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The Moving Picture Girls Under the Palms / Or Lost in the Wilds of Florida

Chapter 5 DISABLED

Word Count: 1796    |    Released on: 04/12/2017

," that it is no wonder there was at once an incipient one aboard the Ta

run, flung himself in front of the excited men. He pushed one or two of them aside so violently that

e boats it will be women and children first

ure, to his pocket. Perhaps he was about

ard," that cut like a knife, and hi

'" he cried, and the excited

mates to answer the fire call alone," and he pointed to where a number of hands were about the hatchway, from which smoke wa

nded, and the men slunk away. The danger

r chairs, their hands clasped, and Alice had thrust her ros

all we do?"

n sight," added Alice, as s

" said Paul. "They'll start t

rching about for his daughters. A look of

u can save while there is time," he said, hoarse

is going to say som

tter were engaged in fighting the fire through the forward hatchway. Those who were not need

gentle swell. There was scarcely any wind, and the smoke, which had constantly grown thicker an

and there were a few murmurs at these r

ent," he continued. "There is a slight fire among the cargo in one of the small forward holds. But it is cut off from

mple warning, and I might add that we carry a sufficient complement of boats and life rafts to accommod

asked Mr. Sneed, who seemed to have the faculty for

n replied. "So there will be no need of boats in the night. Even if there were, we have powerful se

d those who had rushed up to take

een talking to Mr. Pertell. As the two advanced t

moving pictures o

ed Mr. Pertell. "If th


tion, agreed that the young operator might

hen they made that rush for

see what cowards some of my men were to so far forget themselves. That is better for

e had it, for he had the true instinct of a moving p

p, and made a number of separate views. The black smok

e hatchway where the smoke came up, several different views were

hatchway had been covered with heavy tarpaulin

n yet there were serious faces among the passengers, as the volume of smoke seemed to g

er?" observed Alice, as she, Paul and Ruth walked about

hat it would be necessary to take a risk in getting to the boats. If he did that he might be censured by the own

terrible element-terrible, and at sea there is not

Ruth. "It will take our minds off the fire to know

quarters occupied by the wireless operator and heard the spit

y that made and broke the circuit, thus sending out from the wire aerials between the masts the dots and dashes that, flyi

came up behind Paul, Ruth and Alice. "May I?" he asked o

here it was made and interrupted as the operator pressed the key, or allowed it to spring up, Russ made a shor

ile, too," Rus

con, as the operator removed the receivers

in fifty miles of us," the operator rep

aptain said. "But kindly ask he

t altogether under

see it," answered the commander,

and then the little audience gathered again at the do

sted, but finally the coming of night forc

, but doubtless, down in the hold, where the cargo burned, there were angry, red tongues of fire. But the compartm

to another compartmen

ear you say such things!"

ght was an uneasy one. What sleep there was came only in catnaps, for there was t

till calm. Captain Falcon found that to proceed would be to drive the smoke aft in

ing it was a gray and haggard captain who faced the an

report?" aske

answer. "We are now disabled,

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