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An African Millionaire


Word Count: 5020    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

himself about trifles like Colonel Clay. A thunderclap burst upon him. He saw his chief

ays lain in the direction of diamonds. Only once in my life, indeed, have I seen him pay t

gem of pures

athomed caves

You may gather, therefore, what a shock it was to that gigantic brain to learn that science was rapidly reaching a point where his favourite gems might become all at once a me

d after th

mineralogist, and leading spirit of the Royal Society! He nodded to us pleasantly. "Halloa, Vandrift," he cried, in his peculiarly loud and piercing voice; "you're the very man I wanted to meet to-day. Good morning, Wentworth. Well, h

ould say such things, in so loud a voice, on no matter how little foundation, openly in Piccadilly, w

ice which he always assumes when Money is blasphemed against

es's most amicably. There's nothing Ch

voice, "and I'll tell you all about it. Most interesting discovery. Makes

rotest. It was a disquieting story. He told it with gleeful unction. It seems that Professor Schleiermacher, of Jena, "the greatest living authority on the chemistry of ge

Very inferior stones, quite small and worthless, produced at immense cost, and even then not worth

or the first water?" he inquired, passing it across, with a broad sm

t. James's Square to look at it with his pocket-lens. There was no

exclaimed, still incredulous.

night as ever was; before myself and Dr. Gray; and about to be exhibited

said firmly-"it must be nipped in the bud. It won't do, my dea

n?" Cordery ask

my brother-in-law's eye he was distinctly frightened. "Where is t

d to show his experiments to anybody scientifically interested in diamonds. We propose to h

rdery," he said, quivering; "this is a question affecting very important Interests. Don't do anything rash. Don't do anything foolish. Remember that Shares ma

us replied, with the callous indifference of

experts, if you like; but also take care to invite representatives of the menaced Interests. I will come myself-I'm engaged to dine out, but I can contract an indisposition; and I should advise you to ask Mosenheimer, and, say, young Phipson.

secret, at Schleiermacher's own requ

everest tone, "you bawled it out at th

atisfaction; and off we went to Lancaster Gate, with a profound e

f science, whom he seemed to know of old, whilst he bowed somewhat distantly to the South African interest. Then he began to talk, in very German-English, helping out the sense now and again, where his vocabulary failed him, by waving his rather dirty and chemical-stained hands demonstratively about him. Hi

and pans carefully. Then he put in a certain number of raw materials, and went to work with ostentatious openness. There were three distinct processes, and he made two stones by each simultaneously. The remarkable part of his methods, he said, was

her; Vane-Vivian, in particular, was all attention. After three-quarters of an hour, the Professor, still smiling, began to empty the apparatus. He removed a large quantity of dust or powder, which he

urteen shillings and siggspence abiece!" Then he tried the second pair. "Zese," he said, still more gleefully, "are broduced at a gost of eleffen and ninebence!" Finally

But one thing was certain. The men of science had been watching close at the first, and were sure Herr Schleiermacher had n

. "One to Sir Charles!" he said, handing it; "one to Mr. Mosenheimer; one to Mr. Phibson-as representing the tiamond interest. Zen, one each to Sir Atolphus, to D

d. "Professor," he said, in a voice of solemn warning, "Are you aware that, if you have su

ed, with a curious glance of contempt. "I am not a financier! I am

before in my life beheld so strange an instance

ond interest exhibited a corresponding depression. If this news were tr

urchase his secrecy. Already Sir Adolphus had bound us all down to temporary silence-as if that were necessary; b

uy and sell. Zis is a chemical fact. We must bublish it for the sake off its seor

a misspent life!" Charles

ract question-not whether he could make good diamonds or not, but whe

ould not fail to remark, with a strange air of complete and painfu

losed itself. Strange to say, each of the three diamonds given to the three diamond kings turned out to be a most inferior and valueless

nd inferior natural stone for Professor Schleiermacher's manufactured pebbles? It almost seemed so. For a moment, I admit, I was half inclined to suppose it. But next second I changed my mind. Could a man of Sir Charles Vandrift's integrity and high princ

heimer at Phipson, while three more uncomfortable or unhappy-faced men coul

to its crystalline origin, he asked no more than the approval of science. However, out of deference to the wishes of those financial gentlemen who were oddly concerned in maintaining the present price of C in its crystalline form-in other words, the diamond interest-they had arranged that the secret should be strictly guarded and kept for the present; not one of the few persons admitted to the experiments would publicly divulge the truth about them. This secrecy would be maintained till he himself, and a small committee of the Royal Society, should have time to investigate and verify for themselves the Professor's beautiful and ingenious processes-an investigation and verification which the learned Professor himself both desired and suggested. (Schleiermacher nodded approval.) When that was done, if the proces

