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An account of Sa-Go-Ye-Wat-Ha Red Jacket and his people, 1750-1830

Chapter 6 No.6

Word Count: 2989    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

anada-Ambitious project of Thayendanegea or Brant-Council at Tioga Point-Indian Ceremonies-Visit of C

ng a practical fulfillment. This thought grew out of the circumstances and necessities of the times, and was the natural forecast of a great mind. His words sank deep into the hearts of his people,-they were carried beyond the bou

lations between the two countries. Hostile feelings had been engendered and were still cherished, particularly by those who had taken refuge in Can

ix in 1784, from the dissatisfaction growing out of that treaty, and other indications among the Indians, he began to entertain the ambitious project of forming a grand Indian confederacy, of which he would be chief, embracing not only the Iroquois, but all of the I

the loyal Mohawks upon the crown, for indemnification of their losses and sacrifices in the contest,

government, touching the degree of countenance or the amount of assistance which he might expect f

at the head-quarters here, proceeded on his journey to London. This extraordinary personage is said to have presided at the late Grand Congress of Confederate chiefs, of the Indian nations in America, and to be by them appointed to the conduct and chief command in the

ntenance and aid in the contemplated war, for this part of the errand of the Mohawk ch

grand confederate council, which was held at Huron village, near the mouth of Detroit River. [Footnote: It was attended by the

c in its tone, provided no encroachments were made upon their lands west of the Ohio ri

sts south of the great lakes should be surrendered. This surrender was refused, on the plea that the United States

ding of these forts. Their surrender was earnestly desired on the part of the United States, as it was

rely, that we hold them. If you become indifferent about them, they may perhaps be given up; what security would you then have? You would be at the mercy of a people whose blood calls aloud for revenge; whereas, by supporting them, you encourage us to hold them, and encourage new settlements, already considerable, and every day incre

a war with the Americans, because some of their people encroach and make depredations upon parts of the Indian country; but they must see it is his Lordship's intention to defend the posts; and that while these are preserved, the Indians must find great securit

ed coming into open collision with the United States, were viewing with satisfaction the gatheri

the conflict; and while forces were being summoned to take t

tates, with a view to renew and confirm all the engagements, made at the treaty of Fort Stanwix in 1784. Goods amounting to three thous

ppewa, Pottowattamie and Sac nations, and goods distributed among them amountin

e feeling that had been created. Hostilities were continued throughout the long line of our frontier settlements, an

ately disavowed the act, sought to bring the perpetrators of the crime to

teenth and remained in session until

an active part in its deliberations, were Fish Carrier,

ssioner on the part of the

erienced, the injustice they had suffered, and the unpleasant feelings aroused among them. A la

conclusively the innocence of the government in the murder committed, and after a time succeede

d cheer, and the observance of ce

ndians, and for the general management of his business connected with the undertaking, to reside in Canandaigua. While here he was diligent in cultivating an acquaintance with the principal chiefs of the Iroquois confederacy, who resided in that region. In this he was successful, and soon became a general favorite among them. He was

The host of Indians, and their neophite, were all seated upon the ground in an extended circle, on one side of which a large fire was kept burning. The aged Cayuga chieftain, Fish Carrier, who was held in exalted veneration for his wisdom, and who had been greatly distinguished for his bravery from his youth up, officiated as th

ongs, and made the forests ring with their wild screams and shouts, as they boasted of their deeds of war, and told the number of scalps they had respectively taken, or which had been taken by their nation. During the dance those engaged in it, as did others also, partook freely of unmixed rum, and by consequence of the natural excitement of the occasion, and the artificial excitement of the liquor the festival had well nigh turned out a tragedy. It happened that among the dancers was an Oneida warrior, who in striking the post, boasted of the number of scalps taken by his nation during the war of the Revolution. Now the Oneidas, it will be recollected, had sustained the cause of the colonies in that contest, while the rest of the Iroquois confederacy, had espoused that of the crown. The boasting of the Oneida warrior therefore

silver, and their coarse raven hair falling over their shoulders, and playing wildly in the wind as it swept past, sighing mournfully among the giant branches of the trees above, such a group gathered in a broad circle of an opening in the wilderness, the starry canopy of heaven glittering above them, t

itement and anger of the Senecas, and other tribes there represented, but the

o obtain the restoration of a portion of land south of Lake Erie, and bordering upon Pennsylvania, which was occupied by Half Town and his clan. They represented it as the land on which Half Town and all his people live, with other chiefs who al

fully confirmed at Fort Harmar in 1789, that it was not within his province to annul the provisions of a treaty, especially one that had been concluded befor

ler of the thirteen fires would do them no injustice, and they were hence better reconciled to the people he governed. Before leaving, however, they were engaged to

ommitted by a party of border-men, upon the Senecas at Beaver Creek, in th

ming them of the event, and with the earnest inquiry, "Our father, and ruler

be brought to justice. These times were so fruitful in difficulties, that ere one was healed another was created; yet our govern

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