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Anna Karenina

Chapter 2 2

Word Count: 1152    |    Released on: 28/11/2017

people that day, when, looking round for the groom who was following with their things, they saw a party of volunteers driv

e volunteers, came out of the hal

see them off?" sh

's for a holiday. Do you always see them off?" said

cess. "Is it true that eight hundred have been se

who have been sent not directly from Moscow,

the lady. "And it's true too, I suppose, t


today's telegram? Be

egram stating that the Turks had been for three days in succession beaten at al

made some difficulty, I don't know why. I meant to ask you; I know him; plea

man, and going into the first-class waiting-room, wrote a note to the person o

his train?" said the princess with a smile full of triumph a

ing, but I did not kno

y his mother seeing him off. It's the

s, of c

hand delivering a loud discourse to the volunteers. "In the service of religion, humanity, and our brothers," the gentleman said, his voic

crowd dashed into the hall, almost

ghted smile. "Capitally, warmly said, wasn't it? Bravo! And Sergey Ivanovitch! Why, you ought to have said something-just a few words, you know, t

'm jus


my brother's," answe

'll understand. Oh, and be so good as to tell her I'm appointed secretary of the committee.... But she'll understand! You know, les petites misères de la vie hu

" answered Koznis

ho're setting off-Dimer-Bartnyansky from Petersburg and our Veslovsky, Grisha. They're both going.

did not in the least disconcert Stepan Arkadyevitch. Smiling, he stared at the feather in the princess's hat, and then about him as tho

le I've money in my pocket," he said. "And how abou

face looked sad, but a minute later, when, stroking his mustaches and swinging as he walked, he went into the hall where Vronsky was

kadyevitch had left them. "What a typically Russian, Slav nature! Only, I'm afraid it won't be pleasant for Vronsky t

ps, if it h

great deal. He's not merely going himself,

so I h

ating Vronsky, who with his mother on his arm walked by, wearing a long overcoat and

ght before him, as though he did not h

n where the princess and Sergey Ivanovitch were standing, and without spe

nsky left his mother and dis

all, very young man with a hollow chest, was particularly conspicuous, bowing and waving his felt hat and a nosegay

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