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Donal Grant

Chapter 3 THE MOOR.

Word Count: 1299    |    Released on: 28/11/2017

d look about him for a place of repose. But there

darkness! Was it not in this very chamber that Jacob had his vision of the mighty stair leading up to the gate of heaven! Was it not under such a roof Jesus spent his last nights on the earth! For comfort and protection he sought no human shelter, but went out into his Father's house-out under his Father's heaven! Th

t thicker growth of heather, its tops almost close as those of his bed at his father's cottage, he sought no further. Taking his knife, he cut a quantity of heather and ferns, and heaped it on the top o

uff of thought unshaped, and every breath he drew seemed like God breathing afresh into his nostrils the breath of life. Who knows what the thing we call air is? We know about it, but it we do not know. The sun shone as if smiling at the self-importance of the sulky darkness he had driven away, and the wor

smoke: there too the day was begun! He was glad he had not seen it before, for then he might have missed the repose of the open night. At the door st

ee his face. He seemed waiting, like his father for the Book, while his mother got it from t

aein' to ha

rd stare at his visitor; "we dinna set up for prayin' fowk i' this h

' to say gude mornin' to yer makker, an' wad hae likit to j'in wi

tak yer parritc

he parritch, an' no for the prayers. I like as

orship wi' 's, gien ye

e to follow. Na; I'll du b

hand, and silently laid it on the table. Donal had never yet prayed aloud except in a murmur by himself on the hill, bu

'. Ye observt hoo it began like a stormy mornin', but ye h'ard hoo it changed or a' was dune. The sun comes oot bonny i' the en', an' ye hear the birds beginnin' to sing, tellin' Natur' to gie ower her greitin'. An' what brings the guid man til's senses, div ye think? What but jist th

on their knees,

e dawn o' a spiritual day inside 's, or the bonny day ootside winna gang for muckle. Lord, oor micht, speyk a word o' peacefu' recall to ony dog o' thine 'at may be worryin' at the hert o' ony sheep o' thine

with the water for the porridge. But Donal rose, and walked out of the cottage, half wondering at h

lord o' the day an' the hoor an' the minute, 's '

ne of the far ocean

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1 Chapter 1 FOOT-FARING.2 Chapter 2 A SPIRITUAL FOOT-PAD.3 Chapter 3 THE MOOR.4 Chapter 4 THE TOWN.5 Chapter 5 THE COBBLER.6 Chapter 6 DOORY.7 Chapter 7 A SUNDAY.8 Chapter 8 THE GATE.9 Chapter 9 THE MORVEN ARMS.10 Chapter 10 THE PARISH CLERGYMAN.11 Chapter 11 THE EARL.12 Chapter 12 THE CASTLE.13 Chapter 13 A SOUND.14 Chapter 14 THE SCHOOLROOM.15 Chapter 15 HORSE AND MAN.16 Chapter 16 COLLOQUIES.17 Chapter 17 LADY ARCTURA.18 Chapter 18 A CLASH.19 Chapter 19 THE FACTOR.20 Chapter 20 A FIRST MEETING.21 Chapter 21 A TALK ABOUT GHOSTS.22 Chapter 22 A TRADITION OF THE CASTLE.23 Chapter 23 STEPHEN KENNEDY.24 Chapter 24 EVASION.25 Chapter 25 CONFRONTMENT.26 Chapter 26 THE SOUL OF THE OLD GARDEN.27 Chapter 27 A PRESENCE YET NOT A PRESENCE.28 Chapter 28 EPPY AGAIN.29 Chapter 29 LORD MORVEN.30 Chapter 30 BEWILDERMENT.31 Chapter 31 THE HOUSEKEEPER'S ROOM.32 Chapter 32 COBBLER AND CASTLE.33 Chapter 33 THE EARL'S BEDCHAMBER.34 Chapter 34 A NIGHT-WATCH.35 Chapter 35 ARCTURA AND SOPHIA.36 Chapter 36 THE CASTLE-ROOF.37 Chapter 37 A RELIGION-LESSON.38 Chapter 38 THE MUSIC-NEST.39 Chapter 39 COMMUNISM.40 Chapter 40 EPPY AND KENNEDY.41 Chapter 41 HIGH AND LOW.42 Chapter 42 A LAST ENCOUNTER.43 Chapter 43 A HORRIBLE STORY.44 Chapter 44 MORVEN HOUSE45 Chapter 45 PATERNAL REVENGE.46 Chapter 46 FILIAL RESPONSE.47 Chapter 47 A SOUTH-EASTERLY WIND.48 Chapter 48 A DREAM.49 Chapter 49 INVESTIGATION.50 Chapter 50 MISTRESS BROOKES UPON THE EARL.51 Chapter 51 LADY ARCTURA'S ROOM.52 Chapter 52 HER BED-CHAMBER.53 Chapter 53 THE LOST ROOM.54 Chapter 54 THE HOUSEKEEPER'S ROOM. 5455 Chapter 55 A SOUL DISEASED.56 Chapter 56 DUST TO DUST.57 Chapter 57 A LESSON ABOUT DEATH.58 Chapter 58 THE BUREAU.59 Chapter 59 THE CRYPT.60 Chapter 60 THE CLOSET.61 Chapter 61 THE WALL.62 Chapter 62 PROGRESS AND CHANGE.63 Chapter 63 THE BREAKFAST-ROOM.64 Chapter 64 LARKIE.65 Chapter 65 THE SICK-CHAMBER.66 Chapter 66 A PLOT.67 Chapter 67 GLASHGAR.68 Chapter 68 SENT, NOT CALLED.69 Chapter 69 IN THE NIGHT.70 Chapter 70 THE PORCH OF HADES.71 Chapter 71 THE ANGEL OF THE LORD.72 Chapter 72 THE ANGEL OF THE DEVIL.73 Chapter 73 RESTORATION.74 Chapter 74 A SLOW TRANSITION.75 Chapter 75 AWAY-FARING.76 Chapter 76 A WILL AND A WEDDING.77 Chapter 77 THE WILL.78 Chapter 78 INSIGHT.79 Chapter 79 MORVEN HOUSE.