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The Go Ahead Boys and the Racing Motor-Boat


Word Count: 2006    |    Released on: 04/12/2017

imed George gleefully.

voice after he had glanced along the docks s

ted me to go with you on this trip. Somebody has to go along who understands modern life, so I relu

e all appreciate your kindness. Just now, how

me see, I don't buy the dinner, and it seems to me that one or the o

t was made," decl

ed George, turning to the r

ed Grant. "You were the o

d George disconsolately. "Now as soon as we get ever

gs or send down for t

uickly. "We can lock up everything else, but we don't w

as taking his bag in his hand

d been satisfied so many times throughout the day that he was not unduly moved now by the words which he overheard. In

ed to behold their missing friend John seated at a small table

hout a word being spoken, all three silently advanced to the table which he had reserved

" demanded John, a grin appea

George. "I want to read through this program fi

"When George has such a chance to get a square m

ted George, without glanc

y something?" dem

nt at John as he spoke, "words are not adequat

on't you ask me where I have

enough to satisfy all the cu

ows run away from you and leave you high and dry in

at will do," interrupted George, w

face once more. "I want to tell you that whether you want it o

ll have to own up that we waited for you as long as we thought we could before

est to select certain good things for our luncheon. I had a choice assortment too, let me tell you. Why Pop's eyes would have popped out if he had

up by train?"

train," retorted John,

e, interested now in spite of h

e the aeroplan

didn't see any,"

said John, "so that's one

let's have our dinner and you may rest easy that before we are done you'll know all of John's story and some beside. To-morrow it w

at?" laug

he can escape is to put his horse into his b

they are overta

d them and cover them up and choke off

t to turn back and make inquiries when I could get an express train for Albany, when what should I see coming up to the dock but the Varmint II. As soon as the

d what you had in the

me on board right away and we trailed you all the way up the Hudson. I tell you, Peewee, it's a c

lack Growler?" inqu

would think the Black Growler was standing sti

that," said Fred,

elongs to the same class that your tub does you will have a fine chance to see her win the cup. That's about the only chance you

find out that it doesn't stand any show in the race. Now if you had found that out before you had bought the

head. "All the other things, yes, but lo

r indifferent when he said there were three young people on board the Varmint, who were expecting to spend the summer on

his friends that Fred was somewhat cast down by the glowing reports w

"Now then, I want to know if there is any fellow in this

ou talking this morning, but how much of what yo

I wasn't willing to start on a trip like this wi

t on that new lin

ant. "Now the Panama Canal, for example b

" acknowl

laces that canal extends. If there is one fellow in this crowd who can giv

said Joh

?" retorted

he City of Panama," said John somewha

ant, "but I want to know if you know whe

nkly at one another and f

n Colon and the City of P

right out of my mouth. You did it so that you wouldn't have to pay for the

l take your word for it, if y

the Go Ahead boys as they gl

that," said Grant condescendingly, "but for my own satisfaction, I

it?" said F

x hundred and forty-nine feet wide. Why, I don't believe," he continued, "that some American boys I happen to know although they passed

connects Lake Superior with St

your life," said Grant. "Now

ster," said George, "the Sault St

ve to buy the dinner t

though," said John. "You're not done with me yet.

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