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A Gentleman Player


Word Count: 2712    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

feit, if I cannot give him the slip a

nt's silence in

ny, with a dark frown, follow

m the table a pair of scissors, doubtless used in cutting bandages for the wounded man, and striding toward Master Marryott, applied them with careful dexterity. "Behold," said he, when he had finished. "Thou'lt

and country-folk, of my passage through the country, that I shall be traced. And mark: save to officers that keep note of Catholics, Sir Valentine

h a false beard, at best. More like, they will cause thy detention as a questionable person, till the counci

mber, I will take off the beard, and come forth as if I had but shaved. And so report will remain of me, that I came bearded and dep

for the absence of the beard will show your youth,

t, 'twill be known I am the gentleman that rode from Fleetwood house. And to make my trace the more certain, let a second accompany me,-one of Sir Valentine's servants that live here constantl

," said the physician, turni

ord in. 'Tis all madness, this ye talk of! E'en were't possible. I should let no man risk

of that, Sir Vale

And thou knowest the penalty of aiding the escape of

to do, for myself? May not one flight suffice for both? While I lead these men on a false chase from thee, I but put d

ke thine own escape. To wait for these officers, and to keep them at thy tail, will doubl

rst I will keep them on my tail time enough for thy removal. Ten days, the doctor said. An I lead off these fellows a five days' ride from Fleetwood house, straight nort

rd indifference. "Why, bethink you! To escape thy pursuers, and yet not to let them lose trace of thee; to outride them ever, yet never ride too far away

undertake to act the part of Sir Valentine Fleetwood in flight and disguise! Ods-body, I shall prove I am a player! Thou shalt not refu

ace? Anthony shall go. Continual residence here, in his master's absence, hath made him as well known for Sir Valentine's man as Sir Valentine is little known for Anthony's master. On your way to the stable. Anthony, send Mary hither, and J

chamber, put aside some faded hangings, an

physician's giving him orders, lo

l had wondered to see a physician of such mien and manner in this country place, and had thought he might have been summoned from London. But now all was clear. He was a popish priest

doctor, interrupting Sir Valentine. "Remember

knight, compliantly, after a moment

beginning to appear extremely precious, "as Anthony

Valentine, while the priest continued

ney, sir,"

is in the chest, Anthony. The rest will serve m

ng to France, I doubt not,

thony, before you go,-Anthony will show thee, Harry, how to make for France on thine own account, if indeed thou dost ride free of these messengers. And he wil

rather to a general habit of surly disapproval than

ow this estate hath fallen, Harry. I keep here but two servants besides Anthony, where once I kept twenty. But in al

leave thee now, and hasten Anthony with the horses. I can

youth bent over him. Hal then turned to take swift leave of the priest, who had now caused a dark hole to gape in the wooden panelling.

ing the part thou hast to play, Master Actor! Ta

horn, was ordering the two other servants to their master's chamber. Hal held his cloak over his fa

obey orders, you may get it w

turned to the house, leaving the lanthorn; but presently reappeared, in time to help Hal with the horses, and to r

done. On perceiving Kit's stalwart figure, black against the dim night, Hal called out to him to follow back to the mansion. While the two were covering the distance thereto, Hal briefly put the soldier in possession of what it was need

company! An the dull rogue sermon me upon the sins of the flesh, I'll knock in his teeth to shut up his throat withal! Well, we

ing the wooden bridge of the brook o

" whispered Hal in a low

at this hour?" replied Kit. "The

What holds him so long at the stable? All is lost,

. Hark! They have halted in the village. Mayhap

hey will learn of S

, during which Hal's heart beat somewhat as it had beate

at last, through his teeth.

reath! Here

g the yard with longer strides than he had previous

plague on thee for thy slowness! Now do as

and bearing the lanthorn in his left hand, Kit at Hal's left. Hal measured with his ears the constantly decreasing distance of the hoof-beats on the hard road, as they adva

discovered the presence of newcomers, stopped short, as did also his two attendants. Anthony, in pretence of enabling the make-believe Sir Valentine to perceive who the horsemen were, held the lanthorn up, a little to the right and rear of Hal's body, so that it revealed his attitude and left his face in sh

od even, Sir

likewise, and was immediately followed by Captain Bottle. As soon as Hal made sure that Kit had turned, he called to

out of the darkness behind, in the

!" shouted back Kit Bottl

eried Hal, as the

t. "A very hell-hound, at a man's heels! Hear him cursing, back yonder, for his

e is begun, old Kit! Five days of this, and the hounds must neither lose nor catch

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