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A Runaway Brig;

A Runaway Brig;

Author: James Otis


Word Count: 1789    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

we'll have a prime sail; and most likely this is the last chance we

t believe she feels half as bad as I do!" And Walter Morse looked mournfully out over the blue waters with but little care for his

uple of hours?" the first sp

to ride, and said I was to s

sure because of his friend's engagements; but before he had taken half a doz

to take care of your sister till we get back. Any of them will

alter's was equally prominent in the wholesale dry-goods business on Broadway. During their stay at this summer resort they had made the acquaintance of Jim Libby,

, leaky tender belonging to the schooner. As Harry had said, this was Jim's last day on the island until the end of another cruise, and Walter was so eager to blister his hand

than he could give her; and it was not difficult to convince himself that, under all the

morning, or I'm sure she'd 'a' fixed it so'

tone that Walter, who was more than willing to be convinc

rs. Harvey's maid,

ys were running at full speed toward the shore, while Bessie, apparently well content with the change of nurses, looked so ha

ust outside, made a most convenient landing-place, and on the bow sat Master Jim, his face stripe

d as his neatly-dressed acquaintances came into view. "If we wanter do a

as he commenced to push at the bow of the boat. "Let's

her breadth of beam; but after that had been done the labor was end

oars aft as a rudder, and the full-bowed clipper began to move through the water

don't stand up to it like a narrower boat would," the skipper said as he settled himself back

s and then row back," Walter suggested. "I'd

s he glanced at the clumsy oars. "I'd

ill do that pa

sheet the old craft came around slowly, for s

is she?" Harry asked as he pointed sea

contempt because his companions were so ignorant. "Sh

he is. We can row back by

en perfectly willing had the distance been twice as far, and he gave assent

r slowly, under the influence of the rapidly-decreasing wind, on a course at right-angles with the one the Sally was pursuing. She was r

I reckon, an' if she's becalmed they won't say anything agin our goin' aboard," Jim sai

eshen. The Sally took in so much water between her half-calked seams that it was necessary to keep the bailing-dish in constant use, consequently there was li

get there. It's dead calm, an'

ke down the sail and keep the bailing dish going whi

mast. "My vessel won't get under way before mornin', an

f play Harry and Walter went at it with a will, while Jim wondered what sport boys could find i

hich swung to and fro on the lazy swell, and when they were abou

st be below, for I haven't seen so much as a feller's nose yet. P

s anything strange in such a condition of affairs, but kept steadily at work with the

id as he seized the ladder of rope and wood whic

whether they're willing to

dently. "If you're afraid I'll go first; but it

could be seen on deck. The fore hatch was lying bottom upward, and the appearance of the ropes indicated decided care

n a whisper as he noted the look o

if we can raise anybody;" and th

in was the cry repeated, unt

go into the cabin

uestion he leaped down from the rail, running first into the forecastle and then the cabin, aft

g but ourselves, an' there's a sword on the cabin

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