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Betrayed By One, Chosen By Another

Betrayed By One, Chosen By Another



Betrayed by her best friend and rejected by her mate on the day of her own wedding, Isabella Stormfang comes across Lycan King Ethan Bloodmoon who promises revenge against Logan Ravensong and Elena..

Chapter 1 Isabella's POV


I felt a smile of giddy happiness stretch across my lips as Logan strolled confidently towards me down the aisle. Yes, he was late, and it wasn't customary for brides to wait for their grooms at the altar, but I couldn't care less. I was finally marrying the man of my dreams, and a little tardiness wasn't going to ruin my day. I expected to see the same look of unbridled joy on Logan's face, or even one interspersed with a mildly nervous expression. When Logan was close enough for me to study, however, the expression on his face wasn't one I could decipher. Our eyes didn't meet as he came to a stop in front of me and the stately priest who cleared his throat self-importantly and began the ceremony.

"Cutting it pretty close, aren't you?", I joked in a whisper, smiling besottedly at the man who would make me the happiest woman on earth.

His eyes stayed firmly affixed on the ground, not even giving the slightest response to my attempt at breaking the sudden tension between us. With a confused tilt of my head, I let his strange behavior go, attributing it to wedding nerves, ignoring the small voice reminding me that Logan was one of the most confident people I knew. He was after all, the Alpha of the Ravensong Pack.

"And do you", the priest said to me, "Isabella Stormfang take Alpha Logan Ravensong as your lawfully beloved mate?"

I smiled serenely, but inwardly, I was squealing with joy.

"I do", I said loudly, all the better for the pack members present to hear.

The priest turned to Logan who now looked mildly nauseated.

"Do you, Alpha Logan Ravensong take this shewolf, Isabella Stormfang as your lawfully beloved mate?"

I could almost feel the congregation - me included - lean forward in anticipation. This union was one that was widely waited for by all. The daughter of the prestigious Stormfang Alpha and the Alpha of Ravensong. It was a match made in heaven.

Logan took a deep breath, looking resolved. I smiled encouragingly at him, raising an eyebrow.

"I..." He paused, then took another breath. "I don't."

I smiled stupidly for a moment, thinking he'd given the right answer before my brain finally registered what he said. What?

The priest faltered, staring at Logan with an aghast expression on his face and the crowd seemed confused. Had they heard right?

"Um...Alpha?", The priest stuttered, looking at Logan questioningly.

Logan finally met my eyes and the expression in them was a perplexing disgust and rage, the reason of which I couldn't pinpoint.

My face grew ashen beneath my bridal makeup and the hand holding my bouquet sweated.

"I don't accept her", Logan repeated loudly, to the loud murmurs of the congregation.

"What?" My voice was shrill with disbelief and I wiped my other hand - the one Logan's ring was supposed to go on - on the skirt of my dress.

Logan scoffed and shook his head disgustedly. "Did you really think I would accept you, Isabella? After what you did?"

I shook my head. What I did? "What... What did I do?" My voice was pitifully small, not at all like the confident one I'd used to proclaim that I would have Logan.

He raised a derisive eyebrow. "You're going to play the dumb game?" He rolled his eyes. "You've always been good at deception.*

I wanted to take a step towards him, but I felt as though I was glued to the floor. "Logan, I don't know what you mean. What's happening?"

"You threatened to have Elena killed, that's what!", He burst out.

The congregation gasped in horror while I just furrowed my brow in confusion. I ignored their aghast murmurs as I searched my mind for what might have set Logan off. He was usually so calm, I couldn't imagine what he believed about me now to act this way, even going as far as doing it before an audience.

"Who's Elena?", I asked dumbly.

The rage on Logan's face was so palpable I took a scared step backwards.

"Stop lying, Isabella. Everyone knows what you did", he hissed.

I managed a disbelieving laugh. "Except me, it seems!", I cried.

Logan ran a hand through his intricately styled hair, mussing it up. "I knew I never should've agreed to this sham of a marriage. I should have listened to my gut."

I was getting hysterical, and quick.

"Sham?", I shrieked. "This isn't a sham!" My bouquet fell out of my slack grip and the congregation obviously took it as an omen. An enterprising little girl rushed out of the front pew, snatched it up, and raced back to her mother, giggling. Her mother tried to pry it from her fingers and she let out a shrill scream so very similar to the one I wanted to let out.

"Oh, come off it", Logan snapped impatiently. "We both know the real purpose of this wedding is to help you and your family! Your pack needs the alliance with Ravensong! You never even loved me!"

