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The Young Engineers in Nevada; Or, Seeking Fortune on the Turn of a Pick


Word Count: 1468    |    Released on: 04/12/2017

ge was anxious to become frie

they know their business. If we can get their help for a month, then when

against our mine wouldn't it?

t, if they try to press it,

gone, one of Gage's comp

to see you," sai

ss?" Tom

d the messenger. "And maybe you'

eyes in pretended astonishment. "My dear fellow,

e over to our ca

ent my compliments to your boss, and tell hi

come over," wa

said, didn't you

uble," insisted the f

o are looking for it," Tom rejoined

ut, if you don

dear fellow. Have you any other business here! If not, you'l


minding," s

ted the visitor

d our own business," Tom

ot coming over

zelton, losing patienc

iling at the messenger, "my partner has well mas

amp?" Harry demanded, as the

e other, "you'll need some one to stay

d already gone. Breakfast being over the young cigarette fiend had no no

ellow's mercy?" quivered Harry indignantly, as h

rned, "that he and his crowd wa

clear for that purpose?" Haz

ds--your hat. Creep in close to camp and hide. If you see 'Mr. Sulky' poking his nose into anything in our camp--the furnace, for instance, or the assay balance, then just drop a stone s

u be doing?" aske

out of harm's way, I


to danger and to leave yourself out of it, wou

For one thing, if you haunt camp and keep Gage's crowd busy, the

ur sleeve that I may not find out for two or three days to come. Yet, whatever it is, it wil

Don't lose too much time about it, for Gage's rascal may be able to do a lot

icked up stones. Hard


hile he's doing something," reflected Hazelton, as he began to move cau

st glimpse of camp, Harry hear

th fools enough to be away," quivered Hazelton

in close enough to get an exce

choked Harry, balancing a st

combustible material the fellow was bringing a side of bacon and a small bag of flour

fine fellow, I'll make your hands too h

in his high school days, and no mistake. The descending s

ried Harry, exultantly.

r speed, carrying away the fello

op that!" roa

ght, staring to see whence the next stone would come. After nearly tw

x a sharp stone struck the back of that hand,

king a pretty good guess at the direction from which the st

t all of yours!" chu

et three stones fly

prowler in the mout

the third over the

aking with rage and pain. He halted, shaking his fi

prowler waited no longer, but turned, mak

le," speculated Harry. "But, of course, there'll b

n fifteen minutes he saw the same prowler stealing back into camp. When the fel

make you wish you had!" roare

e stones in, sending them close to

he did not attempt to come any near

a sound. In the next instant two men hurled themselv

eeded in slipping away from the two men who sought to pin him down, but the third man, still aching from contact with

ice of Dolph Gage. "With one of the pair tied, it won't

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