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Eclipsed by the Alpha's Touch

Eclipsed by the Alpha's Touch



"You don't belong here, Selene." The words echoed in her ears as Selene, the worthless omega of the Ravenspire pack, endured the daily torment of her classmates. Her father's betrayal had made her the outcast, the one everyone despised. No matter how hard she tried to blend into the shadows, she couldn't escape their cruel taunts and glares. Elijah, the alpha's heir, had no reason to care. Dominant and strong, he was destined to lead, outranking his father. But something about Selene's quiet strength called to him. At first, he pitied her-a fragile girl cast aside for sins that weren't her own. Yet as he watched her face the cruelty of the world with silent resilience, pity transformed into something much deeper. "Selene," Elijah murmured one day, stepping closer, "you deserve better than this." Despite the pack's disapproval and the weight of their families' past, Elijah found himself falling for the omega no one cared about. But Selene was torn between love and revenge, he was the son of her mother's killer. Still together, they must face the darkness of their pasts, the betrayal that haunts them both, and a future that dares to defy the rules of their world. He fell first, and she fell harder. But in a world where strength rules, will love be enough to rewrite their fate?

Chapter 1 When Our Paths Crossed

I shivered as the cold water hit me, soaking through to my skin.

"Look at this weak bitch," Lia giggled, clearly enjoying my helplessness. "I wonder if she'll make the same reaction if we shove her face into a hot water bath."

I vaguely looked at her with my bruised eyes. Her gaze was hooded with grimace and pure hatred. I wanted to stand up, but my legs were numb. I wanted to scream, but my voice was broken. Only warm tears streamed down my cheeks.

Lia and her friends poured another bucket of water on me. It was snowing outside, the temperature was insanely low. I tried to cover myself with my stiff hands, but they were lacking proper blood flow. God, what did I do so wrong to deserve this?

"Here comes the final boss," Lia pulled out a vial from her pocket, she looked like a menace.

I gasped when I recognised the green element inside the glass. The substance that every werewolf feared.

"No!" I shrieked, shrinking in the bathroom corner. "Please don't do this, I beg you!"

Lia just laughed at me along with her friends, showing no hint of mercy. One of them grabbed my hair and yanked my head back, another one pinned my hands down. I couldn't move at all. I watched in horror, as she slowly opened the vial and pushed the front to my mouth.

"P-please," I could only wail in pain. The toxic scent started to burn the skin of my lips. I held my breath, trying not to inhale it, but it was no use. I was just a useless omega after all, the daughter of a traitor.

"See how she's shaking! Man, wolfsbane plants really can do magic," Lia bursted into laughter. At that moment, somehow I thought to myself, even a demon probably would be less cruel than her.

I was at the verge of giving up my life. I wondered what was the point of living anyway. To live another day, to wake up in another morning, it was tiring.

"Hey, hey, fetch me a hair straightener," Lia seemed like she suddenly had an amazing idea. "Imma curve this useless bitch's skin to my artwork. Damn, this is so much fun!"

Her other two friends grinned wickedly, then stepped out of the bathroom. I shivered at the sight of her, I didn't realise that she could go more monster-likely than this.

"Do you want to see my wolf?" she asked in a sweet voice. "Tell me what you want, Selene. I will give it to you however you want."

"Let me go. Please," I whispered, whimpering in pain.

"Huh, let you go? Don't you think you're asking for too much, you worthless whore!" she yelled and kicked me in my belly.

"Stop this right now."

The voice came from the doorway, firm and commanding. I didn't recognise it, but his aura and pheromones were undeniable. It felt so familiar for some reason, my heart ached to see the person.

I opened my mouth to ask for help, but suddenly my vision blurred and everything went black.


"Do you hear me?"

I slowly opened my eyes. Bright tube lights and white walls welcomed me. I was in the school infirmary, took me a second to comprehend. What really had happened?

I turned my head to the person who was asking me a question, even though it was throbbing in pain. A pair of ocean blue eyes was staring directly at me.

"Beautiful," I murmured. That's the first thing that came to my mind. God really blessed him with immense good looks and a toned physique. His strong features were framed by wavy dark hair, making him look more enchanting. I bet he would look good at any hairstyle.

"What?" he raised an eyebrow.

I blushed a little under his stare.

"So are you okay?" he leaned closer to the bed, studying my expression. "They really did you bad, huh? You have bruises everywhere."

I gulped, unable to speak properly. Even if I recovered and went back to class again, would they leave me alone for real? Would this godly looking guy be there again to save me?

"If you take proper medication and rest, you'll be fine in a few days," he fixed the collar of his shirt. He was wearing our school's uniform, but I had never seen him before. He must be some heir of an Alpha, his presence spoke that way.

"Why they bullied you so much?"

Why? I wondered. Maybe because the powerful loved to pick on the weak? Or maybe because my father betrayed the pack? But I didn't understand why I had to suffer because of his crimes. I had nothing to do with that. Tears filled up my eyes, but I tried not to show. I didn't want this guy to know the real reason. Maybe then, he would start hating me too.

"I don't know," I whispered. "It has been always like this."

"But it's not right!" he clenched his fist, looking angry. "You should have stood up for yourself."

I just glanced at him, saying nothing. I tried though. I tried, but nothing worked. It wasn't like I enjoyed being bullied everyday.

"Never mind," his gaze softened. "Take proper rest, okay? I will deal with those girls later."

He stood up and moved to the door confidently. I had this sudden urge to ask him something.

"W-wait, what's your name?" I felt my heart beating loudly in my ears.

He tilted his head and chuckled.

"Elijah. My name is Elijah. We will see each other again, Selene."

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