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Deadly Devotion

Deadly Devotion

Hazel Spark


In a Mafia world where power and fear reign, was a Dangerous Mafia Lord with an iron fist. He was a feared figure who murders without mercy. LUCIFER was his name, A nickname at that. His real identity and name remains a mystery, not even a skilled hacker can get his identity. His heart was as hard as rock and Cold as an Ice, the word Love is what he hated to hear in his world. Whereas, He has an obsession with a really expensive Gold chain which was given to him by someone special to him. Not until, a lady stole it. Who is she? TATIANA MORETTI!!! Tatiana Moretti was an Innocent 19 year old lady, she lived a simple life just as she wanted not until life took turns for her. Her father had borrowed a huge amount of money from a loan shark for a business purposes but it crashed unfortunately. He fell in a terrible subsequent sickness at that period as Tatiana was the only one her father has. With dramatic measures, a friend of hers told her about a particular gold chain that belongs to a powerful mafia, it cost billions of dollars and Tatiana became interested in it. She was told about the dangers but she didn't mind since she can save her father with the money. Despite the danger, she manages to steal the chain, but Lucifer is hot on her heels. She led her herself into the devil's web, and soon, she found herself trapped in it, dancing to the tune of the music she created. Lucifer found himself going deep into her world as she became his loyal plaything, his entitlement, his doll, his own property..... Was she able to get away with the devil's Gold chain?

Chapter 1 EXCHANGE




A man in his 50's could be seen sitting on the couch dejectedly, he has been pondering with different thought.

He had actually just lost everything he had worked for.

How will he tell his daughter!

They are not rich but they are comfortable themselves.

Instantly, his phone rang and he checked the caller id to see who he doesn't want to talk to.

He placed the phone in his ears.


"Antonio, you're taking my time!" A voice barked from the other end.

"I'm sorry I'll get it soon!" He replied.

"Soon!!! For over a month now Antonio! I'm not Joking Antonio, I need my 2 million dollars" The man added.

"I'm sorry, everything went down the drain......the business I wanted to use it for collapse. Please give me more time!" He pleaded.

"No excuses Antonio, I'll give you just 2 days to provide that money, I don't care where you'll get it from......I need my money!" The loan shark snapped and ended the call.

Antonio dropped the phone and he sighed.

Where is going to get such huge amount of money from!?

Suddenly, a girl in her 20's came in, her face beaming with smiles on her beautiful features.

She saw he father in the position she had left him earlier and she furrowed her brows.

"Papa!" She called and went to Antonio.


"The loan shark again!?" She asked, worries filled in her voice and he nodded.

"Where are we supposed to get the money!"

He wanted to say something when he suddenly felt a pang of pain on his chest and he held it tightly, coughing.

"OMG, The heart ache!" She mumbled as he started coughing out blood.

"Oh no, I need to get the pills!" She hastened her words as her eyes roamed around. She quickly ran upstairs and went to his drawer.

She brought out a tablet only to find it completely empty.

"Shit!" She cursed and rushed downstairs.

"Papa, you didn't tell me that you've used up your pills!" She complained but he continued coughing stretching his hands towards her.

She took the cup of water from the table and gave him to drink but still the cough didn't subside.

"What am I going to do!" She mumbled pacing while patting her father.

"I need to get another!" She said determinedly and faced Antonio.

"Wait a bit papa, I'll be right back. Okay!!" She held his shoulders giving him her assuring words before leaving in a haste.

Antonio cough harder as the blood stained his clothes, Soon he started losing his breath as he became weaker than he was earlier.

"I'm.....sorry.....Ana!" He mouthed before limping on the ground unconsciously.



Three men was sighted with a suitcase with them leaning on a car obviously waiting for someone.

They were restless as they keep checking their wristwatch.

"Does he loves keeping people waiting!" One of them asked.

Instantly, a car drove roughly to the path parking immediately.

Three men dressed in suit came out with a briefcase and walked to them.

"You should apologize for keeping us waiting!" The one obviously to be the leader asked.

"Why should we apologize Matteo!"

"You nitwit, you kept us waiting for an hour!" The right hand man barked.

"I'll rather keep my apology in my butt than say it!" Blaze fired back, his voice stern.

"Let get to business instead!" Matteo smirked facing his right hand man.

"Garry!" He called and he came forward.

He gave them their suitcase and Blaze collected it checking the content.

Matteo other men came to him.. "Lucifer isn't with them!" He whispered and Matteo smirked.

"My chance!" He mouthed.

Blaze nodded on checking through the drugs as he gave the briefcase filled with cash to Garry.

Garry collected it and checked it before nodding in approval...

"Nice doing business with you!" Blaze muttered giving the suitcase to the Scar beside him.

"Are you sure it authentic!" Scar asked and he nodded.

"Sure!" Matteo smiled leaning into his car making Matteo suspicious.

"Blaze, I think there is something suspicious here, Matteo has an ulterior motive!" Onyx whispered to Blaze who furrowed his brows.

Instantly, over 20+ men surrounded them and Matteo chuckled hard on the spot.

"F*ck, I expected this!" Blaze grinned bringing out his pistol, Scar and onyx did too.

"You can't escape this Blaze, Lucifer isn't in sight, Give back the drugs and I'll spare your life!" Matteo smirked.

"Oh! Really!" Blaze grinned, instantly, he pulled the trigger as he shot one of Matteo men dead.

"Fire!" Matteo yelled and his men pulled their trigger on Blaze and his two other men.

"Matteo!" Onyx called.

"Focus onyx!!" Blaze snapped dodging the some of the bullet.

The three kept on dodging not until Matteo was being shot in his arm.

"Argh!" Blaze groaned using his other hand to aim the pistol at Matteo men.

Onyx and Scar were also shot but they refused to give up.

"You should have just obeyed Blaze, you started this yourself!" Matteo smirked.

Garry moved forward wanting to take the briefcase filled with drugs from them when a sudden sharp knife from nowhere cut his hand into two immediately and he screamed.

"Ahhhhhhhh!" Blood started rushing out of the spot as he fell on the ground.

Matteo faced the direction of where the knife came from and his eyes went wide on seeing a dark figure from afar.

He covered his eyes with a hat as usual, only his lips were visible.

"Lu......cifer!" He stammered as he stepped back slowly trying to enter his car.

Lucifer came forward immediately.

"You'll regret this Matteo!" His bass cold voice came and Matteo shriked in fear.

No one dares Lucifer!

"Shoot!" Matteo yelled and his men started releasing bullet on Lucifer but he was too fast as he shot them all dead instantly.

"F*ck!" He cursed when he saw Matteo driving off on his car leaving Garry in his own pool of blood

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