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Captain Paul

Chapter 2 -THE FRIGATE.

Word Count: 3221    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

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tswain's call,

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eping out of one of the port-holes, near the muzzle of a gun, and which was pointed towards the boat; but the ship being gently moved round by the quiet heaving of the waves, presented her prow toward them, his attention was attracted by the figure-head which generally bears some allusion to the name of the vessel that it decorates: it was a representation of one of the daughters of America, discovered by Columbus, and conquered by Cortez, with a head-dress of many colored feathers, her bosom naked, and ornamented with a coral necklace. As to the remainder of the figure, it was a curious combination, half syren, half serpent, attached to the fore part of the ship in a graceful though fantastic form. The nearer the boat approached the ship, the more did the attention

which he took in his reply under an apparent g

works of the same description, which I have seen,

nt of marble, and to cut figure-heads of ships, when he ought to be employed in sculpturing statues. See," said he, giving an impulsion to the rudder which laid then across her bows, "it is a real necklace of coral that she wears, and they ar

he was gazing at, "to ornament a ship in the same way that one would an animated, bein

every time he perceives one in the distance, rising from the ocean like a flower garden, his heart becomes as joyous as that of a bird, when returning to its nest. Another selects some favorite star from out the firmament, and during the long and lovely nights on the Atlantic, every time he passes the equator, it appears to him that it approaches nearer to him, and salutes him with a more vivid light. There are others, and they are the greater number, who attach themselves to their frigat

one from on board the fr

eplied Emanuel; "throw us a r

ard side, and you will

re going up the ship's side. The officer of the watch came forward

ame uniform as himself, and appeared to be of the same rank, "this

manuel d

he Count Emanuel d'Auray, who anxiously desir

moment arrived," r

ll have the pleasure of showing you through the ship. It is an interesting sight for a land officer, and the more so, as


will be the mor

er, hesitating a little,

your heels too long in the ante-room. Adieu, till I meet you again, count: I shall recommend you in such a way as will insure a good reception for you." With these

he young count had been present at such a repast; and however much he desired to speak immediately to the

action of their knives, but which had to do with hearty fellows who did not appear at all disposed to be daunted by its toughness. At every table there were two cans of wine, that is to say, about a pint for each man. As to the brea

ingle step. Those two who are polishing their table at the expense of their jacket-sleeves, are honest Dutchmen, who still complain: of the injury done to their commerce by the discovery of the Cape of Good Hope. You see them-at first sight they look like very beer-pots. Well, those brave fellows, the moment they hear the drum beat to quarters, become as active as monkeys; Go near them, and they will talk to you about their ancestors; they will tell you they descend from those famous sweepers of the sea, who when going into action, hoisted a broom instead of a flag; but they will take good care not to inform you that one fine morning the English took their broom, and made rods of it to whip them with. That whole table, where they are chattering together at such a rate, but in an under tone, is occupied by Frenchmen, who would talk louder if they dared. The seat of honor is occupied by a chief, elected by themselves; he is a Parisian by birth, a cosmopolite from taste, a great master at the small sword, singlestick, and a dancing-master to boot. Always gay and contented, he sings when he is on duty, sings when h

a certain degree of interest, "how does your captain manage to make h

r he speaks his mother tongue, he; gives such an accent to it that every one understands him and ob

affirmative reply, he requested him to follow him; and the officer who had so conscientiously sustained the part of a cicerone, immediately went on deck to resume his du

It was a blue coat with scarlet facings, a red waistcoat, and breeches of the same color, grey stockings, with frilled shirt and' ruffles. His hair, rolled up in large curls, and powdered quite white, was tied into a queue by a ribbon, the

ression was the more powerful, that he presented himself before him with a conscience that reproached him with the act he was endeavouring to accomplish, and of which he was about to render the cap

t I have the honor of addres

" replied the young mousquetair

ed the captain, "of the visit which is now paid to me by the

itating for a moment as if he found it difficult to open the conversation, he

urpose sailing for New Orleans, calling o

ave to alter your course, in case you should be willing to un

o communicate to me,

Minister o

e personally?" reiterate

ny captain of the royal navy, who may

ature is i

r to be transpor

ve the orde

taking it from his pocket, an

in window, that he might avail himself of

merica, or for the Gulf of Mexico, to take on board his ship and to land at Cayenne, the person named Lusignan, condemned to transportation for life

in due form?"

the captain. "And are yo

e orders of the Mi

may then be

this evening, or as soon as possible, as

that due diligen

that you have

r, excepting to

, and I obey, that's all. It is a duty which I

count bowed to each other and separate

ccompanied him on board, but was informed he had been detained by Captain Paul to sup wit

when they rowed him away with a rapidity equal to that with which they had conducted him on board. But this time she proce

the coast no longer discerned the frigate which had given rise to so many conjectures, and whose unexpected arrival, her remaining

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