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The Circus Boys on the Mississippi; Or, Afloat with the Big Show on the Big River


Word Count: 1711    |    Released on: 04/12/2017

le walk with me," called Mr. Sparling early next

he sleeping cars, for the performers to pack th

it, and gossip was rife among them as

ious heads of departments to prepare

ing?" demanded T

go along, unless you wis

k I want to stay on the lot when any

ained. I am sure of that," replied Mr. Spar

oyer. They passed on through the business street of the town, then turned off shar

s the river,"

at is th

ould take a

l have on


at Mr. Sparli

unny boat!" cried T

ow dog, but I can't

And it has a paddl

the limit! Why, ther

they, Mr.

t shed a flood of light on the mystery-the surprise that Mr. Sparling h

and he knew h

on the side of that boat nearest to

" spell


C-o-m-b-i-n-e-d Shows. Well,

to think, yet," an

bined Shows. Do y

arling, with a merry twinkle in his eyes

nished to say much. Do you mean w





at?" deman

t you

What's it all about? What is it ab

ing down the Mississippi,"

ose th


ng on any boat that has to have a wheel on behin

ey are fine boa

got them far up the river last winter. When I first conceived the plan of sending my sh

ter," corrected

more anxious to try it. The next question was a boat. I heard of some of the old broad-beamed river craft that were out of commission up stream. I found them exactly suited to

hil. "It fairly tak

ve in?" asked Teddy

from the trains and brought here, now-that is, all that will not be needed for today's

red Phil, wit

er I try it," adde

Combined Shows." Below this lettering appeared the names of the boats. The "River Q

Yellow Peril,'" laughed Phil. "Don't you

laughed goo

o the "Queen" was na

med her the "Fat Ma

rth, much to the am


tended to use the "Nemah" as the Flying Squadron of the show, the boat that went ahead of the main body o

ve renamed the 'River Queen' and the 'Mary Jane,' I suppose you will not be

'" answered th

came across in all my circus ex

we sleep?"

ripped out, down there, and the deck flooring lowered a little so that the elephants will have room to stand. I have also had

ed Phil. "You never will be able

ee. Have you noticed that the cen

did obse

o out on the 'Little Nemo,' as you have named her. At first, handling the show will be a little awkward, but we shall soon get the hang of it and fit into the new arrangement just as if we had been always traveling on boats. Traveling on the water, you see,

se, I should say," rejoined Phil. "Why, i

o we go?"

gth of t

Gulf of

bably will be our las

not get wrecked

ut if we do,"

occur. I think our new plans will

ut do so. We shall

" and our rivals will

go on

un the show, Phil, as I shall be busy most of the day arranging for the transfer to our new quarters. I chose Saturda

t do we b

answered the show

ave these new nam

ey certainly mak


ircus Boys hurried back to the circus lot. Mr.

rculated that the show was to take to the river, and

the dressing tent, who were preparing for the para

t it did that afternoon. The performers were on their mettle and the li

unexpected header into the big net during his trapeze act, getting a jolt that made his head ache for an hour afterwards. Nothing e

t with excitement enough to

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