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The Rover Boys on the River; Or, The Search for the Missing Houseboat

The Rover Boys on the River; Or, The Search for the Missing Houseboat



Word Count: 1871    |    Released on: 04/12/2017

h! Zip, boom,

cket about? I thought we had all the noise

d Tom Rover, and he began to dance a jig

his tent down on our heads," answered Dic

iscovered what we are going to

he farm, to rest up, now that the

I've rested all I wish r

't keep us in 'suspenders,'

's own!" cried Tom, enthusiastically. "I co


uting thi

you propose

he broad and glo


briny deep of that river in a house

m," came from the tent opening, and Sam Rover, the

into my head, not ove

ve heard of John V.

wed Uncle Rando

pay Uncle Randolph what was coming to him, so he turned over a houseb

errupted the youngest Rover, with a q

ick, with a blush, for the girl mentioned was his dearest friend and ha

ncle Randolph says if we wish to we can use her this summer, and float down to the Mississip

a glorious way to spend the best part of this

y work. The houseboat is now in charge of an old river-man named Captain Starr,

n of the country we haven't as yet seen, and we might have lots of sport, fishing,

fourteen, o

re you going to take along? We can't take all of our frie

Remember, some of the fellows already have

" said Sam. "He is going to v

g up to the Thousand Islands

ame from Dick. "I don't believe h

means, and Hans Mueller, too. Th

rrison along," said Sam. "He i

l of a drum was heard on the p

ck about it!" And as captain of Company A he caught up his sword and buckled i

ll directions. It was a perfect day, this fifth of July, with the sun shining brightly and a gentle breeze blowing. The ca

rk State. From this farm they had been sent by their uncle Randolph to Putnam Hall military academy, presided over by Captain Victor Putnam, to whom they became warmly attached. At the academy they made many firm friends, some of whom will be introduced in the pag

en had come a trip to a gold mine in the West, followed by some exciting adventures on the Great Lakes. On an island in one of the lakes they unearthed a document relating to a treasure

id, and in the seventh volume of the series, entitled "The Rover Boys on Land and Sea," I related how Sam, Tom, and Dick were carried off to sea during a violent storm, in company with Dora Stanhope, already mentioned, and her two cousins, Nellie and Grace Laning, two particu

he Rover Boys in Camp," I related how Dick, Tom, and Sam returned to the military academy again, and took part in the annual encampment. Here there had been no end of good times and not a little hazing, the most of which was taken in good part. The boys had made a new enemy in

h Dan Baxter after this," Tom had said, b

y assembled, with Major Larry Colby in command of the whole, and Dick at the head of Company A, Fred Garrison at the head of Company B, and Mark

of our encampment," said Captain Putnam to his assistant.

ok well, and I am proud of them, Captain Putnam. I believe ou

of books, entitled "The Putnam Hall Series," starting with "The Putnam Hall Cadets," down to those later days when the Rover boys appeared on the scene. He also complimented the cadets on their excell

he, "in behalf of all t

r your kind words, whi

a token of our esteem. We trust it will prove to your liking

, it proved to be a small figure of a cadet, done in silver and gold. On the base was the insc

and the other teachers were likewise remembered. More addresses o

nt," said Tom, after it was over. "I don't beli

!" cried Sam. "Say, I'm just crazy

y might not have been so anxious had they dreamed

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