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The Devil: A Tragedy of the Heart and Conscience

Chapter 5 No.5

Word Count: 2586    |    Released on: 04/12/2017

Karl's and Olga's as they rested on the b

osition and ordinary morals; a decent occupation at so much a week. You wanted to go out and

ed in his own. They thrilled at each other's touch; they looked into each other's eyes, and t

t a splendid couple

Karl's will seemed equally impotent; he could not shake off the mysterious obsession. This man was more than a mere physical presence; he was a part of their very selves-the weaker

ng so, by pretending it is impossible. But down in your hearts, in their depths where truth is not perverted by the veneer of convention, I

inevitable consequence of this demon

ook at you I fear. Please don't speak of i

t on to Olga. "He dreams of her-you-every night and you of him, and he knows it and you know it. Ah, I understand the language of your

uietly in peace, good friends, nothing else. Olga has not th

f a base thought must be base and

from the mysterious person who towered over them from the pulpit-backed chair. Karl held Olga's right hand

n your otherwise miserable lives. But happiness, warmth and joy have a price that must be paid. He who

tle stump of a candle shines its brightest ere it goes out forever. It should teach you that one glow of warmth is worth all this life can give. Life has no object but to be thrown away. It must end;

mon of sin. Karl's arm slipped down to Olga's w

world is yours. Look at me; all the world is mine, and what I have told you is the honest confession of all the world. We are baptized,

saw her eyes, her lips, soft, warm, rose-colored, he felt her arms as she clung to him, while over th

on the group. Karl and Olga came to their senses, dazed, trembling, thankful

and!" Ol

" Millar sneere

ble precipice, over which she had almost fallen. Her face was colorless, and there were lines of agony across her br

r, but so absorbed had both his listeners been in their own tremendous emotions

in here. I am

ated. Karl and Olga had not yet recovered their self-possession, but


ng. He was still enraged at the interruption which had prevented the

the picture? I am anxiou

ould say. Olga, filled with apprehens

laimed. "What have you b

rk for an hour,

re for two hours," Herman

e painfully embarrassing. Olga was about to speak when M

. I had not seen Karl in two years. We chatted and the time flew past. It was an extremely

rust," Herman said wi

ome direct from Odessa, where I have had

oney; the wheat crop is bad

at good for u

is not; I am s

rt on wheat me

llar remarked cynically. "However," he went on, "things are not so b

an said, very much pleased with Millar, wh

ried to speak to Olga, but could not catch her eye. She seemed to wish to avoi

speak with

ety into instant play. T

sketch of madam Karl made yes

ould like to see it,"

he studio,"

the young artist. "I am sorry you didn't start on the picture to-day, but I sup

Olga followed slowly. As

await yo

when the door from the hall opened and Mimi entered. As Millar t

e me," she

ee the artist?

, pl

shoulders and coolly pushed he

r," he said. "He is

who entered suddenly, looking

d a woman's voice

I sent her away,"

began, turning toward him and speaking

" Millar interrupt

is not

suavity. "You really want to talk with me because you

nt to tell you the t

never do. I might believe you, if you

eak as you wish?" sh

What may I do

come to-night

rapidly, speaking in a low tone that she

nfluence that seems to force me against my will, frighten me. I must confess that I had become interested in your h

I observed you closely. We three were beginni

op the subjec

u afrai

oldly; "but please d

if granting her reques

all c

sband asks yo

ask me

ou in the presence of

with amusement. "If you do not ask me, in the presence of y

the first really nice thing you have

the past. She wished to feel again the sweet, wholesome purpose that had inspired her yesterday; to go ahead with her unselfish plans for Karl's fu

esting. Karl helped Olga on with her coat, and the touch of it brought back the feel

orthy is my sketch

me like that,"

ly. "Even when I don't look at

r face and turn

," she said. "Come, Herman, let us

anger seemed to be amazingly well informed. The business instincts of Olga'

ue this talk thi

my apologies to Madam Hofmann. I had forgotten an

ouse. Olga, dear, add your entreaties to

e smiling, cynical mask of a face that look

seeing you this evening," she said

fiend replied. "I shall

he had just recalled his promise to stop at the house of Mimi. Herman, suspecting his design, made some jesting allusion to it, which caused Olg

to the amazement of the others, ushered t

er," he said

h jealousy. As she and her husba

forget my overcoat, and in five minutes I shall return for it an

t be left alone, and she felt almost grateful to Millar for his promise. Karl had ushered Mimi into the studio, and then he


on of Henry

o larg

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