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Down with the Cities!

Chapter 10 10

Word Count: 2819    |    Released on: 28/11/2017

, the city will automatically perish. Even if I should swing at the grou

se, the City De

g itself alive. In the top of a tree was a boy lopping off branches with a hatchet, and below there were a

consumed the leaves on these trees, there would be nothing. The goats were facing sta

ion, "that he is cutting his own throat? Even if he

erely as the misfortune of others? The

o seek glory and praise, and to continue your stupid competition) you keep on lopping off branches. It does not matter to you if this is the march of death; you continue to waste the few remaining resourc

the City'

: the Cit

is does not mean that there is an unlimited amount. It is an undeniable fact that,

for the so-called new materials. As long as there is no proof that these new materials are made from a vacuum, and that the

hem. For example, should there be a shortage of manganese, steelmaking will suffer. If we run short of copper, there will be no more motors that use copp

be used as the raw material for manufactured articles, and even in the field of energy it is said that, if we do not have an amount o


t does not matter) the modern city will perish, but there is one other noteworthy matter here,

extent the city was made to flush untreated wastes into the rivers and oceans, no matter how impudent the urbanites are, and no matter how much the people at the Environment Agency shirk their duties, if petroleum suddenly disappeared from before

. No matter what reason there could be, the arrogant and extravagant city cannot be expected to give up petroleum until it has consumed the last drop, so noting what the future will bring, Nature promised the Earth that the cities would perish. The c

bfest Will End in

, and praise, all gained by means of squandering petroleum - and there is no mistaking that, when they begin to have that terrible feeling that the oil is about to run out, they will go mad and try to rob it from others. [42] Should the city just try to be gentlemanly about the matter, it will be totally paralyzed, so

easures, or practice of any kind. We must realize that our time

able Fate


nce of the city lessening, even for a day, its efforts to destroy itself, or resting in its labors to dig its own grave. The reason for establishing the city is to achieve ease and gluttony, and the attainment of this objective necessitates plunder, destruction, and contamination; this is none other than the rush down the road to ruin. There is no other possible course for the city to follow. Should one hop

grave. And then, in order that the city can execute its mission with even greater effectiveness, it continues adding on, stacking up,

Apparatus of Civiliza

t belly up. In this way the manager of the robot factory was forced to risk his life in the establishment of a roboticized robot factory. Upon completion of the factory, the manager and 600 employees all lost their jobs. It was for that reason (an

a television interview. "This will eventually take place in all factories. It can't be helped - if we don't do it, the company

n economy based on money generates legions of idle people hungry for money, and they come up with all sorts of

become, and over civilization's progress, but we had better look again, because civilization is robbing

or become uninhabited). The city, which once achieved prosperity by means of civiliz

and Tyranny of the


g its own existence. Knowing just this is enough to tell us that the city has not long to live. It should be evident to anyone that the city is responsible for the fearsomely rapid spread of the de

oom tissue, newspapers, magazines, and computer printing paper. So the city is saddled with the contradiction that it c

countries into crisis, and cutting our own throats at the same time. I can no longer bear the futility, or being party to the great crime of doing such work. I want to become a self-sufficient farmer, and so came to see your chickens." * * * I also noted earlier that the city continues its limitless expansion on a global scale,

o be prime rice paddies," he explained. "But as you can see, it is now a fine public meeting hall and a big parking l

osing this plan and was told that not one person in the village was against it. If anyone were to oppose the plan they would be ostracized from the village since, once the golf course is completed, not only will the fields and woods be transformed into piles of mon

Violating the P

images of people digging their own graves, so one could not possibly write

lex and wondrous interaction of species that have repeated adaptation and selection over an incomprehensibly long time. If, in this net of interaction among species, even one of the nodes should exhibit unusual development or disappear,

mpting to change that which Nature has taken billions of years to make, or to create something new. The species adapt to their environments (air, water, sunlight, the Land, and the net of inte

at the balance of the ecosystem will require a great upheaval (the iron hammer of Nature) in order to correct t

y (in correcting the imbalance brought about by biotechnology, the

ed in tanks with colonic bacteria, or isomerized sugars and oligosaccharides made from transformed biomass) cell regeneration will be adversely affected, and

eating artificial food." By producing our own food and by assimilating the blessings of Nature in our own loca

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