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Adrift in the Wilds

Chapter 9 THE PURSUIT.

Word Count: 1366    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

that three white persons stood behind them and could be so easily reached. They were talking in a wild manner, and ran several rods fro

than a coat or some cast-off garment that had been thrown aside

was watching them intently, while his two companio

s, be the same token?" demanded

over something that

ike a lot of Kilkenny cats, and not sthop till there's not one of 'em left-

ear to have settled the matter already, and

ut back into the country we stand a chance of getting something to eat. As near as I can calculate, the Salinas River i

pon a party of min

e other side of the Coast Range, between that and the Sierra Nevada

y git my mind off the subjact and forgit that I'm hungry enough

dians by several loud, gruff barks. At so great a distance it was impossible that the dog should be heard, but the danger was that the lynx-eyed savages

ght sight of him, and giving out a strange half-whoop and stream, he start

exclaimed Howard, wheeling round

and could easily distance their more awkward companion; but they could not leave him al

they had a good start; but the pursuers ran over the rocks and bowlders with the facility of mountain goats and gaine

ly throw down their guns and take up a sprig of the shillaleh, like an ilegant gintleman should do, I wouldn't ax better fu

falling flat upon his face with considerable violence. He quickly scramble

honor, but by the stone that

d Howard, pausing a moment f

ee us, and then we will hide ourselves until the danger is past

e means of securing their escape. The moment they reached it they darted away at almost double their rate of speed, and shortly reached another hilly portion, into which they plunged, and running a short

anging words with each other, or uttering those exultant whoops which the Indian of other portions

er the Indians had passed, and nothing could be heard to indicate that they were any

gone!" s

atching somewhere. We must be very careful. How

, but made no sound, wh

ay from here as we can, for I am sure those Indians will lo

thing suspicious, followed a northeasterly direction-one that would both lead them away from their pursuers and at the

dvance, fully aware of the responsibility that rested upon him. There was little fear but that he would give timely n

ing among stunted trees and sparse vegetation. The moon did not rise until quite late, so that until then they could barely see each other's bodies as they moved along. This made

all three detected the glimmer of a light among the trees. Cautiously

, and if he has a gun, or anything to eat,

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