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Phineas Finn

Chapter 7 Mr and Mrs Bunce

Word Count: 4434    |    Released on: 18/11/2017

e, that he continued on his legs an hour longer than the necessities of his speech required, in order that five or six very ancient Whigs might be wearied ou

ertheless, Mr Daubeny in all that he said was parliamentary, and showed himself to be a gladiator thoroughly well trained for the arena in which he had descended to the combat. His arrows were poisoned, and his lance was barbed, and his shot was heated red - because such things are allowed. He did not poison his enemies' wells or use Greek fire, because those things are not allowed. He knew exactly the rules of the combat. Mr Mildmay sat and heard him without once raising his hat from his brow, or speaking a word to his neighbour. Men on both sides of the House said that Mr Mildmay suffered terribly; but as Mr Mildmay uttered no word of complaint to anyone, and was quite ready to take Mr Daubeny by the hand the next time they met in company, I

ted," said Barringto

r went beyond that. I knew they would have old Moody up,

ve promised the

in in. But they kno

a majority against them

wants nothing better, but it is rather hard upon poor

clever of course, and has made his own way, but I've always a feeling that he has no busin

transfer himself and all his belongings, were waiting his occupation, should he resolve upon occupying them. If he intended to commence operations as a barrister, it would be necessary that he should have chambers and a clerk; and before he had left Mr Low's house on Sunday evening he had almost given that gentleman authority to secure for him these rooms at No. 9. "Whether you remain in Parliament or no, you must make a beginning," Mr Low had said; "and how are you even to pretend to begin if you don't have chambers?" Mr Low hop

life spent among the lobbies. A desire to help to beat the Conservatives had fastened on his very soul, and almost made Mr Low odious in his eyes. He was afraid of Mr Low, and for the nonce would not go to h

borough Stre


said on my side of the question. This seat in Parliament has come in my way by chance, and I think it would be pusillanimous in me to reject it, feeling, as I do, that a seat in Parliament confers very great honour. I am, too, very fond of politics, and regard legislation as the finest profession going. Had I any one dependent on me, I probably might n

ll fail in bringing you round to my way of thinking; but as I must write to tell yo

lways fa


e enough to understand that the honour comes from the mode of winning it, and from the mode of wearing it; and that the very fact of his being member for Loughshane at this instant simply proves that Loughshane should have had no privilege to return a member! No one dependent on him! Are not his father and his mother and his sisters dependent on him as long as he must eat their bread till he can earn bread of his own? He will never earn bread of his own. He will always be eating bread that others have earned." In this way, before the day was over, Mr Low became very angry, and swore to himself that he would have nothing more to say to Phineas Finn. But yet he found himself creating plans for encountering and conqu

been brown always, and had become browner with years, were perhaps as unattractive to the eye of a young pupil as any rooms which were ever entered. And the study of the Chancery law itself is not an alluring pursuit till the mind has come to have some insight into the beauty of its ultimate object. Phineas, during his three years' course of reasoning on these things, had taught himself to believe that things ugly on the outside might be very beautiful within; and had therefore come to prefer crossing Poland Street and Soho Square, and so continuing his travels by the Seven Dials and Long Acre. His morning walk was of a piece with his morning studies, and he took pleasure in the gloom of both. But now the taste of his palate had been already changed by the glare of the lamps in and about palatial Westminster, and he found that St Giles's was disagreeable. The ways about Pall Mall and across the Park to Parliament

ineas was concerned; but Phineas felt nevertheless a certain amount of regret that he should have been compelled to abandon a thing which was regarded both by the porter and by Mr Green as being so desirable. He had however written his letter to Mr Low, and made his promise to Barrington Erle, and was bound to Lady Laura Standish; and he walked out through the old gateway into Chan

great honour to her to have a member of Parliament in her house. Members of Parliament are not so common about Oxford Street as they are in the neighbourhood of Pall Mall and St James's Square. But Mr Bunce, when he came home to his dinner, did not join as heartily as he should hav

ther for the presen

n to have no cler

is for his Pa

ain't no fees to pay 'em. I'll tell you what it is, Jane - if yo


t gents ain't got so much as'll pay their dinners for 'em. And then if anybody doe

r Mr Phineas will eve

s themselves took in always. Our Mr Phineas! Why

acted hands

e months, till his governor come down with the money. I don't know

meant hon

of money. How is he going to see his way, with his seat in Parliament,

his morning, Jacob; so h

s to it. For myself I don't think half so much of Parliament folk as some do. They're for promising ev

t being himself the tenant of the house in Great Marlborough Street. The tenant was a tailor who occupied the shop, whereas Bunce occupied the whole of the remainder of the premises. He was a lodger, and lodgers were not as yet trusted with the franchise. And he had ideas, which he himself admitted to be very raw, as to the injustice of the manner in which he was paid for his work. So much a folio, without reference to the way in which his work was done, without regard to the success of his work, with no questions asked of himself, was, as he thought, no proper way of remunerating a man for his labours

