Adventures Among the Red Indians
ts were employed not only to poison the minds of those Siouan and Iroquoian tribes that dwelt on
white people of the States; and the celebrated General Wayne was sent into Ohio with a strong force of cavalry and infantry to restore order. He pitched his camp near Fort Jefferson, on Lake Erie, and having driven away the insurgents, sent
only seventy, and many of the horses had escaped or been stolen. At noon on the third day the men halted for dinner on a barren tract between a range of hills and a thick forest; and, in order to guard against a surprise, Lieutenant Boyd with twenty men was sent to patrol the wood
and Sergeant Munson was sent to bring back an immediate report. He found the Lieutenant trying to bind his shattered leg. Shoot
es and stores which had been placed in the centre of the camp. Lowr
!" A rapid, running fire was beginning, and above Boyd's voice, which was shouting directions or encouragement to his men, there rose
nd the sight that awaited them was not an encouraging one. Ten of their comrades were already dead or dying; the rest were fighting desperately against a score of Indians, most of whom were arm
. Again came the horrible war-whoop, this time from a second batch of Indians who either had just arrived o
y and excitement of the last few minutes he had forgotten all about it. He looked round for the quickest exit from the wood, and, in so doing, caught sight of Boyd who, faint with the loss of blood, had been feebly endeavouring to bandage his wound with a handkerchief. The sergeant threw one
skins'll be on us in another minute. Here, give me a hold of yo
ing, and, hoisting Boyd on his back, darted among the trees out of sight of the approaching Indians. On every side of him shooting seemed to be going on; an arrow fell at his very feet, and the next moment a stray musket-ball flattened
loose, for, since his recent losses, Lowry had had them tethered in batches whenever a halt of any length was made. The firing gr
dy liberated by the savages, were plunging and screaming. Lowry, who had leapt on to the back of one of them, was cutting right and left with his sword at the mounted Indians, while his men, though they fought furiously, were retreating rather than charging, for these Cherokee redsk
wo officers when the company halted. Depositing the wounded man here, he snatched up a rifle and hurried breathlessly back to take part in the fray, which was but a small part, for,
f he could stand. He contrived to stagger to his feet; then, finding that his water-flask was still a