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Fated To Twins

Fated To Twins

Golden Queen


In a world where werewolf politics clash with high school drama, Liana, the fierce yet mysterious daughter of an outcast Alpha, is determined to stay unnoticed. But on her first day at the new campus, she's ruthlessly bullied for her heritage. Despite ignoring the attention of Aaron-the school's golden boy and beloved by all-she unknowingly piques his interest. However, after school, things take a deadly turn as Liana embarks on a top-tier assassination mission. The target? None other than Aaron, the leader of a rival werewolf pack. But fate has other plans. A Luna bond sparks, marking Liana as the destined mate of not only Aaron but also his dangerously jealous brother. As secrets unravel and alliances shift, Liana must navigate a treacherous path where love, betrayal, and power collide. Will she choose her fate, or defy it?

Chapter 1 The Abandoned Alpha

On her first day of school, the sun barely peeked through the heavy clouds, as if the sky sympathized with the tense atmosphere surrounding Liana. She stood at the entrance of the school, her dark brown eyes observing everything without revealing a single emotion on her face, which seemed as if it had been sculpted from cold stone. There was no room for weakness in her life, not for a single moment. Every part of her slender, lithe body reflected the strength and resilience she had gained from years of training in combat and survival.

Liana felt a chill as she stood at the gates of her new school. The vast campus stretched out before her, a new challenge in her harsh life; students wandered through the corridors, chatting cheerfully, some laughing, others rushing to catch their classes. But for her, everything felt empty, as though she were trapped in her own bubble.

She wore a simple yet practical outfit: a tight black shirt that highlighted her defined muscles, and dark, comfortable pants that allowed her to move freely. A long leather coat covered almost her entire body, making her look like a shadow moving gracefully through the crowd. Her long black hair was tied back tightly so that it wouldn't hinder her movements. From afar, she seemed almost invisible, just another face in the scene, but she could feel their eyes on her, hear the whispers that hid nothing.

"Look, it's the abandoned alpha's daughter..." whispered a group of girls nearby, not even bothering to hide their mockery.

It was a title she had borne for years, but it meant nothing to her. Yes, her father had abandoned her and his pack, but at least he had trained her well. He had left her something: strength, skills, and the lesson to trust no one.

Without showing any reaction, she pushed her way through the crowd, ignoring the harsh stares and cruel whispers that followed her wherever she went. She didn't need their acknowledgment. She was here for a greater purpose.

The whispers came from a group of students standing near the entrance, all of them looking at her with disdain and scorn. They knew her story-or at least the version they'd heard: the daughter of the pack leader who had abandoned his position and left her behind.

Liana moved toward them quietly, her shoulders squared. She didn't need to prove herself to them, but she knew that weakness wouldn't be forgiven here. She took slow, deliberate steps. Her face betrayed no emotion, but her sharp eyes watched them all, as though she could read their thoughts.

There were three boys and a girl, all dressed in expensive clothes that spoke of their social status in this wealth-driven society. The girl wore a tight, glittering dress that exaggerated her figure, and her green eyes gleamed with malice. "I can't believe they let someone like you in here..." the girl said in a biting tone, as though she wanted everyone's attention in that moment.

Liana's response was simple: a single look. But it was a look that carried the weight of a thousand words. The girl tensed but didn't back down, knowing she was protected. The three boys beside her were ready to step in at any moment, but Liana didn't need anyone. She wasn't afraid of them.

"The abandoned alpha's daughter... are you planning to run away like your father did?" one of the boys said loudly, and his friends laughed along with him.

In that moment, Liana felt her blood boil. His tone was sharp, provoking, seeking a reaction from her, but Liana didn't move. Her muscles were tense beneath the leather coat, every part of her body ready to strike, but she restrained herself. She didn't want to reveal her true strength now, not in front of these people.

The bullying was expected. She knew she would be the center of attention. Her presence here wasn't by chance, nor was it out of a desire to mingle with others. She was here for a specific mission. But still, it was hard to ignore the disdain radiating from that group.

As she headed toward the school doors, she bumped into someone. The collision wasn't intentional, but it was enough to draw everyone's attention. She paused for a moment and lifted her eyes to meet a pair of cold blue ones.

The person she had bumped into was Aaron. He stood a few inches taller than her, his body taut, muscles defined under the white shirt that was part of the school uniform. His light brown hair fell freely over his forehead, as if he didn't care about keeping it neat. But what caught her attention the most were his eyes-blue like the ocean, cold and unyielding, yet they held something mysterious.

She found herself staring into those bright blue eyes, something in them made her feel as though she was sinking. Something about him drew her in. He wore his uniform like a leader commanding an army, with a few students beside him who looked like his followers.

"Watch out," Aaron said in a calm yet deep voice. His tone wasn't hostile, but rather filled with curiosity.

Liana didn't respond. She had no interest in speaking to him. She continued on her way without giving him any further attention, as if he hadn't been there at all.

But the boy didn't move either. Instead, he looked at her as though trying to decipher something, as if he knew something no one else did. "Strange... I haven't seen you here before."

"Ah, you're the new one, right?" Aaron continued with a confident smile.

Liana ignored him completely and kept walking without uttering a word. This puzzled the student, but he didn't try to follow her. He was used to girls talking to him right away, or at least showing some interest. But this one had shown him nothing but complete disdain.

"Who is she?" one of his followers asked.

"We'll find out soon enough..." the young man said, his tone filled with an unusual curiosity. To him, Liana was just a new mystery, and how he loved solving mysteries.

Liana paused for a moment, taking a deep breath before continuing on her way. But she could feel his sharp gaze following her until she disappeared from sight.

Inside the classroom, the long nights of grueling training and pressure had made her capable of controlling everything. She sat at the back of the room, isolated from everyone, but observing. Her eyes moved quickly from face to face, analyzing every movement, every glance, every whisper. She knew that many of them saw her as an outsider, an intruder. She didn't have time to dwell on their feelings. She was here for one mission, and she couldn't afford to let anyone get in her way.

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