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A Yankee Flier Over Berlin

Chapter 10 SPY

Word Count: 2233    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

eemed likely to succeed. But after careful thought he was convinced Colonel Glotz had been merely showing off. Stan felt certain Gl

n in civilian clothes entered. Stan heard the shuffle of feet outside in the hall and knew armed guards were waiting. The

an bowed stiffly. "I am Domber." He said it as though

ed on his cot. Domber rubbed

" he said. "We will h

ed to the door. He frowned at the

dd ways. They always

that way," Sta

were no bars on the window and one of its side wings stood open. Stan saw people walking up and down the street. An expa

was an adding machine, two sets of files, several large cabinets with steel doors, and a desk with a typewriter on it. Stan smiled at the lit

the desk. He fished out a box of cigars, flipped th

nks," St

rt some of my favorite Tampa Perfectos." He snipped the end off the cigar with a gold clipper, then jabbed a full inch of the

ed back a

lonel is a bloody old coot. All he thinks of is shooting people. I have oth

of notes on a rack and was clicking away on her typewriter, but he did not think

ith us until after the war, so I see no reason why we shouldn't

as to be shot as

nfluence. I could have you designated a prisoner

o stay alive for a time. If he could interest Domber without

P-51, a Mustang, th


esting equipment on it, some t

ures do you mea

a supercharger. The one on the P-51 is something new. If y

tured one intact

ave been very clever in fixing it so that that particula

Stan said. "But I have had general instructions

ggest repairs for one that is part

her some badly hashed

think we shall have a very pleasant

es too high, I'm no

el Glotz as a spy, one is apt to be quite su

s I'm to be shot?" Stan look

see men shot. But we won't think of that. We'll have lunch and then we'll get at th

an," Stan thought. He did not show an

ut to lunch n

sed in a natty suit. He wore spats and carried a small cane, which his secretary handed him as he walked out. There was a r

tch people in the street as they watched the car slide past. He had a hunch Domber was known to these people; he also had a hunch the plane maker was hated and feared by

l Hi

use. A man met them in the vestibule. He to

a complete outfit of clothing. Show him t

ber," the man

id. "I'll be having a brandy in th

d into a large room. It was furnished in a

o draw hot water fo

e a hot bath. See that there's

m and laid out snowy towels. Com

out clothi

to laugh. This was the oddest experience he had ever had. Yet there was something sinister about it. Domber had a fishy coldness about him that

very close to Stan's size, fresh linen, a shirt, a tie

rectly. As he knotted the tie, Stan walked to a wide window overlooking a garden. There were no bars on the window and

and found a balcony with a flight of steps leading to the garden below. He wondered what would h

so he walked around the house. He was standing looking out into an alley line

y," the man said

he was wearing a heavy shoulder holster. He smiled. The man

red at once and bowed. Stan followed him into Domber's library. A table had been

stroll in the g

ioned a nice place for

for years," Domber sa

ad given Domber as he passed. He was a Dutch Quisling, a trai

care of my business and my own comforts," he said dryly. Then h

able gave no hint of lack of supplies. There was real coffee, strong and black, fruit, fish, fresh

asual way. He gave a very good description of the new secret rocket which was doing so much damage to the Forts and Libs, even telling Stan how it

would never live to repeat what he had heard that he

w an American." Domber beamed. "I have enjoyed each of th

y the traitor looked at him. Domber was very sure of himself and of his power.

y and workshop. The laboratory was far more elaborate than the workshop. Stan wa

he added, "I have done much with po

use poison ga

we are able to smash a large part of the British and American air power, we will launch gas

he planes?"

save air power for this." Domber had ceased smiling and for the first time his hate came to the s

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