A Noble Queen, Vol. 3 (of 3)
or him, had created a sensation in Goa which had only one chance of solution-the trial by the Inquisition. On the other hand, the well-known character o
me, that Dom Diego had confessed his guilt, and would be made over to the Inquisition, to be formally condemned; others, that Francis d'Almeida and his sister had made similar confessions, and that all parties had been originally bound in one confederation, but had split upon the division of money of which they had become possessed. In short, the wildest rumours prevailed, particularly as to the sorceries of d'Almeida and his sister, which they had learned from heathen priests and exercised upon their coadjutor to drive him away from the place he had usurped. All these opinions, however, were set at rest by the appearance of two processions: one, that of soldiers of the Viceroy having Dom Diego in their charge; the other of mon
was taken on by the familiars. Before the monks and sisters, with the two others, had entered the gate, they had recommenced a hymn which had been sung at intervals during their progress, the sweetness and solemnity of which had had a profound effect; an
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and its sweet melody was heard faintly as it passed up the b
soners; and a third for any witnesses that might have to be called. In the centre was a long narrow table covered with coarse black serge, with inkstands, pens, and paper at intervals; and the Inquisitors sat in tall, straight-backed, wooden chairs around, the Grand Inquisitor's position being in the centre of the right hand side, in a raised chair, so
a prayer and a solemn chant, the Grand
have been gathered to the foot of the Cross, and hundreds have died in a steady belief in the sacraments of the Holy Church, while many live in the exercise of a devout Christian faith and good works. Within the last few months, however, grievous troubles have arisen, as is known to our Father in God the illustrious Archbishop; and on the direct accusations of Dom Diego di Fonseca, the local vicar, we
cation of the prisoners; and you will, with prayer to the Almighty, pronounce judgment upon them. Diego di Fonseca, in the name of the Holy Trinity, I call upon you to swear that what you
referred to his services in China, in the Spice Islands, in Bengal, among the savage tribes of Malays and
is example. Then, worn out and weary, I came to Goa, and would have returned to Portug
the study of Pagan languages, mythology, and Scripture, and of Moorish languages, and infidel books. To the people he invariably preached in a tongue they call Canarese. He read the services of the Church in the same tong
imself by declaring that he read Hindoo books to understand best how to controvert their doctrine; and declared that he was even translating the holy gospels and services of the Church into the language of the people, that they might understand what they profess to believe. Was any heresy ever so complete? Ye, O reverend fathers, know how the Scriptures are forbidden to be read except under ghostly direction and counse
nd took refuge with the Moorish Governor, who at once sent them to Juldroog, and thence they were taken to Beejapoor. I was then free; a great weight seemed to be removed from me, and I came hither to lay all before the Church and seek ghostly counsel. Fathers, my short statement is ended; but of heresy and sorcery of the most devilish kind I accuse them both, and demand that in consonance with the
he truth of the accusation?"
acons who accompanied me, who has charge of the books.
