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The Young Engineers in Mexico; Or, Fighting the Mine Swindlers


Word Count: 1786    |    Released on: 04/12/2017

a train of forty mules. They also heard the fellow in charge of t

st of the ore brought," Tom whispere

goes the rest of the trick. Men are shovel

o be piled in the tunnels. It will be 'salted' there all right f

oing to do now?

back to the house a

g out of here in the m

"So am I. But what I

t for the victim of

ctim wise. I'd be wi

dupe and tell him ju

ever allow us to get face to face

t we may have a way of locating the vict

ld have every chance in the world to s

ay stop turning out paying ore at any hour. Besides, what show would a stranger have in the courts in this part of Mexico? You have heard Don

mine shaft. He nudged his chum, then started to creep away. Presently they

"Tom, what do you say? We can cover at least the first dozen miles between now

the victim of the int


t would stop any American from buying the mine,

uff. It would be libelous, and subject the newsp

s speedily as possible, to put as much distanc

t door, though, when we go," T

trailed by the alert, barefooted Nicolas. Nor did that servant feel easy until he had seen them softly enter the house

morning. In another moment Reade

friend. "If Don Luis is going to be crafty, we shal

old scoundrel's foo

ow the rascal up. It is Don Luis who is guilty in that direction. He is planning to use his guests as puppets i

e moved with speed this morning, spreading the table and

ut to the porch, but they found their host ahead of them. More,

sir?" Tom inq

mine I have been and back. The air is beautiful here in the early morning, and I

owing most affably to

walking, too," suggested Tom, n

the way, Senor Hazelton, I believe some of your propert

embroidered initial "H" in one corner. Harry was f

ded Harry, accepting the proffer

d, just this side of

lessly, tu

Don Luis did, and saw the slight start of surprise a

lton?" inquired Don Luis, pleasantly, though

odged the question, but he was quick enough t

oll last night," he a

did we

was so dark, and the way so unfamiliar th

ed Don Luis, sharply, under his b

e this morning, Don Luis

e to go, Se

t actively engaged at our work. In fact, it seems to me that Harry and I should ris

yourselves out. The m

carelessly, "how far do you have


train, I


be costly

d yet the ore is rich enough to

rection is

uis p

as I am showing

mule-train came from the mines above. Yet the mule-train did not follow t

eir host, as careles

nes pay as well

ckly. "The other mines yield not anywhere

ke us to see the oth

r Tomaso, only I am not on

ee much of Mexican mines. Nevertheless, when we are through here I

and if we agree, I shall be able, undoubtedly, to keep you both engaged for many years to come. Indeed, if you display sufficient resourcefulness in handling mines I do no

ng for something," thou

let him beat


lars a year, Don Lu

t I am not," replied Mon

a year is princely

ly to the most satisfactory o

and I ought to be satisfied to

ght is growing too strong for my eyes. Suppos

rose and foll

driving at?" Harry won

course, but

the young engineers pass in ahead of him. The instant th


ugh he soon reappeared

with the combination lock, threw open the door and then brought out a ledger that he deposit

I know anything of human nature she's a sweet and honest girl. She is

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