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The Cask of Amontillado

Chapter 2 No.2

Word Count: 1068    |    Released on: 04/12/2017

E, in deep mourning, reading at a table on which lie some books and a hand-mi

cinta! is

tly) Yes, ma

know, Jacinta, yo

not my presenc

I am humble,


r, resting her elbows upon the back, and regarding her mis

another climat

den flower, but n

over some leav

nters there, nor

ver to refr

rill spirit of

!-most beauti

red soul doth d

auses] She died!

appy maiden wh


answer, and Lalage

a simil

uteous dame b

Ferdinand in the

young"-one Boss

ot so-her

ears too many"-A

[still no

far stern

very like i

ian queen, wi

rts-losing at

endeth the hist

and keep-two


and Dove

tishly) Mada

u, my good Jaci

n the librar

y Evang



If ther

spirit in Gile

ht time of my

ound-"dew sweet

chains of pearl

, and throws a vo


re, ma'am,

is very t

ed) What didst t

I don

or to vex the

served me long

hy and re

s her r

side) I ca

e jewels-no-no-

thou say, Jacint

spoken lately

d Ugo?-and wh

t?-is there n


e) Is there n



madam, y

wing those jew

now indeed, Jacinta, I t

Oh, perh

ht have sworn

ays the ring

the Count Ca

n a real diamon

I'm certain, m

ls now. But I mig


leans her head upon the table-

lage!-and is i

d!-but courage!

erished to sting

up the

st's a friend-t

-a friend will

true! now tell m

tty tale-and

ife with woe.

unken eyes, an

ong deceased

ted-Hope, th


solemn, but

arly grave un

air mirror and tru

nd to gain-no

lied who sai

e false!-fa

k enters her apartment a

fuge th

n Heaven. Think o

oul to penite

ly) I cannot pray!-My s

sounds of me

enses-go! I

s from the ga

eves me-go!-thy

h dread-thy


of thy pr

my early days!-t

eaven! think of

et that ran b

ttle sisters!-

e!-think of my

-his vows-my r

akable mise

y!-what was it th

Didst thou no

before th

k I

e 'Ti

'twere fitting

, imperative


er, this ze

this zeal is an

rucifix fit f

whereon t

ow? [he hands


that!-I tell t

d thy ebony cro

I have a cru

fix! Methinks

vow-the symbo

register should

ndled dagger and

ss wherewith a

ten in

ds are madne

pose unholy-thy

wild-tempt not

late!-oh, be n

e oath-oh, s


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