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Chaitanya's Life And Teachings

Chapter 8 No.8

Word Count: 3079    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

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from the world, living in seclusion, and not visiting kings even in dreams. I could, however, have contrived somehow an interview between him and you: but he has recently gone to the South." The king asked, "Why did he leave Jagannáth's shrine?" The Bhatta replied, "Such is one of the deeds of saints. They visit holy places on the plea of making pilgrimages, but they thereby bring salvation to worldly men. Vi

oon return. We want a suitable place for him to lodge in; it must be near the temple and yet secluded. Choose such a lodging for him." The king said, "Kashi Mishra's house is just that sort of pla

joiced at the news, and they all begged Sárvabhauma thus, "Lead us to the Master, that through thy mediation we may reach Chai

mbraced them all. After the visit Bhattáchárya led Him to Kashi Mishra's house. Kashi Mishra fell at His feet, and gave up to Him not hi

ri, saying, "All these men have been residing in the Niláchal in eager longing to meet you. They have fared like the thirsty chátak bird that cries in anguish for water. All were determined [to see you]. This one is Janárdan, a constant attendant on the person of Jagannáth. This other is Krishna-das who holds the golden rod [in the temple]. Here is Shikhi Mahanti, the officer in charge of the [temple] secretariate. This, Pradyumna Mishra, is foremost among Vaishnavs, and he waits on Jaga

your five high-souled sons are the five Pandav brothers." The Ray replied, "I am a Shudra, a worldling and a wretch. That you have touched me is the only holy thing [about me]. I lay down at your feet myself with my house, belongings, servants, and five sons. This youth Vánináth will constantly wait on you, to do whatever you bid him. Know me as your own, feel no delicacy, but order whatever you

brought him back here I give him his discharge. Let him go wherever he likes; I have no longer any concern with him." At this Krishna-dás set up a lamentation. When the Master went away for His noonday worship, Nityánanda, Jagadánanda, Mukunda, and Dámodar laid their heads

ged in concern since they heard of your setting out for the South. Let a man go and give them the glad tidings (of your safe return)."

a, Pandit Vakreshwar, Acharya Nidhi, the Pandits Gadadhar, Shrirám, Dámodar, Shrimán, and Rághav, Vijay, Shridhar, and Acharya Nandan. They all went in a body to Adwaita, bowed at his feet, and were clasped to his bosom. Two or three days were spent by the Acharya in great rejoicing (with them), and then he confirmed the desire to make a pilgrimage to the Niláchal. Gathering together at Navadwip, they set off for Jagannáth with mother Shachi's leave. At the report about the Master, Satyaráj and Rámánanda from the Kulin village j

ty that I came hither from Bengal. The news of your return from the South has gladdened the heart of Shachi. The other devotees are coming to see you,

hly) thought and care. As a sannyasi he cast off his sacred thread and took the tonsure, but did not put on the yogi's dress. Swarup was the new name given to him. With his guru's permission he came to the Niláchal, being day and night out of his senses in the bliss of loving Krishna. He was a perfect scholar, holding converse with none, and living in seclusion unknown to the world, He had known the mystery of the love of Krishna; his very body was a picture of love; he seemed the exact second self of the Master. Every book, verse, or song brought to th

clasped the Master's feet while he recited stanza

come); I am like a blind man who has got back his two eyes." Swarup answered, "Pardon my sin, Master I erred grievously when I left you and sought another (guru). I had not a particle of faith in

ourtesy as he met Jagadánanda, Mukunda, Shankar, Sárvabhauma, and Paramananda Puri.

after visiting holy places. At my Master's bidding I have hastened to your feet." To this the Master replied, "Ishwar Puri loved me like a son, and has sent you to me as a favour." At this Sárvabhauma asked, "How could the Puri retain a Shudra attendant?" The Master answered, "God is supremely independent. His mercy is not bound by (the rules of) the

ru is honourable to me, and it is not seemly that he should serve me. And yet the guru has commanded it. What should I do?" The Bhatta answered, "A guru

nt, while Govinda made arrangements for all the Vaishnavs. He was accompanied by the two Haridases (who were surnamed

Bhárati Goswámi wear a skin?" At this Brahmánanda inly reflected, "He likes not my robe of deer skin. He has spoken well. A skin is worn as a mark of pride (of asceticism). The wearing of it cannot give me salvation from the World. Henceforth I shall renounce this garment." The Master learnt of his thought, and had a cloth brought, which Brahmánanda put on after discarding the skin. Then the Master bowed at his feet, but the Bhárati objected saying, "These your acts are for instructing the people. Never bow down to me again, it frightens me. Here are now tw

he Master said, "Whatever you say must be true. In a logical disputation, the disciple must always yield to the guru." But the Bhárati objected, "No, no, the reason (of my victory) is otherwise. It is thy nature to admit defeat at the hands of thy bhaktas. Listen to another feat of thine. All my life I had worshipped

elf in the flesh. Love alone can enable us to see him. His favour is the (only) means of seeing him." The Master cried out, "Holy God! Holy God! what art thou saying, Sárvabhauma? Your prais

h, removing the crowd from before Him. As all rivers and brooks unite in the ocean, so did the Master's worshippers, wherever they might have been,

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