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Hard Times


Word Count: 2416    |    Released on: 28/11/2017

out. Bitzer, still holding the paralysed culprit by the collar, stood in

roken down, and miserably submi

uldn't be carried on without one. No man, sir, acquainted with the facts establishe

d Mr. Gradgrind, 'to any

ir,' returned the excellent yo

other; Mr. Gradgrind's face

ting the escape of this wretched youth,' said Mr. Gradgrind, 'a

at time, for I knew his ways. I have kept my observations to myself, but I have made them; and I have got ample proofs against him now, besides his running away, and besides his own confession, which I was just in time to overhear. I had the pleasure of watching your house yesterday morning, and foll

ion of self-interest with

ystem is a question of self-interest. What you must always appeal to, is a person's self-interest. It's your on

Gradgrind, 'will you set aga

our clear head would propose that alternative, I have gone over the calculations in my mind; and I find that to compou

e left to soften you. You were many years at my school. If, in remembrance of the pains bestowed upon you there, you can persuade yourself

anner, 'to find you taking a position so untenable. My schooling was

anybody help without purchase. Gratitude was to be abolished, and the virtues springing from it were not to be. Every inch of the existence of mankind, from bir

ap. But that comes right, sir. I was made in the cheapes

ubled here, by Loui

ainst young Mr. Tom; whereas I have none at all. I am only going, on the reasonable grounds I have mentioned, to take him b

movably jammed in his head as his fixed one, had listened to

me thkylarking. However, thith young man having made it known to be a robbery of a bank, why, that'h a theriouth thing; muth too theriouth a thing for me to compound, ath thith young man hath very properly called it. Conthequently, Thquire, you muthn't quarrel wi

. But, Sissy glanced at him with great attention; nor did she in her own breast misunderstand him. As they were all going out again

o fifteen mile an hour with Childerth driving of him; I've got a dog that'll keep a man to one plathe four-and-twenty hourth. Get a word with the young Thquire. Tell him, when he theeth our horthe begin to danthe, not to be afraid of being thpilt, but to look out for a pony-gig coming up. Tell him

d dog barking round it, and Mr. Sleary instructing him, with his one practicable eye, that Bitzer was the object of his particular attentions. Soon after dark they all three got in and started; the learned

at suspense. At eight o'clock in the morning Mr. S

beat (he would have walthed if he hadn't been in harneth), and then I gave him the word and he went to thleep comfortable. When that prethiouth young Rathcal thed he'd go for'ard afoot, the dog hung on to hith

of course; and hinted as delicately as he

htand a collar for the dog, or a thet of bellth for the horthe, I thould be very glad to take 'em. Brandy and water I alwayth take.' He had already called for a glass, and now called

nd very willingly undertook to render. Though he thou

, whenever you can, you'll more than balanthe the account. Now, Thquire, i

g room; Mr. Sleary, stirring and drinking

d to be told that dogth

said Mr. Gradgrind

o call it'-said Sleary, 'it ith athtonithing. The way

d Mr. Gradgrind,

e of Thleary, in the Horthe-Riding way-thtout man-game eye?" And whether that dog mightn't have thed, "Well, I can't thay I know him mythelf, but I know a dog that I think would be likely to be acquainted with him." And whether that dog mightn't have thought it over, and thed, "Thlea

to be quite confounde

into our Ring, by the thtage door, a dog. He had travelled a long way, he wath in a very bad condithon, he wath lame, and pretty well blind. He went round to our children, one after another, as if he wath a t

s fathe

me talked it over a long time, whether I thould write or not. But we agreed, "No. There'th nothing comfortable to tell; why unthettle her mind, and make her unhappy?" Tho, whether her father bat

is hour; and she will believe in his affection to

water: 'one, that there ith a love in the world, not all Thelf-interetht after all, but thomething very different; t'other, that it bath a way o

and made no reply. Mr. Sleary emptie

I hope your brother may live to be better detherving of you, and a greater comfort to you. Thquire, thake handth, firtht and latht! Don't be croth with uth poor vagabondth. People mutht be amuthed. They ca

y, putting his head in at the door again to

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