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Billion dollar baby

Billion dollar baby



Maya's world was shattered after a one-night stand with billionaire David, whom she met while working as a bartender, ended in ruthless abandonment, leaving her pregnant and heartbroken. She confronts him, only to be met with a cruel dismissal: "You're nothing but a disposable mistake. I don't know you, and I don't care." Five years later, Maya's built a new life as a devoted mother to their son, Tristan, and a successful model, with the loving support of her partner, Ethan. But when she's booked for a high-profile modeling gig alongside David, the past comes roaring back. David's gaze still burns with intensity, and he's forced to confront the consequences of his actions. "I was blind to the damage I caused," he says. "But seeing you now, I realize I was wrong to dismiss you so easily." David's seemingly perfect life with his actress wife, Tessy, was a facade - their marriage was loveless and suffocating. As Maya and David's entanglement deepens, the cracks in his facade begin to show. Maya's fury and desire for revenge ignite, threatening to consume her. Can David win back the trust of the woman he wronged, and the son he never knew?

Chapter 1 One

Maya's pov

I walked through the crowded club, my feet aching from a long night of serving drinks. The thumping music and sweaty bodies made me feel like I was drowning.

As I handed a Martini to a waiting customer, my gaze drifted to the clock. Only thirty minutes until my shift ended.

"Hey pretty," a guy said as he stepped in front of me. My nose twisted in disgust at the terrible odour of alcohol reeking from his body.

I pushed him out of my way. Just then, Zoe, my roommate and best friend, burst into the club, her bright smile a beacon amidst the chaos. "Hey, girl!" she exclaimed, joining me behind the bar.

"Welcome to another crazy night," I teased, relieved she was taking over.

Zoe nodded sympathetically. "Go change and get out of here. I made dinner; just relax."

I hugged her, grateful for her thoughtfulness. "Thanks, babe. Love you."

After changing into comfortable sweatpants and a hoodie, I pulled up my hood and slipped on my headphones, ready to face the cool night air.

As I walked home, the silence was a welcome relief from the club's noise . Our apartment was just a ten-minute walk away. Lost in thought, I didn't notice the stumbling figure until he nearly collided with a car.

My instincts kicked in, and I rushed to steady him. He turned, locking gazes with me. The unmistakable features of David, the wealthy billionaire who frequented our club for business meetings, left me breathless.

"Who are you?" he slurred, his eyes narrowing. "Trying to steal from me?"

"I'm not stealing from you," I replied firmly. "You're in no shape to be out here alone. Let me help."

David's gaze lingered, then he handed me his car keys. "Take me home." I hesitated but I had no choice because leaving him alone was dangerous in the area.

"Your address," I asked after struggling to get him inside the car. He closed his eyes, ignoring me but when I tapped him, he jolted awake.

"What is it?" David demanded, irritation evident in his voice. "I need your address," I said with a sigh.

He punched somethings in the GPS and I got the direction to his house. As I drove, I stared at his handsome face which was closed, and couldn't help but wonder why he drank this much.

The GPS led me to a stunning mansion. As we pulled into the compound, a staff member helped David out of the car.

"Thank you," David said to his staff, his eyes crinkling at the corners before he turned to me.

"Young lady, thank you so much for helping me. I don't know what would have happened if you didn't bring me here," He said, his voice laced with appreciation.

I nodded, sad he didn't recognize who I was. "I'm glad you are home safe. I have to go home now."

He shook his head, disagreeing. "You can't go home alone this late. It's not safe."

My heart skipped a beat at his concern. "What do we do now?" I asked, biting my lower lip in worry. It was indeed late and dangerous out there alone.

"You'll spend the night here, and I'll drive you back tomorrow," He replied. I blinked my eyes in disbelief. Was he really asking me to spend a night in his home?

The lover girl in me squealed with excitement, but I still hesitated. David's gentle smile put me at ease. We walked in, and the mansion's interior decoration left me awestruck.

"Do you need anything? Like water or food?" David asked, and I shook my head.

He stared at me for sometime, his eyes roaming around my body. Blush coated my cheeks at his actions. "Let's go upstairs then," he said, his voice low.

As we ascended the stairs to his room, David's shirt came off, revealing chiseled muscles that made my pulse quicken. His eyes sparkled with amusement.

"Shy?" he teased, his voice low and husky.

I shook my head, my voice caught in my throat. David's gaze lingered on mine, searching for something.

"You're beautiful," he whispered, his breath caressing my skin. In that moment, I was lost. My heart raced with excitement, and my soul felt seen.

"So beautiful, dear," he whispered again. The closeness of his body against mine almost made me moan. The fact that I was attracted to him didn't help matters.

David's lips brushed against mine, sending shivers down my spine. The kiss was gentle, yet electrifying. I felt the world tilt, and my senses come alive.

As we broke apart, David's eyes sparked with desire. "You're not like anyone I've met," he said.

"Why did you say that?" I asked. "I felt something through the kiss. I want you," he replied, his voice came almost like a plead.

I smiled, feeling a connection I couldn't explain. My heart swelled with emotion. Without another word, David swept me into his arms, and I knew I was his for the night. His touch ignited a fire within me.

"I'm yours," I whispered, surrendering to the passion. As our lips met again, the room melted away. Time stood still and nothing else mattered.

I was living my dream, I had always wanted him. David was someone I had always admired anytime he came for meetings but he never noticed me.

"Your body is a work of art," he said as he removed my hoodie. I moaned when he attached his lips on my nipple. The feeling was heavenly.

He kissed my down to my stomach and I shivered, desire consuming me. I watched him as he took off his pants, his shaft slapping against his stomach.

My eyes widened at the sight, and when he sensed my discomfort, his eyes softened. "I will be gentle," he whispered. I gulped, my eyes closed as he slipped it in me.

He waited until I adjusted to his size. I moaned when he began to move. And as the night consumed us, I gave him my all.

My heart. My soul. My everything.

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