A Russian Proprietor
[19] Yukhvanka's hut was carefully thatched with straw from the threshing-floor of the estate; the frame-work was of new light-gray aspen-wood (also from
sufficiency and comfort given by this establishment was somewhat injured by a barn enclosed
o peasant women came up on the other carrying a tub full
e wore a clean shirt embroidered on the sleeves and collar, an apron of the same material, a new linen skirt, p
shoulder. Her easy forcefulness, manifested in her rosy face, in the curvature of her back, and the
in a black dilapidated shirt and a faded linen skirt, was bent so that the water-yoke rested rather on her back than on her shoulder. Her two hands, whose distorted fingers seemed to clutch the yo
ssion to the ground. One yellow tooth protruded from her sunken upper lip, and, constantly moving, sometimes came in contact w
legs, though it seemed as if they would have barely strengt