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Tom Sawyer, Detective


Word Count: 1551    |    Released on: 27/11/2017

orse rivers away down Louisiana way, and so we could go all the way down the Upper Mississippi and all the way down the Lower Mississ

de apart, dozing, and was very quiet. We was four days getting out of the "upper river," becaus

next to ourn, because the meals was always toted in there by the waiters. By and by

ut AIN'T

e is, but 'pears to me

es you th

E time or other-don't you reckon he would? Well, this one

on't! Not even whe


e to say take your choice; it was a thing that would regulate itself. Because in my nature I have always run to pie, whil

the man'


he come

ard at Elexandria,

reckon he's

notion-I never

here's another one

about him?-the wa

locked night and day both, and when you knock he won't le

ook at him. Say-the next time you're going in ther

ways behind it. He wo

over it, and

nd let me take him his breakfast in t

that's all right, he reckoned he could fix it with the head steward; and he d

g about it all night, which warn't no use, for if you are going to find out the facts of a thing, what's the sense in guessing out what ain

he knocked on the door. The man opened it a crack, and then he let us in and shut it q

unlap, where'd

glad, or both, or which, but finally he settled down to being glad; and then his color come back, though at

tell you who I am, though, if you'll swear


't any need to tell who you ar


're t'other twin, Jake. You'r

oky here, how do you co

free and candid. He never made any bones about his own case; said he'd been a hard lot, was a hard lot yet, and reckoned he'd be a hard lot plumb to the end. He said of course it was a dangerous life, and-He give a kind of gasp,

dead three years, and Brace wanted to marry Benny and she shook him, and Jubiter was working

tle-tattle, and does me good. It's been seven years and mo


ers-and t

u at all-at least only just a

says, surprised

think you are

rue?-honor bright, now.

e ain't anybody thi

'll never, never tell on me. Oh, boys, be good to a poor devil that's being hunted day and night, and dasn't show his face! I'v

l, he couldn't love us enough for it or be grateful enough

d us to turn again he was perfectly different to what he was before. He had on blue goggles and the naturalest-looking long brown

t anything left that's like

hen him and Brace will keep my secret, and I'll live with them as being

ed awhile, t

a risk-it ain't much, maybe, but it's a little. I mean, if you talk, won't people notice that your voice is just like Jubiter's;

If I'd a struck for home and forgot that little detail-However, I wasn't striking for home. I was breaking for any place where I c

his ear against it and listened, pale an

ing a gun! Lord, w

all limp and sick like, and w

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