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Walls of hate

Walls of hate



Jeon, a powerful and ruthless billionaire mafia boss, thrives in a world where emotions are a weakness and every relationship is a transaction. When business complications arise, he makes a calculated move to marry his secretary, Hyunjin, in a cold, contractual arrangement. Hyunjin, quiet but resilient, finds himself thrust into a world of danger and deception, agreeing to the marriage out of necessity, not affection. As they navigate their complicated agreement, the lines between duty and desire begin to blur. Both men guard their hearts, but in the unpredictable world of crime and power, true feelings start to surface. What starts as a marriage of convenience slowly turns into something far more complex, leaving Jeon and Hyunjin questioning whether they can survive this world-and each other-without falling in love. Their journey will be filled with tension, mystery, and unexpected passion, where trust becomes the most dangerous weapon of all.

Chapter 1 A deal with the de

The ticking of the clock in Jeon's luxurious office echoed through the spacious room, filling the silence between him and Hyunjin. The young secretary sat across from his boss, his posture straight and his hands folded tightly in his lap. The tension in the air was palpable, as if both of them understood the weight of the conversation that was about to unfold.

Jeon leaned back in his leather chair, eyes as cold and unreadable as ever. His reputation as a ruthless billionaire mafia boss preceded him, and Hyunjin had witnessed firsthand how effortlessly Jeon destroyed anyone who dared oppose him. Despite the power radiating off the man before him, Hyunjin kept his gaze steady, his heart pounding against his ribs.

"I won't repeat myself, Hyunjin," Jeon said, his voice low but firm. "The merger with the Japanese syndicate depends on my marital status. They want to know that I'm a stable family man-someone they can trust in business."

Hyunjin swallowed hard, his mind racing. He had been Jeon's secretary for two years, never once imagining that his duties would extend beyond office work. But now Jeon was asking him to become more than a secretary. He was asking him to be his husband.

"It's only for show," Jeon continued, sensing Hyunjin's hesitation. "A contract marriage, nothing more. You get paid handsomely, and in return, you play the role of my loving spouse. After a year, we'll dissolve the arrangement, and you'll be free to go back to your life."

Hyunjin clenched his fists under the table, his thoughts battling between logic and fear. A contract marriage? It sounded absurd. Ridiculous, even. But this was Jeon-there was nothing the man did that wasn't calculated. There had to be a deeper reason behind this.

"And if I refuse?" Hyunjin asked quietly, knowing full well that defying Jeon wasn't an option.

Jeon's eyes darkened, his expression hardening. "That wouldn't be wise, Hyunjin."

Hyunjin's stomach twisted. He knew what refusal meant. It meant losing his job, his protection, and possibly more. But agreeing to this marriage meant stepping into a life he wasn't prepared for-one filled with lies, deception, and danger. He had seen what Jeon was capable of. Being tied to him in any way, even if it was just on paper, was a risk.

Jeon stood, walking around the desk until he stood before Hyunjin, towering over him. "I don't expect you to love me. This is purely a business transaction. But I do expect loyalty. You'll stand by my side, no questions asked."

Hyunjin hesitated, then slowly nodded, his voice barely above a whisper. "Fine. I'll do it."

Jeon's lips curved into a smirk, but there was no warmth in his eyes. "Good choice."

As Jeon turned back to his desk, Hyunjin couldn't shake the feeling that he had just made a deal with the devil.

Little did he know, this was only the beginning. The contract might say one year, but neither of them could predict how long it would take for their hearts to break through the carefully constructed walls they both lived behind.

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