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Desert Dust

Chapter 4 CHAPTER IV

Word Count: 3981    |    Released on: 06/12/2017


n City, Wyoming Territory? The dust, as fine as powder and as white, but shot through with the crimson of sunset, hung like a fog, amidst which swelled a deafening clamor from figu

. Best in the Wes

e Buffalo Hump! Free dri

t to me. I've had him before. Mik

yore grub pile, gent. All

e boomed, s

room. 55 Individual towels. The Queen,

the promise of "individual towels," won me over. Something must be done, anyway, to get rid of these importunate runners. Thereupon I acquiesced, "All right,

as from a great city swelled strident: shouts, hammerings, laughter, rumble of vehicles, cracking of lashes, barkings of dogs innumerable-betokening a thriving mart of industry. But although pedestrians streamed to and fro, the men in motley of complexions

he housings were large, none was more than two stories-and when now and again I thought that I had glimpsed a substantial stone front a closer inspection told me that the stones were imitation, forming a veneer o

the pedestrians, vehicles and horses and dogs, in a thoroughfare that was innocent of sidewalk, I really had scant opportunity to gaze; certainly no opportunity as yet to get my bearings. My squat guide shuttled aside; a group

d a number of small tables (all well 57 patronized), and was brought up at the counter, under the alert eyes of a cl

eavily dro

you," he

and bath," I sa

the signature. "Four dollars and four bits, please. Show the

u b

I expostulated. "How so?

he door while you're in. Nobody'll disturb you. But th


(and I indicated the gnome, who grinned from dus

gister and then me. They laughed-nudged one ano

e best bath in town. 58 Entirely private; fresh towel supplied. Only one dollar an

trated-the bath charge

to charge transients in advance. That is the ru


make Benton pleasant for you. The greatest city in the West. An

en unsympathetic onlookers, the suave but incisive manner of the clerk, the sense of having been "done" and through my own fault, I peeled a greenback from the folded packet in my purs

s old New

had stepped forward, his pudgy hand hospitably outstretched 59 to me: a man in wide-brimmed dusty black hat, frayed and dusty but, in spots, shiny, black

y. It enclosed mine with a so

aw it, sir," I responded

to be proud of, suh. I welcome you, su

om Albany?"

From the grand old Empire State, like yourself, suh, and without ap

" I inquired. "You know

h, sur. Doubtless in the City-at Johnny Chamberlain's? Yes?" His fishy eyes beamed upon me, and his breath smelled strongly of liquor. "Or the Astor? I shall remember. Meanwhile, suh

prefer to tidy my perso

he bill. I stuffed it into my pocket-the Colonel's singular eyes followed it with unc

entleman to his quarters and pu

the clerk carelessly c

ave a trunk at the

will te

he gnome

bath?" I

five ahead of you, and one gentleman now

e, slightly listed by the weight of the bag in his left hand, I remarke

corridor 61 set at regular intervals on either hand with numbered deal doors, some open to reve

tenanted by a frowsy headed, whiskered man asleep in shirt-sleeves and revolver and boots; the third, at th

grunt of relief. "Now, suh, as you say, you desire to freshen the outer man after your journey. With your permission I will awai

ake of soap, a tin ewer, with a dingy towel hanging from a nail under a cracked mirror and over a tin slop-bucket; item, three spitt

were of once-white, stained muslin through 62 which sifte

bulge underneath his skirts jutted more pronoun

yself," I stammered. "The clerk m

own as very choice, and I congratulate you, suh. I myself will see to it that you shall have your bed to yourself, if you entertain objections to doubling up. We are, suh, a trifle crowded in Bento

best hotel?

invidious comparisons, their proprietors being friends of mine. But I will go so far

eared beasts almost within touch, boiling about through the narrow lane between the placarded makeshift structures. I lifted my smarting eyes, and across the hot sheet

ms, then?" I asked, choki

you may sleep with your boots on, and no questions asked. Gener'ly speaking, gentlemen prefer to

wsy, whiskered man, who had awak

when there's fresh bait handy. That's why I likes to double up. That there Sa

low me to interdeuce you. Shake hands with my friend Mr. Bill Brady. Bill,

fted his revolver so as not to s

nce, sir. Any friend of the C

esires to attend to his person. Mr. Brady, suh," he continued, for my benefit

'. The Last Chance got a leetle too much on the brace for healthy play; and

"has been one of our most distinguished bankers, but he has re

here is it, gentl

foh your preliminary toilet and foh a little refreshment and a pasear in town. I judge, with five ahead of you and one in, the clerk was mighty near right when he said about two hours. That allows twenty minutes to

in take an all-over, myself, in

ath in a public tub is rather steep, seems to me

great and growing city is founded upon the sheer face of the Red Desert, where the railroad stopped-the river being occupied by a Government reservation named Fort Steele. The Government-the United States Government, suh-having corralled the river where the railroad crosses, until we procure a nearer supply

stomach sank and my gorge rose as I 66 rummaged through that

e Colonel craned to peer into my valise-and

lass New York bars still maintains its repu

y, I'm sure,

your own stock. That bottle which I see doesn't ha

oilet water. I am sorry to s

l bravely consoled. "Bill, we shall have to personally c

o' business, if you don't m

hysician to seek a place in the Far West that is high and dry. Benton"-and I laughed miserably, "certainly is dry." For n

re is the Platte only three miles distant. The nearer proximity of water we consider a detriment to the robustness of a community. Our rainy weather is toler'bly infrequent. The last

t didn't last long-not more'n

popular brand that you can't get in Benton, and I hold that we have the most skillful mixtologists

Well over seven thousand feet, 'c

n won't tote a match across a street foh less than a drink. Money grows, suh, foh the picking. Our 68 merchants are clearing thirty thousand dollars a month, and the professional gentleman who tries to limit his game is considered a low-down tin-horn. Yes, suh.

?" I re

on, suh. Or do you intend to

in the habit of

ie," Bill remarked. "Gents and ladies

ilet, and was glad, for the

iod, gentlemen," I announced. "Later I have

. Bill stood, and seized his ha

"I claim the privilege, of course. And after that-you have sporting blood,

develop it I 69 replied guardedly, a

t averse to any le

him; and a fellow kin see you've cut yore eye-teeth. Wha

if you please?

lated each other. Bill scratched h

the North Star," he proffered. "I kin

. "It's rather early in the evening foh close quarters. Are you particularly partial to the tiger or the cases, suh?" he queried of me. "Or would y

ompanion. But I do not intend to be a spoil sport, and I shall be glad to have you

eared delighted. "Let us libate to the gods

re?" I prompted, as we

cted in Benton. We'd hang the man who moved

down the echoing hall and the shaking stairs, into the lobby, peopled as before by men i

ikker, gentlemen. A lit

Bill brie

felt that the bystanders were waiting. My garb proclaimed the "pilgrim

you have it,

sigh, broken by a few sniggers, voiced the appraisal of the a

rotested. "A pony of brandy, 71 Ed-or just a dash to cut the water in it. T

I, "but I prefer

ight, same as the rest of you,

and smack of lips; and I hastily quaffed my lemonade. From the dollar which the Colonel grandly flung upon the bar he r

e at once engulfed by a ferment o

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