ich Phineas had omitted to pay his bills; but she had kept a fine brave heart during those troubles, and could honestly swear that the children always had a bit of meat, though she herself had been occasionally without it for days together. At such times she would be more than ordinarily meek to Mr Margin, and especially courteous to the old lady who lodged in her first-floor drawing-room - for Phineas lived up two pairs of stairs - and she would excuse such servility by declaring that there was no knowing how soon she might want assistance. But her husband, in such emergencies, would become furious and quarrelsome, and would declare th

st - that the sons of Dukes and Earls go into Parliament, and she liked to think that the fine young man to whom she talked more or less every day should sit with the sons of Dukes and Earls. When Phineas had really brought distress upon her by owing her some thirty or for

nce had said, when the prospect of their lod

think you feel it when you've go

b, is the man as earns his bread; and Mr Fin

in told Mrs Bunce that he had altogether made up his mind about the chamb

Finn; and though it mayn't perhaps be quit

it is quite

ur very best to make you comfortable. Respectable we are,

o me, Mr

o a nasty union just for nothing. Still he means well, and there ain't a man who works h

an to talk poli

Labour going to the wall, I always ask him whether he didn't get his wages regular last Saturday. But, Lord love you, Mr Finn, when a man a

e events. Lord de Terrier was to go out. That was certain. Whether Mr Mildmay was to come in was uncertain. That he would go to Windsor tomorrow morning

aid Phineas to his

and; there is Monk, who is the most unfit; and there is Gresham, who is the most unpopular. I can't concei

would Mil

reater." That was Mr Fitzgibbon's description of the crisis; but then it

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1 Chapter 1 Phineas Finn proposes to stand for Loughshane2 Chapter 2 Phineas Finn is elected for Loughshane3 Chapter 3 Phineas Finn takes his seat4 Chapter 4 Lady Laura Standish5 Chapter 5 Mr and Mrs Low6 Chapter 6 Lord Brentford"s dinner7 Chapter 7 Mr and Mrs Bunce8 Chapter 8 The news about Mr Mildmay and Sir Everard9 Chapter 9 The new Government10 Chapter 10 Violet Effingham11 Chapter 11 Lord Chiltern12 Chapter 12 Autumnal prospects13 Chapter 13 Saulsby Wood14 Chapter 14 Loughlinter15 Chapter 15 Donald Bean"s pony16 Chapter 16 Phineas Finn returns to Killaloe17 Chapter 17 Phineas Finn returns to London18 Chapter 18 Mr Turnbull19 Chapter 19 Lord Chiltern rides his horse Bonebreaker20 Chapter 20 The Debate on the Ballot21 Chapter 21 " Do be punctual "22 Chapter 22 Lady Baldock at home23 Chapter 23 Sunday in Grosvenor Place24 Chapter 24 The Willingford Bull25 Chapter 25 Mr Turnbull"s carriage stops the way26 Chapter 26 " The first speech "27 Chapter 27 Phineas discussed28 Chapter 28 The second reading is carried29 Chapter 29 A Cabinet meeting30 Chapter 30 Mr Kennedy"s luck31 Chapter 31 Finn for Loughton32 Chapter 32 Lady Laura Kennedy"s headache33 Chapter 33 Mr Slide"s grievance34 Chapter 34 Was he honest35 Chapter 35 Mr Monk upon reform36 Chapter 36 Phineas Finn makes progress37 Chapter 37 A rough encounter38 Chapter 38 The duel39 Chapter 39 Lady Laura is told40 Chapter 40 Madame Max Goesler41 Chapter 41 Lord Fawn42 Chapter 42 Lady Baldock does not send a card to Phineas Finn43 Chapter 43 Promotion44 Chapter 44 Phineas and his friends45 Chapter 45 Miss Effingham"s four lovers46 Chapter 46 The Mousetrap47 Chapter 47 Mr Mildmay"s bill48 Chapter 48 " The Duke "49 Chapter 49 The Duellists meet50 Chapter 50 Again successful51 Chapter 51 Troubles at Loughlinter52 Chapter 52 The first Blow53 Chapter 53 Showing how Phineas bore the blow54 Chapter 54 Consolation55 Chapter 55 Lord Chiltern at Saulsby56 Chapter 56 What the people in Marylebone thought57 Chapter 57 The top brick of the chimney58 Chapter 58 Rara avis in terris59 Chapter 59 The Earl"s wrath60 Chapter 60 Madame Goesler"s politics61 Chapter 61 Another duel62 Chapter 62 The letter that was sent to Brighton63 Chapter 63 Showing how the Duke stood his ground64 Chapter 64 The Horns65 Chapter 65 The Cabinet Minister at Killaloe66 Chapter 66 Victrix67 Chapter 67 Job"s comforters68 Chapter 68 The joint attack69 Chapter 69 The Temptress70 Chapter 70 The Prime Minister"s house71 Chapter 71 Comparing notes72 Chapter 72 Madame Goesler"s generosity73 Chapter 73 Amantium irae74 Chapter 74 The beginning of the end75 Chapter 75 P.p.c76 Chapter 76 Conclusion