Desperate Remedies
ndscape quivered up and down like the flame of a taper, as they steamed along through the midst of it. Placid flocks of sheep reclining unde
buckets were lowered inside the covers of the well-hole, to preserve them from the fate of the butts, and gen
ey possess the charming faculty of drawing new sensations from an old experience-a heal
nd dry-the spots upon which pools usually spread their waters showing themselves as circles of smooth bare soil, over-run by a net-work of innumerable little fissures. Then arose plantations of firs, abruptly terminating beside meadows cleanly mown, in which hi
ghout the day. He called upon Mr. Gradfield-the only man who had been dir
tout, active, grey-bearded burgher of sixty-by which Ow
rew up and sent off the
sirous of meeting w
ion. She is compete
Satisfactory refere
fice, B
at she saw thus delineated on the paper. 'That can'