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Christ Legends

Chapter 7 No.7

Word Count: 2021    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

fe, and she had had a dream during the night p

down upon the beautiful court, which, according to the Orient

her the pest-ridden, with bodies swollen with boils; lepers with disfigured faces; the paralytics, who coul

get into the house; and a number of those w

e door and came out on the threshold,

h sent to the world. Where is the Prophet of Nazareth, he who is master

nt and indifferent tone-as palace servant

g to seek the great Prophe

eeth which she could not bear to hear. Her heart was wrung with compassion, a

she stood on the roof of her house and looked down

h their long hair, and those who had braided themselves crowns of straw and mantles of grass and believed they were kings, and those who crawled on the ground and thou

alace gate. And the ones who stood near

lave stepped out on the threshol

great Prophet of Nazareth, he who was sent of God,

ndifferent tone: "It is useless for you to se

hey began to lacerate themselves until the blood ran down on the stones. And when she that

nd about her sat her slaves, who played for her upon cymbals and zithers, and the almond

to the balustrade which incloses the roof, and se

id: "I do not care to see any more of

d against wood. Her slaves ceased their singing and playing and hurried over to the railing and l

ing their heavy planks, and those who were rowers on war galleys come with their heavy iron-bound oars. And those who were condemned to be crucified came dragging their crosses, and those who were to be beheaded cam

es cried as with one

ntrance stepped to the door and

phet of Nazareth, who has come to the world to give the pr

nd indifferent tone: "You can not fi

re arose such an outburst of scorn and blasphemy that heaven and earth tre

to herself: "I would not dream more. Now I want to remain a

wsiness crept in upon her anew, and she la

f her house, and now her little son ran back

and see who they are that stand and wait in your court!" But she who dreamed said to herself

alustrade, and the child ran forward and clambered up on the railing.

er eyes downward, and once more she

They came with severed bodies, with cut-off limbs, and with big open woun

on the battlefield. They were the fatherless who mourned their protectors, and th

ainst the door, and the watchman

wounded in battles and skirmish

ohibit wars and rumors of wars and bring peace to the earth. We seek hi

re come to pester me! I have already said it often enoug

. "I do not wish to hear it," said she, and rushed away from the balustrade. That instant she awoke.

ore that night, and again sleep overpowered h

, and beside her stood her husband. She to

h said to her: "Go see the pe

not see them. I have see

and her husband walked over to the balustrade to

r the railing, than he beckoned

s man?" said he,

ith horses and riders, slaves were busy unloading asses and camel

He was a large elderly man with broad sho

whispered to her husband: "It is C?sar Tiberius, wh

time he placed his finger on his mouth, as a signal that they

er came out and asked the

with God's power to perform miracles. It is Emperor Tiberius who calls him, tha

y humbly and said: "My lord, be not wro

is slaves, who waited below in t

of ornaments, others carried goblets studded with pe

and said: "All this shall be his, if he helps Tiberius

said: "Master, be not wroth with thy serv

pair of them hurried forward with a richly embroidere

him is the power over Judea. He shall rule his people like

earth, and said: "Master, it is

n, and his slaves rushed up with a

ccessor, and give him dominion over the world. He shall have power to rule the world a

tone: "Master, it does not lie in my power to attend to thy comma

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