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The Children of the Castle


Word Count: 3257    |    Released on: 04/12/2017

d then ther

ything go

"to-morrow morning." In fact, I m

ng "well" means that it is not there at all, out of existence, in short, and if a thing is out of existence how can we say anything about it? Children, I

g beef-tea, and jelly, and sponge cake with her tea, and for a day or two this was all very well. She was petted, and she had lots of beef-tea, and jelly, and grapes, and

and all the rest of it, it occurred to Miss Grizzel, who had a good large bu

bed, "Tabitha, my dear, I think the child is quite well again now. It seems to me it would be well to send

hat she will be able to resume her studies the day after to-morrow-oh yes, certainl

ad ever ventured to do anything else), getting up to fetch her writing materials as she spoke. "It is such a satisfaction to consult toge

s Tabitha. "You have no reason for any

iselda made her appearance in the little drawing-room where her aunts usually sat, looking,

tructions to-morrow," she said quietly. "I think you are quit

was looking forward to the tempting plateful of jelly which Dorcas had brought her for luncheon every day since she had been ill. Altogether, she was feeling very "lazy-easy" an

unt Gr

" said Miss Gri

w they'll make my head ache again, and Mr. Kneebreeches will be

ance the ante-room clock struck twelve. "Cuckoo! cuckoo! cuckoo!" on it went. Griselda could have stamped with irritation, but somehow, in spite of he

ad not read many pages before she began to yawn, and she

oo sweet; and when she tasted it again, it seemed too strong of cinnamon; and the third taste

?" said Miss Grizzel. "Is th

n took up her book again. Miss Grizzel said nothing more, but to hersel

lled "a black frost;" not a bright, clear, pretty, cold day, but the sort of frost that really makes the world s

ide it was nearly dark, and inside it was not much more cheerful-for the fire was nearly o

ns. I would give up being a person in a minute if I might be a-a-what would I best like to be? Oh yes, I know-a butterfly. But

out suddenly

o was back behind his doors again in an instant, just as usual. There was

me out on purpose just now, but I don't care. I do hate winter, and I do hate

tom of her conscience there lurked the knowledge that what she should be doing was to be looking over her last lessons with Mr. Kneebreeches, and refreshing her memory for the next day; but, alas! knowing one's duty is by no means the same thing as doing it, and Griselda sat

oked so, for ill-humour and idleness are excellent "tirers," and will soon take the roses out of a child's cheeks, and the brightness out

when Griselda had left the room. But Miss Tabitha was busy counting her stitches, and did not give full attention to Miss Grizzel's o

again a little sigh of relief. "I was only distr

ace and hands, or let Dorcas brush her hair out nicely as usual; too cross, alas, to say her prayers! She just huddled into bed, huddling up her mind in an untidy hurry and confusion, just as she left her clothes in an untidy heap on the floor. S

and she slept very soundly. When she woke up she felt so refreshed and rested that she fancied it must be morn

t up early-I went so early to bed. I think I'll just jump out of bed and open a chin

ouds were hurrying across the "orbèd maiden's" face at such a rate, one after the other, that the light was more like a number of pale flashes than the steady, cold shining of most frosty moonlight nights. There was going to be a change of weather, and the cloud armies were collecting together from al

ed," she said to herself;

crouching in close to the cold glass. Griselda's kind heart was touched in an instant. Cold as she was, she pushed back the shutter again, and drawing a chair forw

?" thought Gris

and draw it in, and to her delight she felt that it was

y inside the room, than it managed cleverly to escape from her hand. It fluttered quietly up on to her shoulde

pt back from

y, her tone seeming to infer that she had

t it be? You're not generally so s

a little ashamed of her want of civility; "only, y

oor fingers in opening the window if you had kn

" like that, Griselda was obliged

or out whenever you like; you're not like a real bird. Of course, you wer

er voice, and she gave her head a t

o complain of, Griselda. Your time and strength must be very valua

ow yesterday had been spent? She said nothing, but she drooped h

? Can your eyes see what such good seeds grow into? They have wings, Griselda-kindnesses have wings and roots, remem

riselda humbly,

e it for the present. I have something el

to bed, cuckoo, if you please; and there's plenty of r

d," said the cuckoo. "A nice brisk walk, for instance. I


ow can you think of such a thing? Such a freezing co

"if you haven't yet learnt to trust me,

y, flew across the room, and almost before Grisel

"by the keyhole, I dare say," thought Griselda; "he can 'scrooge' himself up any way"-for a faint "Cuckoo" was to be heard on its other side. In a moment

lda could have fancied she had been running along it for half a mile or more, when at last she was brought to a standstill by finding she could go no further. Where was she? She could not imagine! It must be a part of the house she had never explored in the daytime, she decided. In front of

But it can't be a lamp, it's too bright for a lamp. It's more like the sun; but how ever could the su

the answer, soft but cl

ought Griselda; and for the first time since she had run out of her r

d again, nearer this tim

resolutely. "He has always been good and kind, and

door. It turned easily; the door opened-opened, and closed

beside her; "the light will dazzle you at first. Shut them, and

softest feather pass gently two or three times over her eyelids

isies had any sce

ou forget, Griselda, t

with her hands clasped in entreaty, but her eyes still firmly closed. "Don't say that, and I

ive the dew time to take effect," said the c


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