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The Pothunters

The Pothunters



Word Count: 1540    |    Released on: 04/12/2017

with Marvin Rossiter in the shade of the big sycamore. Elsa and Marvin had become engaged some few days before, and wer

y, I wonder," said Els


ur friend,

at college together. I

l. When did

for a month. What's th

ant you to

er wistful, but it lighted up when she smiled, and

I shall,"

stant and Marvin had, almost subconsciously, a comfor

ing at so ferociousl

it was at you. Oh, Elsa, I'm miserable! I


ng to have the most lovel

some flimsy s

e!" sai

r-act play," said Marvin. "That's not all one cab

nt Mr. Rossiter to hear it. He may be able to tell me wh

. What

r is, and where I've got to go.

cument with raised eyebrows, now r

tch first train Tuesday Dover now mind first train no taking root in London and spending a week shopping mid-day boat Dover Calais arrive Paris Tuesday evening Dine Paris catch train de luxe nine-fifteen Tuesday night for Marseilles have engaged sleeping coupe now mind Tuesday night no cutting loose around Paris stores you can do all that later on j


id Elsa, b

t you badly enough. He hasn't spared expense. He has

he wants me,

es he want you? And in su


u'll-like-this-place-it's-fine about it. He seems to look on your comp

rs. Why, he didn't even know where I was. The cable was sent

by taking a boat from Marseilles, it can't be far from the French coast. I should say at a venture that Mervo

ace beaming with proud affe

e that from a boy." He got up from his chair. "Is

it's an ol

touch on Mervo. I'

terrace, Elsa turn

?" sh


Are you very

tly. Betty looked at her in silence for a mome

e? How does it feel, knowing that there's s

osed he

ight on a summer night while somebody plays the violin far

s opene

er evening and seeing the windows lit

ng her hands, and


't! I can'

hat's the

d again, bu

'm just jealous, that

ou see. Y

enty who would like

face g

d like to be Benjamin Scob

ime, so you'll let me say something, won't you? I think you're getting j

ght. I am getting hard. How can I help it? Do you know how ma


em cared the sligh

t's just what I mean.

n you

which nature gives hunted animals. I can't think of a single man in the world-except y

ed forwar

, Be

n't kno

at's hi


on the witnes

hought you

name. Jo

u tell me before? This is


d I don't suppose I shall ever see him again. He was a friend of Alice Beecher's brother, who

lainly dis

, then-? What makes

ain, I suppos

never met

a relapsed into silence.

rrace Marvin Rossiter appear

"Scared it up at the f

, and opene

smallest independent state in the world. Smaller than Monaco, even. Here are some facts. Its population when this encyclopaedia was printed-there may be more now-was eleven thousand and sixteen. It was ruled over up to 1886 by a prince. But in that year the populace appear to have said to themselves, 'When in the course of human events….'

ather be doing there?

I suppose I sh

d Elsa mournfully. "But,

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