these being produce
are homilies of the Church, the Vulgate as allowed to the people even here
ishop. "Are these the same as t
and there I find a small portion of my sister's manuscript. These are the drafts from which she made the fair copies, which in her beautiful characters and ornament
d by the Fra Don Francisco da Pinto, who was the best scholar then in Goa
! When our beloved Padré was threatened, and when the pure Se?ora Maria was insulted, and the Governor of Moodgul sent them away as prisoners, the books were given to us, and we hid them; but when the great Padré was going to Goa, to
tor. "Do ye know what ye have risked in i
and prostrating himself on the floor. "Let me speak! Let me speak for the love of God! There are a hun
a hard, shrill voice, very different to his
have no witnesses; and now, by a miracle as it were, one hath appeared suddenly, to whom credit may be given, a deacon
rst act was to lay open the books he had br
"They are, I see, those which were confirmed by us
and passages of Scripture as have been marked;" and, opening one of the books at random, he put on hi
in spirit, for theirs i
hat mourn, for they
oly and comforting that few of the flock hear t
go, in a severe tone he continued, "and if this is the sorcery th
took refuge at the Governor's. I have no fear of him," and he pointed to Dom Diego, "and have no charge to make
told him what was to be done, and he went with some armed men to watch the Padré's church and house; how he heard Maria scream as she was alone singing vespers, and, looking in, saw her lying on the steps of the altar, and gave the alarm. We need not
piracy against me, instigated by the prisoners! Can it be believed in Thy holy sight
the secretary of the Holy Office brought forward large packets of documents from various parts of the Indies, of the handwriting of which there was no doubt, and which exactly corresponded wi
priest. "I only say these are forgeries
the letters with former documents. Many of them had maintained correspondence with the accused, and after
or of the old deacon. "Speak truly and freely, but beware of slander or fa
em-he was too innocent; but among ourselves we wondered at the profligacy that was carried on; not near the church, but in the bazaar of the town, where the great Padré used to come. One day one of the bankers in the city said to me, 'Your great Padré is very rich; I have exchanged fifty thousand rupees for him for bills on Panjim (Goa), and other bankers have also made remittances privately for him. 'Where does he get this money?' I said I c
y. He had become ghastly p
, taught our children, and helped her brother to write those blessed books. Ah, sirs! though we are but simple shepherds, yet our people have fought in many a frontier war; we have maintained our faith against Moslem and
eida and his sister leave
ed the Padré might return with the Beydurs and attack the Se?ora. Then, after a time, came an express from Beejapoor, and Dilawar Khan told them they must obey the Queen Chand's orders; and before daylight they were sent off to Juldroog in closed palanquins, whether they would or n
quisitor; "and thou must speak to it, however painful, on pain of tortu
be. My brother did not like what he heard, things he would not tell me of. I was pained by Dom Diego's licentious looks, and even, when in the Church, always sat near the children of my school. But one Sabbath evening he found me alone, teaching the children a hymn; and when they had gone he advanced towards me, and offered me such insult as no virtuous woman
into hysterical sobs and tears, upheld by the abbess of her lay order, who had, with other sisters, accompani
u! There is not one spot of shame to my own perception upon my heart, and she can deliver me if I am true. If not
t essays in translation, and which he had sent for confirmation; and lastly, the insult to his sister. "If I could then and there have proceeded to you, holy fathers, I would have come; but a long journey needs several days' preparation, and I was without any notice considered a pris
his vessel had fallen down the river in the afternoon of the previous day, bound for Ch
hile their chief cried with a loud voice, "Ye, Francis d'Almeida, and Maria de Pereira, we acquit and expurge ye from all accusation of heresy, sorcery, con
red, as appears by your agreements, into an unholy and corrupt alliance with Moorish rebels to this kingdom; and you, by these papers, have acknowledged the receipt of vast sums of money. We condemn you, therefore, unless you make
which, whether just or unjust, never changed. He only bowed his head, muttered something th
public blessings of the Archbishop and Grand Inquisitor; and, after that, falling into each other's arms, they wept like children before all. Before this, their feelings had been too highly strun
oor which was open, and revealed a small bed, with a loaf of bread and a jar of water. "Thou wilt not be long." Balthasar
ll come, and bring the rope for thee. If thou art strong and brave, as
a surer plan in
" he said; "I can manage withou
, except for the wailings of wretches who sat alone in their misery, he close
not," he said, from between his teeth. "Thou, too, a traitor!" And he then threw him down on the bed, and stuffed a large portion of his dress into his cousin's mouth. "Dare to s
Spare my life! Oh, spare my life! Unshrive
d to tie up the captives whom we carried off for ransom. Rest quietly there, my son, till some one finds thee in the morning; and thou must tell them they did not make so much of me as they might when I was here; they may find it hard to take me now. Addios, brother, I know my way out, and have a vow to attend midnight mass in the cathedral. How well thy robe fits me; perhaps thou wilt take mine in exchang
and he made his way to the gate without opposition. The men on guard rallied him on going out so late; but he declared his vow of midnight mass, and passed on into the open air, unchallen
y emerged from their hiding place, gained the boat unobserved, and lay down in its bottom; and when the last one came he loosed the painter, took one of the oars, and sculled off leisurely towards the opposite shore. Near that, the men started up, took the oars, which were muffled, and rowed with all their power, and with a strong