I felt all the air rush out of my lungs with an audible whoosh. That Logan would bring up something he and my father had talked about in secret to light in such an unfeeling way was like a knife to my heart. His implication that I had no feelings for him was like twisting the said knife.

"That's a lie, and you know it, Logan", I said, voice thick with tears. "You know I'm in love with you. Everything else doesn't matter. You love me too, you said so yourself."

"I lied! I'm in love with Elena and obviously, you were so jealous that you told her you'd have her and our child killed!"

The sudden hush that fell over the church told Logan he'd said something he wasn't supposed to. He faltered, then plowed on.

I staggered back. "Your child?"

Logan stared at me expressionlessly. "Elena's pregnant."

"Elena...you have a secret lover?!", I yelled, suddenly seething. "You bastard!"

"I told you to drop the act!", He suddenly yelled back. "You knew about my relationship with Elena. You knew she was pregnant!"

"I knew nothing! If I did, what makes you think I would have agreed to marry you?"

"You need my help!"

"I do not! My father's pack has managed long before you came into the picture, and we'll continue to! I wanted to marry you because I love you!"


"Don't fucking say that again!", I shrieked. "How shameless are you? Accusing me of a crime I didn't even commit! And on our wedding day too!"

"We're not fucking getting married!", Logan shouted. "Or you're not."

Suddenly, he turned and stalked to the second pew. There, he stopped and held his hand out expectantly. I watched with horror as a pretty woman in a pink dress smiled bashfully and took it. Elena.

My mouth fell open. She was Elena? She'd barely been in the pack for three months? When had their 'relationship' even begun and how was she pregnant so quickly?

Logan led her back to the altar, looking at her with hearts in his eyes. He'd never once looked at me that way.

"Logan Ravensong", I hissed. "You will not disgrace me so thoroughly. This wedding will go on!"

The Alpha of Ravensong ignored me and instead, stood in front of the priest with his pink slut hanging off his arm.

"Father*, he said, "this is the woman I would love to marry. Wed us instead."

"You will do no such thing!", I shrieked, ignoring the snide looks I was getting and the running makeup from my eyes. I turned a furious glare on Elena and she took a scared step back, looking every bit like the innocent doe she no doubt pretended she was.

There she stood, looking positively virginal in her pink dress, clutching Logan's arm, while I stood on his other side in my wedding dress, looking the picture of a jilted bride.

The priest cleared his throat. "I'm sorry, Alpha, but I can't do that. You were supposed to be wed to Miss Isabella here. Marrying another woman after what you've just done to her would be the height of discourtesy."

Discourtesy indeed. The man couldn't even tell his alpha that he was being a colossal ass.

Logan sneered. "In that case, I'm done here. Goodbye, Isabella."

He turned to go with his pretty little thing and I snatched her arm. She yelped.

"When have I ever spoken to you?", I demanded violently. "When did I threaten you? Answer me!"

She pouted and tears gathered in her eyes. I scowled at her obvious act. Logan shoved me backwards suddenly, making me stagger a few steps back. Elena put a hand on his arm as if trying to calm him. My eyes shot daggers at her.

"Don't touch her. Ever", he growled. "Now, leave my pack."

"What?", I asked, suddenly quiet. "Logan, you can't do that."

Both his eyebrows raised in an expression I used to once adore. "Can't I?"

I began to sob again, in earnest. "Logan please. I - I'll do anything, just..."

I hurried forward and grabbed his arm. "Don't leave me..."

He shook me off irritatingly. "Leave, Isabella. There's nothing here for you."

With that, he turned and walked away, led by the devil in pink. There was a ripping sensation in my chest that had me doubling over, then sliding to the floor, clutching my broken heart and sobbing.

The members of the congregation began to file out individually. Occasionally I would hear their barely concealed whispers.

"I always knew there was something wrong with her..."

"She's definitely capable of that..."

"Look how pitiful she looks..."

"I bet that's just an act..."

I plugged my fingers into my ears and screamed out loud. It was a scream of pain, heartbreak, betrayal. It was a scream that promised vengeance.

The priest placed soothing fingers on my shoulder. When I stared at him murderously, he took a tentative step backwards, before hurrying away, leaving me to my tears.

The church had emptied out quickly, leaving me feeling the way it was. Hollow. I suppose I should've known that the happiest day of my life would turn out to be the absolute worst and the man who had made me happy would turn into a nightmare.

I sniffled, the sound echoing in the empty space. A fitting end to the day, nothing special. Just a weeping bride in an empty church.

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