A Bayard From Bengal
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Stanza by
having embezzled the heart of his chosen bride, but inflicted upon him sundry severe kicks from behind, barbar
ck, Plato observes that anger is an abbreviated form of insanity. Do not let us fall out about so mere a trifle, since one friend is the equivalent of many females. Is it my fault that feminines overwhelm me with unsou
ht he was to receive further kicks. Upon this Chunder demanded time for reflection; he was no bellicose, but he reason
ng, he accepted the challenge, feeling like Imperial C?sar, when he fou
vidence when he was most unexpectedly relieved by the entrance of his lady-love, the Princess Jones, who, having heard that her letter had fallen into Lo
rdship's seconder, Mr Bodgers, who was to load the deadly weapons, and who, at her reques
a few select friends and neighbours, among whom-needless to say-was Princess Petunia, whose lamp-like optics beamed encouragement to her Indian champion, and the Duchess of Dickinson, who was now the freehold tenement of those fiendish Siamese twins-Malice and Jealousy. At breakfast, Mr Bhosh
o his lordship, that they were to fire-not at the distance of one hundred paces, as originally suggested-but across the more restricted space of a nosekerchief. This dare-devilish proposal occasioned a univ
urage to a native Indian who is commonly accredited with a funky heart, let him apologise. Otherwise, as a challenged, I am the Master of the Ce
he cartridges had been carefully sterilised, but glueing his courage to the sticky point,
ss the target!" And he made a secret motion to Mr Bodgers with his supe
e, for Duchess Dickinson intercepted Chunder Bindabun's wink and, with the diabolical intuition of a feminine, divined the presence of a rather suspicious rat
cotic drug, I am not to inquire-but the result was that, after a period of p
onder, and will wait until Mr Bodgers is recuperated." But the honourable and diabolical duchess nipped this arrangement in the bud. "It would be
d to act as seconder in mortal combats, the duel would be rendered null
chess, and gave it as his opinion that sex was no disqualification, and that the Duchess
ith a bullet from her own reticule bag, but also had the additional diablerie to extract a miniature laced mouchoir exquisi
ef which she had flung at him months previously at the aforesaid fashionable Bayswater Ball! Now was our