Young Phipson dropped an expression which I will not transcribe. (I understand this work may ci

ped quickly into his own carriage. "Home!" Charles cried gloomily to the coachman as we took our seats in the

morrow?" Which, I need hardly explain, is the slang of the Stock Exchange for getting rid of undesirable securities. It struck me as pr

miliar abbreviation, "Sey"-derived from Seymour-is his usual mode of address to me in private.) "Is it likely I would unload, and wreck the confidence of the pub

personal interests at the expense of those who have put their trust in you. Such probity

have to think first of dear Isabel and the baby. Before the crash comes I will sell out t

of it, they'd suspect there was something up, and the company would suffer for it. Of course, you can do what you like with your own property. I can't interfere with that. I do not dictate to you. But as Chairman of the Golcondas, I am bound to see that the interests of widows and orphans whose All is invested with me should

to hold fast by my friend, and back Charles's luck against the Professor's science. After a short, sharp struggle within my own mind, I am proud to say, friendship and gratitude wo

. At breakfast Charles also looked haggard and moody. He or

d nervous, jumped out and walked. I walked beside him

confidentially, "that I have it on the very

tily, "I know that tale, and-th

yard or two farther a br

g tone. "What's all this about diamonds? Where are

tiff. "I fail to understand yo

apiece-as good as real-and South Africa's ancient history. In less than six weeks Kimberley, they say, will be a howling desert. Every costermonger in Whitechapel will wear genuine Koh-i-noors fo

anners were atrocious. Near the Bank we

se, like lead this morning. But it'll rise to-morrow, mark my words, and fluctuate every hour till the discovery's proved or disproved for certain. There's a fine ti

t. The seal of secrecy had proved more potent than publication on the housetops. Some people told us of the exciting news in confidential whispers; some proclaim

Moscow. His mien was resolute. He disappeared at last into the precincts of an office

d firm as a rock, and so did his brokers. "I don't want to sell," he said, doggedly. "The whole thing is trumped up. It's a mere piece of jugglery. For my own part, I believe Professor Schleiermacher is deceived, or else is deceiving us. In another

nite stack against which the waves roll and break themselves in vain. He took no notice of the sl

ink I had helped to spread the rumour and produce the slump, in order to buy in at panic rates for my own advantage. A chairman, like Caesar's wife, shoul

at Sir Adolphus had declared the whole affair a sham, and prices would steady a little; now, another would break out that the diamonds were actually being put upon the ma

selves of a sudden. While we were wondering what it mean

from Jena saying the Professor knows nothing about him. Sorry un

him. How had he dared to introduce the impostor to solid men as Professor Schleiermacher? Sir Adolphus shrugged his shoulders. The fellow had come and introduced himself as the great Jena chemist; he had long white hair, and a stoop in the shoulders. What reason had he for doubting his word? (I reflected to myself that on much the same grounds Charles in turn had accepted the Honourable Dav

them piecemeal to the men of science and representatives of the diamond interest. We all watched him closely, of course, when he opened the crucibles; but when once we had satisfied ourselves that something came out, our doubts were set at rest, and we forgot to watch whether he distributed those somethin

said, "though Golcondas have suffered a temporary loss, it's a comfort to think that you should have stood so firm, and not only stemmed the tide, but also prevented yourself from losin

guised contempt. "Wentworth," he said once more,

ined to sell

lost. But I did sell out, and some unknown operator bought in at once, and closed for ready money, and has sold again this morning; and after all that has happened, it will be impossible to track him. He didn't wait for the account: he settled up instantly. And he sold in like manner. I know now what has been

company! You deserted the ship! And how about your tr

u have lived with me for years and had every advantage. You have seen high finance. Ye

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