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Cinq Mars, v1

Chapter 2 THE STREET

Word Count: 3608    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

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re not all the work of one man, but were caused by great and grave bodies. It is melancholy to observe that in this age, still full of disorder, the clergy, like a nation, had its populace, as it had its nobility, its ignorant and its criminal prelates, a

tanding this consolatory reflection, we have found it incumbent upon us to pass over many details too odious to occupy a place in our pages, sighing in spirit at those guilty acts which i

ng any attention to the travellers, was pressing tumultuously toward a large edifice that adjoined the church. Here and there dense crowds were collected, listening in silence to some voice that seemed raised in exhortation, or engaged in emphatic reading; then, furious cries, min

would ever have thought that the Evil Spiri

Ursulines should be p

torments the Superior is ca

rough her mouth; and the reverend Father Lactantius has driven out in like manner the demon Beherit. But the other five will not depart, and when the holy exorcists (whom Heaven support!) summoned them in Latin to withdraw, they replied insolently that they would not go till they had

ll of a tremble! And to think that many times I h

to him ten months ago! No doubt I should have been possessed myself

gossip; "for-no offence!- you, as I remember,

he group, smoking his pipe, "don't you know tha

f the building, and thus sure of making their way in among the first when it should be thrown open, sat down upon the stone bench at the side, and, talking of the latest wonders, raised th

ne of the eldest gossip, "that

e same; and it was to convince you of it I brought you w

encourage a conversation which diverted from herself the

er Lactantius pronounced the name of Urbain Grandier, foam came out of her mouth, and she talked Latin for all the world as if she were reading the Bible. Of course, I did not understand what she said, and all I can remember of it now is, 'Urbanus Magicus rosas diabolica,' which they tell me means that the magician Urbain had bewitched

led women, turning toward the crowd, and more particularly toward a group of men attired in blac

he soldier. "They think they're at the witche

t not upon such subjects in the open air, or, in such a time

soldier; "my name is Grand-Ferre, and I've got h

ut meeting no glance which returned the defiance of his own, he slowly withdrew, left foot foremost, and strolled along the dark, narrow streets w

ew instance of the popular frenzy appeared, they exchanged glances of wonder and apprehension. Their mute depression communicated itself to the working-people, and to the peasants who had flocked in from the adjacent country, and who, all sought a guide for their o

mility, in order to confuse him whom he addresses with the very height of his isolated elevation. He exaggerates the awkwardness of his manner and the rudeness of his speech, as a means of covering his real thoughts under the appearance of mere uncouthness; yet, despite all his self-comma

ns and nephews, all wearing the broad-brimmed hat and the blue frock or blouse of the ancient Gauls, which the peasants

with exposure to the weather, a forehead bald and wrinkled with age, and long, white hair. His shoulders were bent with years and labor, but he was still a hale and sturdy man.

Chenaie to visit the town, when it's not market-day? Why, 'tis as if your oxen were to

es the rabbit runs across our path of itself; but, in truth, I've a notion that s

igned his office of Attorney-General last night, that he might henceforth devote his eloquence to the service of his own noble thoughts.

said Fournier; "truth i

aught in all time

ority and that precocious maturity of soul which are developed by deep study in youth, combined with natural energy of character. He was attired wholly in black, with a short cloak in the fashion of the day, and carried under his left arm a roll of documents, which, when speaking, he would take in th

w is it you have brought with you only yo

ance of the nuns; and, moreover, just now the lads with their stave

urselves at all; rather stand quietly aside to view the procession wh

l as well as the worthy 'ligueurs';" and shaking his head he leaned against a post, his knotty staff between his crossed legs, his hands clasped o

the assassin's blade from acquiring the whiteness which that of the old peasant had peacefully attained. A furious pealing of the bells, however, attracted the general attention to the end of the great stree

of Gray Penitents-men attired in long, gray robes, the hoods of which entirely covered their heads; masks of the same stuff terminated below their chins in points, like beards, each having three holes for the eyes and nose. Even at the present day w

their various feeli

l hidden under those

lier than the mask itse

aid," tremulously

or my purse," said

ghbors, 'tis a joyful thing to have it among us! Beyond a doubt it will save us; see, it shows the devil in flames, and a monk fastening a chain round his neck, to

ure," whispered the Count du Lude to the advoca

d another of those near her to attract their attention to the objects of her admiration; "see, there's excellent

continued M. du Lude, in undertones, to the young advocate, who, surrounded and hidden from public observ

reamed the woman. "Mak

e of Saint-Jac

murmured on

" exclaimed a

in he is wi

le he is wi

n to drive a

e's done with them f

ed by the general exclamat

a gold cross; but the dazzling pallor of her face, rendered still more conspicuous by the dark hue of her capuchon, at once fixed the general gaze upon her. Her brilliant, dark eyes, which bore the impress of some deep and burning passion, were crowned with eyebrows so perfectly arched that Nature herself seemed to have taken as much pains to form them as the Circa

e how Sister Agnes and Sister Claire

p because they are t

ly voice that spoke before, "because

ace, with grandeur in its whole expression, and gentleness in every feature. Affecting no scornful indifference to his position, he looked calmly and kindly around, as if he sought on his dark path the affectionate glances of those who loved him. Nor did he seek in vain; here and there he encountered those glances, and joy

al and color; he had the face of a Don Basilio, with the eye of Nero. He motioned the guards to surround him more closely, when he saw with affright the dark group we have mentioned, and the strong

an Urbain Grandier, upon the various articles of accusation brought against him, assisted by the reverend Fathers Mignon, canon, Barre,

opular sedition; its proceedings are declared null, and its letter to the King, against us, the judges, which has been inte

are not possessed by the Evil Spirit, or to doubt of the power of the exorc

sheriffs obey this.

e year of g

mont urged forward the procession, which entered the great building already referred to-an ancient convent, whose interior had crumbled away, its walls now forming one vast hall, well adapted for the purpose to whic

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