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A Modern Tomboy

Chapter 7 TEA ON THE LAKE.

Word Count: 3491    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

ung lady was accustomed to ruling with a rod of iron, but she had at last found a girl who was not the least af

e assured her that she was a changeling, and might perhaps take any form at any time, and might return to her r

reat deal bigger than you are; and, clever as you thin

ich had never yet been awakened in Irene's wild little heart. She turned to her oar, and they rowed

ake you back myself to the Merrimans', for I should like to see Mr. Merriman

oo?" asked Ir

that red frock. If you were to put on a white

, and the next moment, with a whoop, she disappeared into the thick shrubbery of young trees near by. Her voice could then be heard

ne put her hand o

arcely know how to thank you. Come with me at once. I

them. They drove quickly through the summer air. Rosamund remained silent, afraid to speak, and yet l

I think, somehow, you have touched it. She has been a great and dreadful trial to me-her extraordinary

r lady burst

d her. At the present moment I hate my position. I like Mr. and Mrs. Merriman very well, and some of the girls; but

o see Mr. Merriman on that very point this ev

f I have to do

n church-so like your mother's, and withal so spirited and so sweet! And then I felt that if only my little darling were in any way like yo

is, she is untamed. She wants some one to tame her; an

t the whole house so thoroughly in her power that she

to tell the truth," she added, "I should not mind a bit if I had not met Irene. But s

house. They could see several girls coming to meet them. Jane De

aking such a fuss!" and then she

ent or not, she has done a splendid afternoon's work," said Lady

fternoon, and when Lucy and Mrs. Merriman and one or two other girls were inveighing against Rosamund's

. She walked straight toward the study, that sacred room which was seldom invaded, and opening the door, announced La

aid Jane. "I never knew anythin

don't care a bit if they do punish

rage. But I rather think she did harm than otherwise, for the Professor said to her, '

, come along. I have a lot to tell you, but nothing at all to tell the others. Here they are coming to meet us, with that preci

ought back a great deal of her naughty spirit, whereas

he thought, with a sigh. "And how

ht up until she stood a fe

al way than usual, "how you can look me in the fac

at effort to control herself and to speak quietly, "I will tell your father and mother what I feel with regard to this day's expedit

ce almost choking. "Why, I never disobeyed

e continued, turning to the other girls, "I will talk of this to my m

e Annie Millar, Laura's special friend, immediately turned to join the little group, and the fo

samund; but I must own I was disappointed at your creeping away in the manner you did, without telling anybo

prevent me. The fact is," she continued, "I am not made like ordinary girls; I know I am not,

no discipline there would be no chance

a is right," sa

und to a certain extent,

ound to her own f

t myself. I did wrong, and yet in some ways I suppose I did right to go. Gi

ace turne

ne in the place res

and although she did wish to see me so much, she would insist on not allowing me to stay to supper, and brought me home, as you see, comp

queer girl-there," said Annie Mi

she is mad," sa

ost beautiful little faces I have ever looked at. And she is the wildest, queerest creature; but not a scrap mad in the ordinary s

so many friends!"

e your friend, Rosamund,"

gory," was Rosamund's answer. "But, all the same, I mean to make Irene Ashleigh my special frien

and we are to go there on Wednesday afternoon, and I for one am looking forward to it. But, Rosamond, it is extraordinary that you should take up with her. They told us an awful story about how Irene treated their dear governess, Miss Carter. They wouldn't tell us quite

Well, don't keep me now. I see Lady Jane driving away, and

of the wood, across the front lawn, and passed into the hou

any score except that he was afraid it might absorb all his time and thoughts; for he was so constituted that he could never see a human creature, particularly a human creature in trouble, without taking that person's part and endeavoring if possible to set wrong right. And now, just what he feared ha

ed into the room the mo

And what are we going to do with that naughty girl?

ed gently at her,

Mrs. Merriman. "Of course, I don't want to be har

inued, laying his hand on his wife's very plump shoulder, "you must speak to Lucy from yourself, not from me, dear; for I am too tired. But you must speak to her from yourself, and te

om. She advanced proudly, her head well thrown back, a spot of a

a very naughty girl. I did disobey you. I did go all by myself to The Follies. I was annoyed at your strict views, and I had

asked the Professor, his eyes darkenin

Jane, and I want, please, Professor,

pped on her knees by his side

iend, and she has got such a strange, wild, beautiful little daughter, whom nobody understa

has not heard of Irene Ashleigh. The fact is, her name is a terror to the neighborhood. I

said Rosamund in a low voice, her

n no way fit to know you. At present, Rosamund, you are under masters and governors, and have, according to scriptural precepts, to obey them. By-and-by your time of emancipation will come, and you will owe

amund, rising to her feet, her face

or I considere

like me to write to my mother and explain all the circums

, I can see. But you have never been subjected to the rigorous laws of self-control. You showed a sad want of self-control when you disobeyed me to

at I am not to try to help her, that I am not to be a friend to Lady

over the advantages of this home. Think what it means to your friends, and will eventually mean to yourself, and try to discover that I am wise in my generation, although you doubtless consider me foolish. If at the end of the week you have found o

not repress brimmed to her eyes. Suddenly s

elp a girl who will soon become irreclaimable

fessor did

after a long pause; "then come t

the room when he again

d Cunliffe, that you do not go again

struggled to speak,

ated, "you do not go to The F

ering tone. "I will not go on one condition

n parole for a week. At the end of that time you may come to a decision. Go

d left

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