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Crotchet Castle

Chapter 6 THEORIES.

Word Count: 2219    |    Released on: 28/11/2017

y came to sh

it the other's

rt, passed by. When the ladies had withdr

hilosophers of all classes seem to be agreed: th

t society. There wants nothing but money to set it going. I will explain myself clearly

is it that all gentlemen of your nation begin ev

e beginning. "In the infancy of society, when government was

iott.-I will not

ll, say any perce

t.-I will not say an

he principle of the

Government was invented

y.-To save a

; and a good deal more than two and a half percent. T

-"In the infan

ion is of society in its maturity. Here is what it should

nment, we must nicely discriminate the boundaries of se

s wanted to regenerate society, I will put into the hands of this com

committee-room in London, where we will

o in deliberative dinners, you may set me d

itical economy, which I will teach you, ver

ctures over the bottle. But pray

omy is to the state what dome

, and takes care that there shall be no such thing in the household as one dying of hunger, while another dies of

-Vintage of f

family consumes, an

the proportions: there is the essential difference betw

logy is not essential. Distributi

of the state is in no respect analogous to the distributio

pass. The family consumes, and in o

sir, Adam and Eve knew that

r (reproducing his scroll).

e distribution that must be looked to; it is the paterfamilias that is wan

se, where the ancient altar of Bacchus may flourish, and justice may be

endental oracles to teach the world how to see

through an opera

darkly and brightly. But, gentlemen, if you are all in the humour for reading pape


e that our respective papers be c

is divided into two great branc

othing. The fruges consumere nati have the best of it. Eh, Captain! You remember the characteristics of a great man according to Aristophanes: ?στι? γε

antry and the obscurity go together; they are


der the painful necessity of demolishing it bit by bit, as I have done your exo

, in the meantime I hold

liott.-And I hol

t your manuscripts, fill your glasses, an

ld lecture-rooms,

Athenian theatre; regen

ve parallelogram, with a steam-engine

ntry, and get rid of malari

ists, where all the members shall be inoculated with the vir

ndow it with beef and ale, and hang the hal

lled a frog twelve times, and brought him to life eleven; but the twelfth time he died. I have a phia

speaker be dispossessed of his phial, and

le, and, in the present state of h

-Let the frogs have al

ctor, the fish might parti

en let the owner's right-

hat have I done, sir, tha

friend, the Reverend Doctor F., wherein you have sketched off me; me, sir,

ood-humoured; all in bonhomie:

h makes an Eleusinian temple of the circle in which it moves. He who reveals its myste

you are very facet

to gratify the appetite of the reading rabble for gossip. The next time, sir, I will respond with the argumentum baculinum. Print

-Your cloth pr

ott.-My bamboo sha

, Doctor, you are gr

blood boils. What business have


tlemen, return to the point.

a fleet of steamboats down the Niger, and another up the Nile. So shall y

etticoats must precede stockings. Send out a crew of tailo

eral benefit, that this fund is proposed: a grand and universall

I have not heard a scheme but my ow

ion runs itself into a chorus, and sets itself to music.

reful me

ound del

ty projects which h

heme in

orld's am

ommon sense in i

e not disposed to joi

for Mr. Trillo's. Regenerate the Athenian theatre. My

ome.-I, sir? oh

aptain, I rely on you to

me.-Me, sir! oh,

sir, will political economy

ot. It would be a very

matters, civil and military? Was it not their law, that even the proposal to divert this fund to any other purpose should be punished with death? But, sir, I further propose that the Athenian theatre being resuscitated, the admission shall be free to all who can expound the Greek choruses, c

t the ladies,

ady: and she who can construe and metricise a ch

ut of my own theatre. Let there at least

No, sir; I am inexorabl

ot consent to be shut o

arcely find two to agree on a scheme, and no two of those can agree on the detail

means. We are all agreed

ng with Robin Hood, "If I drink water while this doth last;" and while

men, I hope this chorus

ater while t

er again

man, in his

ng better

d drink, and

hing bett

ave dined, wi

e as we

good wish wil

no cup

ll spring as th

our stud

t dreams of our

f the flask

ill day, but we

the world

d's regeneration evapora

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