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All for a Scrap of Paper A Romance of the Present War

Chapter 4 No.4

Word Count: 3390    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

ound an excuse for going to Penwennack every day, and Admiral Tresize, never imagining what was in his mind, always gave him a hearty welcome. Nancy had two

n love and efficiency for tennis, he became in great demand. He also raised himself in the Admiral's es

emanded Trevanion, who had not been at all pleased at Nancy's consta

ay level!" wa

d the Captain who joined heartil

ve you a game,"

d it must be a good tea too. We'll have a dish of cream and all sorts of cakes. We can easily arrange it, for Thursday

andful of change. "I'm only thinking a

nion. "And I propose that we play f

u are going?" a

the Admiral, who had become enthusiastic

No, Trevanion, we won't play for the balls. The tea will be enough for y

of balls. My stock is running low,

l the men to bring out the cars, and we'll

r at the Club. I have

er V

e played a

een to

mock horror, at which se

id woefully. "He's on the links at least three

" asked Nancy, when they had

played f

ou challenge Ca

been trying to raise a laugh against me

be sure t

there was a confiden

and many pleasantries were exchanged as they teed their balls. Captain

ths," said the caddy, who was vigor

reat grass mound which guards the first green. Bob, on the other hand, felt nervous and awkward. He was out of practice, and knew his disadvantage. He played the ball badly, and while it cleared the rough, he had an awkward

Army," laughe

over a high mountain of sand, and plumped down comfortably a few yards from the hole. Bob topped his ball, and it la

who though he got just as far, landed in the churchyard,

a grand procession,

al, "this looks as though you

yhow," replied Bob quietly. "I

d in the bunker guarding the green. Bob, on the other han

was the gen

l's over the green and gone down the cl

got into a well-nigh impossib

marked Dick. "That

green," was

miral. "Trevanion has done every hole in bogey

le perfectly, he made too much allowance for the wind, and his second shot went over a high b

Military," sho

ion," giggled a girl wh


you were going to give

e, Nancy's yo

y. He felt certain of victory now, a

icap," said Bob. "Still

two holes," grumbled Dick Tresize,

ved in bogey. Bob got

ved his by a long

e Admiral. "Come, Bob, that's bett

oached the next tee. Although his position seemed almost hopeless, a feeling of confidence came into his heart. He had measured his opponent by this time, and he

he other hand, was perfectly straight. It carried the bunker a hundred and forty yards from the tee, and was w

well, Nancarrow

elped me,"

green in two, got out in four, while Trevanion took five. He had red

rn for the Army," s

two; but in order to do so he has to carry a very difficult piece of country, which, if he gets into it, is generally fatal. Bob's drive was short, and it seemed impossib

tea badly," he

girl. "It'll take another hou

hen," he replied confidently. "I'll bet you a box o

, and there was a flas

"He ought to have insisted on Trevanion giving him strokes. By Ge

Bob's ball had surely mounted all diffic

Admiral. "By gad, Bob, but Vardo

ble by a very fine brassy shot. Trevanion had driven thirty yards further than Bob, but he had still a big sand-hill, covered with long grass, to carry. Whether B

the Admiral. "It's going to

especially as Trevanion had looked angrily at some one who had spoken as he was addressing his ball for the next d

ot help saying, as they walked to the thirteenth tee. "Even if yo

the world," replied the Captain. "You see, I didn't

to have an expensive

, and guarded by a high mound. If he could do so he stood a good chance of a three, and might rob his opponent of another hole. He hit the ball clean and true, and as it left his club

d Dick to Bob, in a whisper. "If you have, you stand a

he was becoming anxious. He hit his ball with perfect precision, but it drop

is friend came up. "It's at the corne

s safe. If Trevanion could not hole out, there would be but one hole between them. Trevanion

n to one," sa

spectators was an amiable-looking gentleman who wore large, round spectacles. He had been s

d Braid, and all ze rest of zem play, but I n

, when they were walkin

was slightly

uette of golf, you would know that it is

thing was further from my mind than to interfere with your play. I vill take much c

ightest," r

that time was silent, although he

et, Trevanion looked grim and determined, the colour came and went on Nancy's face. It seem

ary, and two to play

u'll be dormy, Captain

med very anxious

as in no mood for talk; as for the rest o

t. The green is guarded on the right by a hedge, which if you get over it, makes your case desperate. If you go too far, you are caught by a bunker; while if you play to the left, t

, and played str

ft. A little later they saw that both balls were on the green, although Bob's was several yards the nearer. Trevanion examined the ground carefully. He felt that muc

had not accounted for a steep ascent. The ball rested les

to the lip of the hole, and then half-hanging over, stopped. For a second

ttered Trevanion, b

putt!" cr

one to play," cr

, and a second later he watched the ball as it soared over the hazard. Trevanion's was only a few yards behind. It required but a chip shot to reach the green, w

ks, or perhaps in his anxiety he looked up before he hit his ball. Anyhow he missed it, and he found himself badly bunkered. Bob's chance had come, and he took advantage of it. His ball pitched over the

Trevanion," he said; but the other did not

w for tea," shouted the Admiral. "Bob, my boy,

ike the sportsman he was, had got over his disappoint

I alzo congratulate you, sir. I am not English, I am sorry to say, but I take a

produced his card. "Allow me," he

replied Bob, as he read the c

a feat of skill, and I cannot be silent. I take advantage of the Entente Cordiale. I bear a German name, b

old buffer?

as I," replied Bob; "evident

he was called?"

ateau Villar, Alsace,

d Bob, readi

club; I've been there several times. I shall be civil to him if I meet him aga

whispered Nancy, as th

-I; oh, Bob, I am gla

"but I'm not thinking

augh. "You've won on this field of batt

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