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Four Little Blossoms at Oak Hill School

Chapter 2 CHAPTER II

Word Count: 1473    |    Released on: 04/12/2017


Meg unbelievingly. "But why?

m out, all right. She's a fine mouser. And the prettiest manners

n impolite title, but Sam always had his way about such things. Meg put down the dish with Philip'

Miss Florence is here, and Mother says you mus

Sam got her 'cause mice were in the kitchen. I'm

u have to try on. Look, Twaddles,

ped short on

. "Take her in the front door and she won't

y la

addles, let's teach Philip to jump through a h

low hair out of he

she declared. "I grew in the country. Mother says so

and holding Annabel Lee's long tail so that she might feel she

ther wouldn't let me look the way Nina Mil

happen to you," warned Mother Blossom, bending over the sewing m

ng clothes for many of the people who lived in Oak Hill. Every on

nnabel Lee's fur. "Now I'm sure you're conte

y, sitting down on the floor to watch Meg as she put on

in Dot's lap and

ce sympathetically, taking a mouthful of pins an

that mean old school won't let you come till you're

s Florence absently,

ly. "I counted three I thou

n at Miss Flor

d trick, though, and I always mean to break myself of it. There, Dot, I've taken every one out of

he door. Dot had watched a great many dresses being

and began to

shan't need her again till after lunch, shall we, Miss Floren

urged Meg. "Can Bobby and I buy

lossom. "I saw Miss Mason yesterday, and sh

ing Annabel Lee out of her lap, much to that sleepy animal's su

school," retorted M

som put dow

world should I do if all my children went off to school and left me alone? Perhaps, Dot, you

nded Dot. "And inkwells a

m and Miss Fl

along if she is to be back by lunch time. I'll give you and Bobby each fifty cents, dear. And suppose Dot and Twad

bby had tired of teaching Philip to jump through a h

g asked him why he was doing that. "I heard a boy ta

," said Meg. "Mother gave me the 23 money in this purse. F

nd Philip tagged along after them. He wasn't intere

hey reached the street where most of the Oak Hill

nd after Meg had paid for it they went over to the fascinating

at a blank book when the four littl

ooking child and her hands were not very

obby and Twaddles and Dot apparently 24 couldn't fi

ce. I wish I could go off on visi

eg answered. "The tw

y did hate being "too young" to do

'll be in Miss Mason's room. So'm I. I'm in Bobby'

he four little Bl

" proposed Bobby, who did not like to talk to people he did not

rying a key in

look at all the things in it," she said. "Pencils 2

d Dot was sure that she could learn to write

blue," she told the good-natured saleswoma

s, choosing a box of soft, chalky crayons. "I

h account book such as Twaddl

the four little Blossoms started

suggested Meg. "It's only the nex

ented Bobby. "I'll show

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