In a desolate world, nine-year-old Daisy finds herself homeless and lost, scavenging for food and survival. One stormy night, she collapses from exhaustion on the streets. A sleek black car arrives, and Damond, a blind man known for his cold demeanor, senses her presence and approaches her. This unexpected encounter sets them both on a journey marked by struggle, resilience, and the hope that can emerge in dark times.
Kneeling on the cold, hard floor in front of him, I felt a wave of emotions wash over me as tears streamed down my cheeks. "Sir," I began, my voice shaky and filled with desperation.
"I'm completely alone in this world. I've been an orphan since I was nine-no family, no friends, no one who cares for me. Please, I can help you.
I want to be clear: I'm not looking for a romantic relationship; the age difference is just too much," I insisted, hoping my sincerity would resonate with him.
Yet, my heartfelt plea only seemed to fuel his frustration. He leaned back slightly, ran a hand through his hair, and narrowed his eyes at me.
"Hey, lady, you're really pushing my buttons," he snapped, his tone sharp and impatient.
Without waiting for me to respond, he waved dismissively at his bodyguards, signaling for them to escort me out. My heart sank as they approached, the hope I'd clung to beginning to fade into despair.
This girl was testing my patience. The nerve of her to casually mention "eye" when she knew perfectly well I was blind-was she mocking me? Irritation bubbled inside me, tempting me to have my bodyguard drive her away. But then her voice cracked, and I felt the weight of her sorrow cutting through my anger. Even without seeing her, the sound of her quiet sobs tugged at something deep within me.
With a sigh, I signaled for my bodyguard to step back, inviting Daisy to come closer. "What's your name?" I asked, trying to keep my voice steady.
"Daisy," she replied, her voice trembling.
"Daisy," I repeated, letting the name linger as I considered my next words. "I have a proposition for you." I paused, gauging her reaction before continuing. "You'll need to play the role of my wife in front of my family."
I could hear her sharp intake of breath, a mix of confusion and surprise. "You'll be living with me until I find a suitable partner," I explained, outlining the terms clearly. "You'll be nothing more than a stand-in for now. In return, I'll pay you one hundred thousand dollars a month. The commitment lasts for six months."
A moment of silence filled the air, and I could almost feel her mind racing. "And here's something else," I added, making sure she understood the weight of my offer. "This car-it's worth five million dollars. It's yours to keep."
I sensed a rush of shock and curiosity from her. "Think it over," I urged, my voice steady. "When I return, I'll have the contract ready for you to sign. Consider the money; it's far more than what you'd expect for such a temporary role. Trust me, you'll find it hard to say no."
With that, I turned to leave, feeling a strange mix of anticipation and confidence as I walked away.
At first, fury surged through me at his condescending tone. How could anyone be so callous? But as the moments passed, that anger transformed into an unexpected sense of empowerment. This was business, after all, and deep down, I knew I had to set aside my irritation for the sake of opportunity.
I wasn't about to take on this stand-in job for free; I had bills and dreams like anyone else. The staggering salary he offered, coupled with the jaw-dropping payout at the end of the six-month contract, left my head spinning. A hundred thousand dollars each month, alongside a five million dollar black card-it was impossible to ignore.
As my initial indignation simmered down, I felt the weight of reality settling in. This was a chance-one that came with risks but also unimaginable rewards. I couldn't afford to walk away from such an offer. When he returned, I would agree to the terms and sign the contract.
Oh my God, I'm about to become a businesswoman! The thought filled me with exhilaration. Once the contract concluded, I could take a well-deserved break before pursuing another lucrative stand-in role, gathering enough capital to start building my own successful venture.
But first things first-don't get ahead of yourself, Daisy. Focus on completing this assignment with professionalism.
I reassured myself silently, proud yet determined: Don't worry, Father, Mother, Luna, and Kelvin; I'll find a way to be just fine from now on.
Chapter 1 Stand-in job
Chapter 2 A chance encounter
Chapter 3 Signing the contract
Chapter 4 Sorrow and Excitement
Chapter 5 Unforgettable past
Chapter 6 Unforgettable past II
Chapter 7 Moment of panic
Chapter 8 Sister-in-law visiting
Other books by Faviebovy