wolves were not like ordinary people, and therefore many were afraid of them. The mixed genes of humans and animals changed not only their appearance, but also made them stronger and faster, and most people could not accept someone so different.

The two drunk men closest to Black only noticed him when he grabbed them by the shoulders and pushed them away from each other. One look at the angry wolf was enough for them to run away - the fear of him was stronger than the anger and desire to continue the fight. He moved towards the next pair of fighters, squeezed between them.

"Stop!" He growled and did not hesitate to use fear as a way to free the bar.

A woman's scream came from the far end of the room, and Black's head jerked in that direction. His gaze settled on a red-haired woman standing on a table, wedged in the far corner of the room, but she suddenly fell to the floor and disappeared from his sight. The woman seemed scared.

He turned his gaze to his wolves, who were leading people outside, but it was not fast enough to reach the woman without hindrance. He looked again at the place where she had disappeared. He was taller than the people and had a better view, but he still couldn't find her in this crowd.

What does a little human woman do in the middle of a fight? He didn't know the answer to this question, but it was obvious that this whole situation was completely devoid of common sense. Human women are fragile and non-aggressive. His instincts screamed that she was in danger. He decided to save this little red-haired woman and began to make his way in that direction.

"Get out!" he growled at drunken people, grabbing them as he moved and throwing them to the sides. The little woman was still nowhere to be seen, but when he looked again at the corner where he had last seen her, he couldn't help but notice the pile of men lying on the floor.

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