The Metal Monster
ote were the eyes, clear as rain-washed April skies, crystal clear as some secret spring sacred to crescented Diana. Their wi
e not in the irises alone; that they clustered even within the pupils - deep
acing, in their cold tranquillity than the hot flames of wrath? These eyes were not perilous - no. C
sleep. Sweet were those lips as ever master painter, dreaming his dream of the very soul of wom
lustrous topaz, cloudy, METALLIC. Like spun silk of ruddy copper; and misty as the wisps of cloud
f her throat to merge into exquisite curves of shoulder
kissing her red lips and clothing h
mysteries of the star-filled spaces; out of th
ion in the scarlet mouth, in every slumbering, sculpt
sleep to still the restless mountain tarn
s the winds of the Cosmos are to the summer breeze, t
or whispering at my ear. "Look at
ranslucent as though a soft brilliancy dwelt within it. Beside it Ruth's
olden bells; filled with that tranquil, far off spirit that was part of her - as though indeed a tiny golden chime should ring out from the silences, speak for them,
Persian - purest, m
ce chimed forth, whispered dow
ke rosy pearls; above the wrist was coiled a golden dragon with wicked little crimson eyes. The slender white h
elf Norhala thrust out a finger, touched the tear that
ion, of memory, seeme
?" she asked with t
hook h
not trou
ght which had streamed from her great eyes came. For the little azure and golden s
radiance Ruth sh
gasped. "I we
lay, a brown blotch at the
zzlement in the faint voi
no recognition of the human, nothing of kin to her. There was a faint wonder in her ey
stirs within me that it seems has long been
d to the crevice. We looked at eac
't leave him like that. At least
had reached the mo
fraid." Ruth reached little tre
s an echo of harshness, a clanging, pe
rugged his
circling about him, we walked to the crevice. Norhala waited
re. It was a tunnel, a passage hewn by human hands, its walls
r. Far, far ahead was a wan gleaming. It quivered, a
us stretched a narrow gorge, a sword slash in the body of the towering gia
o verdure of any kind. Its floor was strewn with boulders, fantas
ling. Fissures radiated from the opening, like deep wrinkles in the rock, showing
halted us; and again through the clear
ugh to herself. "It may be well to
d progressions utterly unknown to me; unfamiliar, abrupt, and alien themes that kept returning, droppings of crystal-clear jewels of sound, golden tolling
ttle flashes; glimmerings of light began to come and go - like little awakenings of eyes of soft, jeweled flames, like giant gorgeous
swirling mist. It thickened, was shot with slender shu
ny vivid sparklings. They ran together, condensed - and all thi
lightning. The cliff face leaped out, a cataract of green
e flecks of green fire cleared. A faint lambency still clung to the cliff. By it I saw that the t
, something whose touch was like that of warm metal - but metal thr
inous shape in the darkness. Swiftly we followed.
spered, "Walter -
t do you think she is - a goddess, a spirit
l human. Or how could she have commanded those things? Or have summoned the lightnings
overs about her - why, it is by that light we are making ou
- something stronger than humanness, something
seemed to me - from Norhala which was as a light for us to follow within the darkness.
ment; soft stirring all about us. I had the feeling t
all about us - going with
aid, and paused - fo
uffled clickings, like a smothered mitrailleuse. The lumines
t a hand to Ruth, held her back. Drake and Ventnor drew close to them,
om them a shaft of pale-blue phosphorescence pierced the murk. They stood, the smaller pressed against the side
idge of the dragon chamber, but flat and running out over an abyss that gaped at my very feet. All of a hundred feet they stretc
body of the monster of the hollow, its flailing arms. The
self into this anchor
ing, softly, as one would reassure a
he span stretched, sharp edged, smooth, only a slender, shimmer
host of little invisible hands, steadying me, keeping firm my feet. I looked down; the myriads of enigmatic eyes were staring, staring up a
were but a few feet more of the bridge before me. I reached its end
rrow way it was treading. And close behind, a band resting reassuringly upon its flank, strode Drake, swinging along care
ped her arm from Ruth; glided past us. On for a hundred yards or more
shielding us. One g
as raising itself. Higher it rose and higher. Now it stood, upright, a slender towe
closer, closer to the ground; touched and lay t
ven as had the baby bridge of the fortress; had lifted itself across the chasm and dro
itself. A thinking, conscious metal bridge! A metal breared us. A wanly glimmering shape drew by; halted. It was like
sed itself, the blocks that formed its neck separating into open wedges like a Brobdignagian rep
Upon it other pyramids clustered - like the spikes that guarded the back of the nightmare
by - gail
not need to! It could move as a COMPOSITE as well as in UNITS. M
fell in behind her. Looking up I caught the friend
ed like it with heaven-touching summits. I could see clearly. The place was suffused with a soft radiance as
e lighted, the Athabascans believe, by the gleaming spears of hunting gods
Norhala had vanished - or merging into
UR world or its peoples. Yet this conviction came not because of the light that had hovered about her, nor of her summonings
of the explicable, could be resolved into
n an actual consciousness foreign to earth, passionless, at least as we know passion, o
it was that had spoken in the song which were those gestures transformed into s
osmically blind TO all human emotion; that spread itself like a veil over her own consciousness; that PLATED her thought - that was a strange word - why ha
in the grip of fantasy; strove by taking minu
the smooth throat a buckle of dull gold held the sheer, diaphanous folds of the pale
thighs. The long, narrow, and high-arched feet were shod with golden sand
r folds, as glowing above th
ven life. A goddess of earth's
eyes; broke t
ithin me old thoughts, old wisdom, old questioning - al
n was gone from us, like the fading out o
light swept to the zenith, hung for a moment and withdrew. Up came pouring the lances and the streamers of the aur
sprang into
inting finger. Into the valley from the right ran a bl
rest stood
aurora rose and fell, raced and were still, the silken cloud of her tresses swirled and eddi
ike a vessel, she bathed in it. She thrust arms through the streaming, flaming locks; held them out from
nts and lambencies of deepest sapphire, of wan sapphire, flickering opalescences, irised glitterings. A moment they gleamed. Then from them came bolt upon bol
bathed her - sh
ed by a swift mist.
dropped like veils upon it, hiding all within it. Hiding