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Beside the Bonnie Brier Bush


Word Count: 2418    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

of the "action" sermon, and was completed at the singing of the last Psalm. Once there was no glory, because the minister, being still young, expounded a new theory of the atonement of German ma

ties on the preacher, but accepted them as

Lachlan Campbell, who distributed the responsibility in ano

l glances, as of one who had awaked but hardly dared believe such things could be true. Suddenly a sigh pervaded six pews, a kind of gentle breath of penitence, faith, love, and hope mingled together like the incense of the sanctuary, and Donald lifted up his head. His eyes are now aflame, and those sullen lips are refining into curves of tenderness. From the manse pew I watched keenly, for at any moment a wonderful sight may be seen. A radiant smile will pass from his lips to his eyes and spread over his face, as when the sun shines on a fallow field and the rough furrows melt into warmth and beauty. Donald's gaze is now fixed on a windo

e evening, and the elders dined with the minister. Before the introduction of the Highlanders conversation had an easy play within r

instructive and edifyin'; we were juist sayin' comin' up

eful during the week, and was still dissatisfied, as he exp

d his best by the minister up stairs, who had subm

ond table; he's a speeritually minded man

when Burnbrae's c

tae see a man gang tae the Song o' Solomon on the Sacrament Sabb

owed some freedom, and it was wonderful how many things

nkfu'. Gin it hads on like this I wudna say but th'ill be a gude ha

juist thinkin' as I cam to the Kirk that there wes a

chel Skene sat in her

n forrit, Mistress Ske

she, 'ma token's safe

esterday, and I never

, and I'm no

ae mistake o' that; a' wonder hoo her son is gettin' o

and reminded one of the parish of Drumtocht

on; on others they broke in on any conversation that was going from levels beyond the imagination of Drumtochty. Had this happened in the Auld Manse, Drumsheugh would have taken for granted that Donald was "feeling sober" (ill)

st week, Maister Menzies, or a'm th

ze, where he had been w

at the moon had anythi

bound hand and fo

no juist followin'

l not be loosed till the occasion be over. I hef had a s

extract a certificate of efficiency from Lachlan

ddie feeshing in the burn before my house, and a fery pretty laddie he wass. He had a rod and a string, and he threw his line peautiful. It wass a great

the last of the old mystical school, which trace their descent from Samuel Rutherford, had described the great mystery of our Faith wit

ld be borne, and his former r

e tables; but I wes sorry to see the Doctor sae failed. He wes be

t to sudden flashes of a

your eyes left you, and hef you no discernment? Did ye not see that he was bowed to the very table w

ster asked what time the preacher might have for

the stations; but there iss no time-table here, for we shall wait till t

he people were hushed into a quiet that might be felt, and the old man, swayed by the spirit of the Prophets, began to repeat the blessings and curses in the Bible bet

d all the curses, and here iss the

for five seconds, while no man could breathe, and then lifting up his hand to Heaven he said, with an indescribable

sang, after the ancien

d be the Lo

d of I

he soft evening light of the upper window the angels

Lachlan was trying for the same period to have the minister removed from Drumtochty. Donald, deprived by one stroke of

came upon me, and I wass nigh unto death, and my soul awoke within me and began to cry like a child for its mother. All my days I had lived on Loch Tay, and now I thoug

d nothing. For I wass hoping he would tell me what I wass to do for my soul. But he began upon the sheep m

s the Sabbath, an

ye be doing at Aberfeldy? and you will die on the road.' 'There iss,' said I, 'a man th

king no man could see me, and I cried in my heart withou

he gave me a strange look, and this wa

of the grave around me, and my soul straitly bound. I c

ister stopped

I knew not whether it was the wing of the Angel of Life or the Angel of Death passing over him, but the Lord has made it plain to

ght of God's face, and my grave clothes were taken off one by one as

t sang, and the burnies by the roadside, and the rustling of the birch leaves in the

as we came by its side in the

as a sea of glass mingled with fire, and I heard the song of Moses and the Lamb sweepin

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