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Word Count: 1675    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

sh, what word is there in our language? None of course; because there has never been anything like it until now. Gentleness, sweetness, gracefulness, purity, simplicity, warmth of heart, gratitude

rely this is their own fair logic,

. But the path of true love still was crossed by one little bar, w

go at Oxford, and might have gone in for honours there, though very likely not to get them. But in all this thoroughly sound education, I had never dreamed of Modern Geography. I could have told you, though it is all gone now, the name of every village in Peloponnese, and of every hill in Attica, and the shape of every bay and island, and a pestilent lot of them there was, from the Hellespont to T?narus. But if you had asked me the na

. Ispahan, and Teheran, and other rhymes for caravan, had a gorgeous oriental sound, as of regions of romance, inhabited by Peris, and paved with gold and diamonds. And the glow that flickered through the wheat that

for you. What do you supp

d novel on his lap. We had knocked off work for half an hour in the middle of the day, just to get a bit to eat; and I was not best plea

in the yell

ound out is where the beer-can is; you are not even worthy of your

theories that you are so wonderfully wise with. I must have heard you

, and conditions, and a whole variety of circumstances, that may make

dn't stand that. Nature never meant me for a reaper, George. And you may thank the Lord that I did not cut your legs off. But what do you think

happen to refer to my sister, I will thank you to call her 'Miss

Miss Grace Cranleigh, daughter of Sir Harold Cranleigh, Bart. Is th

d once let this knowledge escape him, in the presence of my father and mother, or worst of all in that of my sister, it would be all up with Stoneman's chance of marrying Grace Cranleigh. And as to binding Tom to secrecy

t take in such rubbish, just do this, Tom, will you? Keep your eyes wide open, my boy. You know how sharp you are, Tom. But not a

think. No, that is Ispahan. Tut, tut, what a fool I am!-of course I know all ab

nd out in a moment. Never mind, it doesn't matter; and here we go to work again. Now what is the sweetest smell, do

to make. Or perhaps a field of new bean-blossom. I never k

e leaf, among the glossy quills that sheltered it. But come along; if you can't swing hook without peril of manslaughter, you can bind, or you can set u

and you know how I can jump and run, and a good light weight with the gloves I am; but this job beats me altogether. 'Pay your footing, sir, pay your footing!' You'll hav

eremony at the cottage. This, though a very simple business, must be done in the proper form; and then it would be my duty perhaps to of

r is delighted with your sprightly little tales. Go and put yo

if it comes to that, where may you find true bliss so near at home, as in being pleased with your own good self? Our Tom had a happy time. Nothing long tormented him. He carried a lofty standard with him, and flop

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1 Chapter 1 A NIGHTINGALE2 Chapter 2 THE FAMILY3 Chapter 3 TOM ERRICKER4 Chapter 4 MR. STONEMAN5 Chapter 5 TICKNOR'S MEW6 Chapter 6 TRUE HYGIENE7 Chapter 7 KUBAN8 Chapter 8 THROUGH THE CORN9 Chapter 9 STRANGE SENSATIONS10 Chapter 10 UPON THE GROUND11 Chapter 11 S R IMAR.12 Chapter 12 IN THE BACKGROUND13 Chapter 13 SMILES AND TEARS14 Chapter 14 THE RUBY CROSS15 Chapter 15 No.1516 Chapter 16 INTERNATIONAL ELEMENTS17 Chapter 17 PEPPERCORNS18 Chapter 18 A LOVEBIRD19 Chapter 19 TO CLEAR THE WAY20 Chapter 20 NOT FOR SALE21 Chapter 21 VOICES OF THE VALLEY22 Chapter 22 IMAR'S TALE-WAR23 Chapter 23 IMAR'S TALE-LOVE24 Chapter 24 IMAR'S TALE-PEACE25 Chapter 25 IMAR'S TALE-CRIME26 Chapter 26 IMAR'S TALE-REVENGE27 Chapter 27 IMAR'S TALE-EXILE28 Chapter 28 SANGUINE STILL29 Chapter 29 LARGE AND LONG VIEWS30 Chapter 30 IN THE QUIET PLACES31 Chapter 31 PIT-A-PAT32 Chapter 32 A PAINFUL DUTY33 Chapter 33 TREMBLING34 Chapter 34 REJOICING35 Chapter 35 A RACE OF PLATERS36 Chapter 36 GONE, GONE, GONE37 Chapter 37 LOVERS MAKE MOAN38 Chapter 38 BLACK FRIDAY39 Chapter 39 FRANGI, NON FLECTI40 Chapter 40 TWAIN MORE THAN TWIN41 Chapter 41 A CROOKED BILLET42 Chapter 42 FAREWELL, SMILER43 Chapter 43 THE LAND OF MEDEA44 Chapter 44 THE LAND OF PROMETHEUS45 Chapter 45 AMONG THE GEMS46 Chapter 46 QUEEN MARVA47 Chapter 47 WOLF'S MEAT48 Chapter 48 USI, THE SVN49 Chapter 49 THE EYE OF GOD50 Chapter 50 TWO OLD FRIENDS51 Chapter 51 THE ROOT OF EVIL52 Chapter 52 STILL IN THE DARK53 Chapter 53 A RUTHLESS SCHEME54 Chapter 54 THE VALLEY OF RETRIBUTION55 Chapter 55 AT THE BAR56 Chapter 56 HARD IS THE FIGHT57 Chapter 57 BUT NOT IN VAIN