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The Pony Rider Boys in Montana; Or, The Mystery of the Old Custer Trail

The Pony Rider Boys in Montana; Or, The Mystery of the Old Custer Trail



Word Count: 2794    |    Released on: 04/12/2017

nced the trainman

get off, is it not

place," answered

ted Stacy Brown, peering from

n a minute," sai

t you get a railroad guide? Town's on the other side. It's one of those one-sid

k over his head, which action was followed by the three other boys in the pa

ghted the four boys, sun-burned, clear-eyed and springy of step. They were clad in the regulat

o wind, sun and storm, his iron gray beard standing out in strong contrast, giving to his sun b

oad brimmed sombrero stepped up to the boys without the

y Rider Boys?" h

lied Tad, lifting

r Perkins of Chillicothe, Missouri, to meet you young gentlemen. Funds for your use wh


is is he," Tad informed him

talk matters over. I would ask you to my house, but my fami

social mission. The boys are crowding all the time possible into their li

f up the street with the banker, to make final arrangements for

in the mountains. The readers will remember too, the many thrilling experiences that the boys passed through on that eventful trip, between hunting big game

a cattle drive, and their adventures and exciting tri

, participating in wild, daring night rides, facing appalling storms, battling with swollen torrents, bravely facing many perils, and tow eventually Ta

o next make a trip of exploration to the north country. Arrangements had therefore bee

y were now experienced enough to be allowed to make their own arrangements,

ng become a bit too docile to suit the tastes of the lads, who had been riding bucking bronchos during their trip on a cattle

smiled the hanker, after all had taken s

for Professor

what you have in

oing over the old Cu


n in the Bl

ver the trail he followed and visit the scene of his

ains around here?" a

in which he was j

e. You'll find all the mountains you

ans?" ask

s full

f course," nodde

ood when they have to be. We have very little trouble with the Crows, but sometimes th

" he stammered. "None of us are overfond of them, I guess. Since y

hands," smiled

e ago, I have a ranch

Tad, with quic

tting in five thousand more sheep that some of my men are br

bers in this country,"

souri River ranch. It will be a long, hard drive and we shall need some extra men. How would you boys lik

aid Tad doubtfully. "I

mms la

are a real pleasure to manage. Besides, they are wholesome, intelligent little animals. The cattle men resent their being on the ra

?" interrupted

ee grass we have as much right as the

nd us to a ranch where we can fit ourselves out? We h

re. He won't ask you any fancy price, either. If you buy, why, you can give him an order on my bank and I w

ink it over, Mr. Si

ell. I have arranged for a guide. You will find him at the edge of the foothills

ld like to get away

to fix you up so you can start this afternoon. You will want

d. "We have slept out of doors so long now tha

many weeks on the open range. It was different then," he added reminis

looking forward to having their n

rd of half wild ponies was driven into a corral wher

ith the pink eyes will suit me,"

imes. But he's full of ginger," announced th

ve to use the spur to keep my mount f

ns to keep this pony aw

up the Professor. "I have had quite enough of wild horses and

" agreed

for long at a time. Why, you'd fall off one of those wooden horses

retorted the fat boy, looking h

ss when he looks at

er keep away

" decided Tad. "Pink-eye. That will

n you ro

ir them up a bit," answe

served the Professor. "You are the only one of o

loop lying on the ground a few feet behind him, while the cow

curving in the air, then its great loop opened, shot out and dropped neatly over the head of the pink-eyed pony. Ta

gine. Before the lad had time to swing the line and throw the pony

hurled the boy

" warned t

ing came

t force full against the

ed!" cried Pro

down as quickly as it had gone up, but Tap kept on going. He had be

projected over the wire fence, landing

When they saw that he had not been serious

ny?" grinne

with a sheepish smile. "I never

n't throw your rope down on the pink-eyed

g of the sort. I ca

ck up the rope that the animal was dragging about the corral, once more took his stati

ch kicking a

im out!" s

o in the air with his heels. He was occupying a

dulating motion after feeling the pull on the pony's neck, an

said t

e lad, jerking the animal to its

new master out as if he had been

name of "Painted-squaw". Bad-eye, was considered an appropriate name for Ned R

unced that they were ready for the start. An hour or so was spent in getting provisions enough to last them

ernoon. Ahead of them was a thirty

s out to the foothills until we shall have fo

e don't,"

gh now to be able to f

ail. We can see the R

there, isn't

compass before you start, and hold to it. You will not be able to see the mountains all

asked Stacy a

ker. "I shall hope to have you all spend next Sunday with us at m

where we are bound?"

enty miles. Just

y miles distant. Contrary to their usual practice, they had taken no cook with them, having decided to rely wholly on their own res

out of sight. They could not tell behind which of the endless succession of high and low buttes the town w

now on what was to prove the most exci

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