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Off on a Comet

Chapter 9 Inquiries Unsatisfied

Word Count: 1944    |    Released on: 18/11/2017

e shore; but owing to the increase in the earth’s convexity, and the consequent limitation of the range of vision, the rigging of the topmasts alone was visible abov

Servadac, keeping his eye

oined Ben Zoof; “there

, positively. “She is under sail; b

ct of obtaining some information about the recent startling and inexplicable events. During the twenty-seven days that she had been absent, the Dobryna, he conjectured, would have explored the Mediterranean, would very probably have visited Spain, France, or Italy, and accordingly would

th, she was enabled to hold a steady course. It seemed unaccountable that she should not use her engine, as whoever was on board, would be naturally impatien

s for a place of anchorage. The yacht was evidently making her way in the direction of the former mouth of the Shelif, and the captain was struck with the idea that he would do well to investigate whether there was any suitable

ficient depth to accommodate a vessel of moderate tonnage. A narrow channel formed a passage through the ridge of rock

in the Mediterranean, where there is scarcely any perceptible tide. What, however, seemed most remarkable, was the manifest evidence that ever since the highest flood (which was caused, in all probability, by the proximity of the b

her mainsail, and, in order to facilitate the movements of her helmsman, soon carried nothing but her two topsails, brigantine and jib. After rounding the peak, she steered direct for the channel to which Servadac by his gestures was pointing h

impetuously, “before we speak one ot

vivacity, made a stiff bow, and in his Russian accent replied: “First of all, permit me to express my surp

unt, I have never

d I now beg to offer you my sincere apologies

ptain; “we will talk of that by-and-

was about to put to y

can tell me nothing of the extent, of the catastrophe w

e than you k

can inform me whether upon the no

anean?” asked the count significantly, and

ays had been only six hours long, and that the weight of the atmosphere was so much diminished? Had he observed that the moon had quite disappeared, and that the earth had been in imminent hazard of running foul of the planet Venus? Was he aware, in short, that the entire motions of th

to estimate. Some mysterious force seemed to have brought about a convulsion of the elements. Our engine was damaged, nay disabled, and we drifted entirely at the mercy of the terrible hurricane that raged during the succeeding

“Your island is the fi

e extent of the disaster,” cried the captain, eagerl

sir, even should you require t

will suffice for the present, I

t shook

the tour of the Mediterranean will

t for a time remained sile

w much of the African coast still remained, and to carry on the tidings of their own experiences to Algiers; or, in the event of the southern shore h

and rough seas be both tedious and difficult. The stock of coal on board was adequate for two months’ consumption; but as it would at the e

not very serious; and in three days after her ar

n. They made an entire circuit of the island, and both agreed that it must be beyond the limits of t

apparent change in the general order of things; but whether this was to be attributed to any alteration in the earth’s orbit was a question which would still require several days to decide. The we

with his own favorite Galette; besides, it was advisable that there should be some one left to receive any strangers that might possibly arrive, as well as to keep an eye upon the herds of cattle which, in the dubious prospect before them, might prove to be the sole resource of the survivors of the catastrophe. Altogether, taking

n affecting leave of his master, begging him, if chance should carry him near

lly steered through the creek, and was

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